Causal Factors of Educational Supervision Influencing Competencies of Teachers in the Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Pracharath School Project


  • มารุต ทรรศนากรกุล Chulalongkorn University
  • จุไรรัตน์ สุดรุ่ง Chulalongkorn University




The objectives of this study were to 1) investigate the causal models of factors in educational supervision influencing teachers’ competencies; 2) examine the correlation between the models and the empirical evidence and 3) analyze the variation of causal relationships of educational supervision influencing teachers’ competencies. The population included 21,812 teachers in the opportunity expansion schools under the Pracharath School Projects, 1,040 of whom were selected as participants based on multi-stage random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire. In addition to SPSS for Window Version 21 and R, inferential statistics, reference statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were applied to analyze the data.

The findings revealed that (1) supervisory patterns, supervisory behaviors and supervisory activities were causal factors that influenced the teachers’ competencies; and (2) the correlation between the 4-models and the empirical evidence were strongly correlated (3) therefore, four causal models could be constructed as follows: 1. Clinical supervision model, in which supervisory patterns were the variables that directly influenced the teachers’ competencies most (  = 0.44) with statistical significance at .05 2. Cooperative professional development supervision model, in which supervisory behaviors were the variables that directly influenced the teachers’ competencies most (  = 0.42) 3. Self-development supervision model, in which supervisory patterns were the variables that directly influenced the teachers’ competencies most (  = 0.79) with statistical significance at .05 4. Administrative supervision model, in which supervisory patterns conducted by administrators were the variables that directly influenced the teachers’ competencies most (  = 0.36)


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How to Cite

ทรรศนากรกุล ม., & สุดรุ่ง จ. (2019). Causal Factors of Educational Supervision Influencing Competencies of Teachers in the Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Pracharath School Project. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 366–385. Retrieved from