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Chanprapa Phonprapreut
วรชัย วิภูอุปรโคตร


             The purposes of this research were 1) To study the organizational culture of the schools under Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and 2) To study the guidelines for the development of organizational culture of the schools under  Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the sample group used in this research were school administrators and teachers in schools under Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the academic year of 2019, amount 286 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The questionnaires were checklist form with five leveled rating scale. The reliabilities of the questionnaire was 0.889. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. For the information from the interview used content analysis.

             The results of the research showed that 1) Organizational culture of the schools under Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, it is in a very good level. When considering in each aspect, it was found that 8 aspects were at a very good level. There were only 2 aspects that were at a moderate level, namely the diversity of personnel and decision making. 2) In-depth interviews with 8 school administrators about the guidelines for developing the organizational culture of the school found that administrators and teachers should analyze the SWOT of the school, set the goals, vision, mission of the school in accordance with the policy and the situation. Complete projects and activities to support the established standards. Decentralized management. Providing opportunities for teachers to be responsible for projects and activities by defining the format and process of work. Make the operation manual of the school. Send teacher training for self-improvement. Encourage teachers to adopt new teaching and learning methods. Cultivate everyone in the school to love the organization and strive to work. Giving importance to teamwork. Organize activities for teachers to interact together. Administrators must create good values ​​of the school. Campaign for teachers and personnel in school to continuously practice values in order to create a good practice guidelines for the organization culture of the school that is good and effective.

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