An Information Technology Management Model of Instruction for Improving the Quality of Education in Small-scale Primary Schools, Bangkok Metropolis Vicinity Area
information technology management, improving quality education, small- scale primary schoolsAbstract
The study aimed to: 1) study the current situation of information technology management in learning and teaching, 2) create an information technology management pattern in learning and teaching, and 3) evaluate the information technology management pattern in learning and teaching. The target groups were 3 of each school which were executive and personnel from 105 small primary schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan perimeter which were 315 people in total. Questionnaire, in-depth interview form, and evaluation form of An Information Technology Management Model of Instruction for Improving the Education Quality were research tools. Data analyzed by using means, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results have shown that:
- The current situation of information technology management in learning and teaching there are 4 major components of information technology management in learning and teaching for improving education quality as follows: Component 1) School administration; Component 2) Management and teaching including educational technology; Component 3) Education quality promotion factors; and Component 4) School education quality.
- The information technology management pattern in learning and teaching for improving the education quality is a set of the identification of highlights, objectives, processes and methods based on the structure of administration, management, education quality promotion factors and school education quality.
- Overall, the information technology management pattern in learning and teaching for improving the education quality of small primary schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan perimeter is suitable and possible for most levels with a low standard deviation of data as well as in components by component consideration.
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