A Development of Activity Model for the Enhancement of Nursing Students’ Self-Efficacy in Performing an Educational Intervention to Promote Health of Community-Dwelling Older Adults


  • ยุพเรศ พญาพรหม Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai




The aim of this research and development was to develop an activity model for the enhancement of nursing students’ self-efficacy in performing an educational intervention to promote health of community-dwelling older. The research process consisted of four steps: the first step was to study baseline data, related concepts and theories, problems and requirements regarding the Nursing Practicum course for health promotion and prevention as well as nursing students’ views on this practicum course. The second step was to develop an activity model, and the third step was to implement the activity model. The fourth step was to evaluate and improve the activity model. The results of the research revealed that the developed model consisted of 6 components, including (1) the principle of the activity model (2) Goal of the activity model (3) Objective of the activity model (4) Contents (5) Implementing of learning activities and (6) Measurement and evaluation. The developed model was examined by experts with the IOC value of 0.88. The effectiveness of the developed model was evaluated, and the results showed that the mean post-test knowledge score was significantly higher than the mean pre-test score. The students’ mean self-efficacy score in performing an educational intervention to promote health of community-dwelling older adults increased significantly from pre-test to the end-of-course test. Eighty percent of sample had high level of skills in providing patient education and health promotion activities. The students 'satisfaction toward the developed model was at the high level. In addition, the elderly’s satisfaction toward the teaching skills of nursing students was at the high level.


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How to Cite

พญาพรหม ย. (2019). A Development of Activity Model for the Enhancement of Nursing Students’ Self-Efficacy in Performing an Educational Intervention to Promote Health of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 386–406. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232112