Academic Management of Tutorial Schools according to the Concept of Enhancing Thailand’s Competitiveness in the Global Arena


  • Krittiya Panthong Chulalongkorn University
  • Chayapim Usaho Chulalongkorn University
  • Pruet Siribanpitak Chulalongkorn University


academic management of tutorial schools, Thailand’s competitiveness in the global arena


          The objectives of the research were 1) to study the conceptual framework of academic management, and 2) to analyze the current and desirable states of academic management of tutorial schools according to the concept of enhancing Thailand’s competitiveness in the global arena. A mixed method was used. The samples were comprised of 191 tutorial schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission. The respondents were tutorial school directors, teachers of Thai or foreign language, teachers of mathematics, and teachers of science. The research instruments consisted of data analysis and synthesis tables, data correction and appropriateness assessment, and a questionnaire. Using spss for windows to acquire the means, frequency, percentages and standard deviations, the findings were as follows:

  1. The conceptual framework of academic management was composed of 2 frameworks 1) The framework of academic management comprising Curriculum Development, Learning Process Management and Measurement and Assessment. 2) The framework of enhancing Thailand’ s competitiveness in the global arena, comprising 3 capacities (1) Reading Literacy (2) Mathematical Literacy and (3) Scientific Literacy.
  2. The current state showed that the academic management was assessed at a moderate level in every aspect, though Measurement and Assessment was at the highest level, followed by Learning Process Management, and Curriculum Development, respectively. The desirable state showed that the requirement for academic management was at the high level, followed by Measurement and Assessment, learning Process Management, and Curriculum Development, respectively.


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How to Cite

Panthong , K., Usaho , C. ., & Siribanpitak , P. . (2020). Academic Management of Tutorial Schools according to the Concept of Enhancing Thailand’s Competitiveness in the Global Arena. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 18–33. Retrieved from