Concept of Leadership Development Strategies for Secondary School Administrators in Accordance with the Concept of Global Leadership Development in Students


  • จินดารัตน์ แย้มวงษ์ Chulalongkorn University
  • ชญาพิมพ์ อุสาโห Chulalongkorn University
  • พฤทธิ์ ศิริบรรณพิทักษ์ Chulalongkorn University




The purpose of this study was to study the conceptual framework of research on leadership development strategies for secondary school administrators in accordance with the concept of global leadership development of students. The study includes input from 5 experts. The assessment form as tool was used to assess the suitability and feasibility of the conceptual framework and IOC index. The research found that: 1) The leadership development concept of secondary school administrators in accordance with the concept of global leadership development of students had two conceptual frameworks. 2) The concept of global leadership used the pyramid model of global leadership consisting of global knowledge, threshold traits, attitudes and orientations, interpersonal skills and system skills. 3) The concept of leadership development was based on approaches to leadership development consisting of personal growth, conceptual understanding, feedback and skill building. 4) The results of the evaluation by the experts found that both conceptual frameworks were appropriate and feasible for the development of global leadership. 


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How to Cite

แย้มวงษ์ จ., อุสาโห ช., & ศิริบรรณพิทักษ์ พ. (2019). Concept of Leadership Development Strategies for Secondary School Administrators in Accordance with the Concept of Global Leadership Development in Students. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 108–123. Retrieved from