Development of a Curriculum to Enhance Informative Speaking Ability Based on Competency-based Approach in English for Upper Secondary School Students


  • Nonglak Pangroean Chulalongkorn University
  • Wipawan Wongsuwan Kongpow Chulalongkorn University
  • Sumalee Chinokul Chulalongkorn University


competency-based approach curriculum development, enhancing speaking ability in English, English informative public speaking


The principle purposes of this research and development study were to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of Thailand’s secondary school curriculum, and enhance the informative English speaking skills of secondary school students using a competency-based approach. The study comprised four main stages, namely: 1) Preparation; 2) Development; 3) Implementation; and 4) Evaluation. The curriculum was verified and tested by experts, and a one-group pre-test/ post-test design was used to investigate the effectiveness of the curriculum. The samples consisted of 40 grade 11 students in the 2015 academic year. The research instruments employed consisted of an achievement test, and assessment of speaking ability and attitude. Data were analysed through pair t-test, and content analysis.  Research findings found that the development curriculum included 10 components, namely: 1) Principles of curriculum; 2) Aims of curriculum; 3) 15 English informative speaking standard competences; 4) Subject description; 5) Learning outcomes; 6) Learning time structure; 7) Units of teaching; 8) Instructional design; 9) Teaching materials; and 10) Evaluation guidelines. After implementing the developed curriculum, the speaking ability and attitude of the students were significantly higher than before, at an 0.05 level of significance, and every student demonstrated an important upward trend of English informative speaking ability, thus verifying the hypothesis.


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How to Cite

Pangroean, N. ., Wongsuwan Kongpow , W. ., & Chinokul , S. . (2020). Development of a Curriculum to Enhance Informative Speaking Ability Based on Competency-based Approach in English for Upper Secondary School Students. Journal of Education Studies, 48(4), 200–220. Retrieved from