Selling an Online Photo or Stock Photography and the Lifelong Learning in an Online Community of Practice


  • นรินธน์ นนทมาลย์ University of Phayao




Selling photo online or stock photography is one of the way to earn income in digital age. To sell photo online, sellers have to prepare many things which they can also learn from various online media. Another learning channel is from the community of sellers who sharing the same purpose, forming the group with an aim to exchange opinions, experiences, to suggest new ideas as well as to resolves issues arising out of selling photo online. This group is known as the community of practice. With technologies and devices for communication between sellers worldwide, sellers have become a part of the community of practice where they can learn the sale techniques interact continuously. The learning process have eventually become a lifelong learning process among members of the community of practice since the demand of buyers regarding purpose of using photos is likely to change periodically. On the other hand, the photography equipment and techniques are also developed constantly.

The procedures of selling photo online are depended on each agent. In conclusion, the composition of selling photo online consists of 6 elements namely (1) Contributor, (2) Photography equipment, (3) Photo, (4) Contributor identity document, (5) Information technology equipment, and (6) Bank account. The procedures of selling photos online consist of 7 steps as follows (1) Sign up, (2) Uploading photos, (3) Insert description and keyword for the photo, (4) Awaiting photo verification, (5) Confirming identity, (6) Filling up tax detail, and (7) Filling up payment detail.


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How to Cite

นนทมาลย์ น. (2019). Selling an Online Photo or Stock Photography and the Lifelong Learning in an Online Community of Practice. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 268–288. retrieved from