University Library Management Strategies to Enhance Lifelong Learning Skills of Students


  • Subin Chaiya Chulalongkorn University
  • Pruet Siribanpitak Chulalongkorn University
  • Piyapong Sumettikoon Chulalongkorn University


management strategies, university library management, lifelong learning skills, undergraduate students


The purpose of this research was to develop university library management strategies to enhance lifelong learning skills of students. This study was conducted using a mixed method approach. The samples of the study were 97 state and private university libraries. A questionnaire and a strategic evaluation form of feasibility and appropriateness were used as tools to collect data. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNI modified and f-test were used to analyze the collected data.

The research findings showed that the five main strategies of university library management to enhance lifelong learning skills of students are 1) Library development strategies for lifelong learning resources in the digital age; 2) Intellectual repository use promotion strategies for lifelong learning of students; 3) Innovative digital information literacy teaching strategies for support of lifelong learning of students; 4) Environment management strategies for lifelong learning, and 5) Competency development strategies in lifelong learning for information professionals.



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How to Cite

Chaiya , S. ., Siribanpitak, P. ., & Sumettikoon , P. . (2020). University Library Management Strategies to Enhance Lifelong Learning Skills of Students. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 260–279. Retrieved from