Effects of 7E Learning Cycle Model with the STAD Cooperative Learning Technique towards Learning Achievement and Attitude towards Biology of 11th-grade Students


  • Nawapol Kittiwongsa Burapha University
  • Kittima Panprueksa Burapha University
  • Somsiri Singlop Piboonbumpen Demonstration School of Burapha University
  • Chade Sirisawat Burapha University


7E learning cycle model, 7E learning cycle model with STAD cooperative learning technique, learning achievement towards biology, attitude towards biology


The purpose of this research was to compare learning achievement and attitude towards biology among 11th-grade students using the 7E Learning Cycle Model and 7E Learning Cycle Model with cooperative learning technique, STAD. The samples were 2 classes of 11th-grade students from a school in Chonburi province who were selected using Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were a Biology Learning Achievement Test and an Attitude towards Biology Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by 1) comparing the post-test mean scores of Learning Achievement regarding Nervous system and Sensory organs among students in both groups against the 70 percent criterion for success by using one sample t-test, and 2) comparing the post-test mean scores regarding Learning Achievement and Attitude towards Biology among students of both groups by using independent samples t-tests.

The research findings showed that 1) The post-test mean scores of Learning Achievement of students in both groups were higher than the 70 percent criterion at the statistically significant .01 level. 2) The post-test mean scores of Learning Achievement and Attitude towards Biology among students in the class assessed using 7E Learning Cycle Model with cooperative learning technique, STAD, were higher than that of students in the class using 7E Learning Cycle Model at the statistically significant .01 level.


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How to Cite

Kittiwongsa , N. ., Panprueksa, K. ., Singlop, S. ., & Sirisawat, C. . (2020). Effects of 7E Learning Cycle Model with the STAD Cooperative Learning Technique towards Learning Achievement and Attitude towards Biology of 11th-grade Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 48(2), 111–128. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/243187