Transformational Management Affecting Academic Administration of Schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 1


  • ชมนาถ ลือภูขียว Eastern Asia University
  • สุรชัย สิกขาบัณฑิต Eastern Asia University




The objectives of this research were to study the level of academic administration and change management in schools under the the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Area Office 1. Informants were 320 principals and teachers of schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Area Office 1. Questionnaire was used as research tool. Data were analyzed by using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlational coefficients, and the stepwise multiple regression analysis.

            The research findings were as follows: 1) Academic administration in schools under the Office of Patumthani Primary Educational Area Office 1 was at the highest level (M = 4.53) and the mean scores of each aspect was at a high level which were research for educational quality improvement, measurement, evaluation and learning outcomes transferring, curriculum development, in-school quality assurance system development, educational supervision and learning process development, respectively. 2) The change management in academic administration in schools under the Office of Patumthani Primary Educational Area Office 1 was at the highest level (M = 4.51). The mean scores from highest to lowest were personnel aspect, technology aspect, cultural aspect, and structural aspect, respectively. 3) The academic administration was related to the change management in all aspects. The following change management aspects were structural, cultural, technology and personnel affected to academic administration (R2 = 0.606, F = 88.087, p-value = 0.000). Regression equation showing variance of academic administration in schools under the Office of Pathumthani Educational Service Area Office 1.


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How to Cite

ลือภูขียว ช., & สิกขาบัณฑิต ส. (2019). Transformational Management Affecting Academic Administration of Schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 47(4), 164–175. retrieved from