Sorapanya Mahasarakham: Language Devices and Social Reflections.


  • Kanya Kanya Lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Sorapanya Mahasarakham, Language Devices, Social Reflections


This academic consists purposes was to study language devices and social reflections in Sarapanya Mahasarakham. Sarapanya in Mahasarakham were complied and analyzed in terms of language devices and social reflections. The results found that denotative meaning is obviously communicated focusing on utterances which enable to understand easily, and literary devices is used to convey touching meanings. Besides, in term of pattern and content changes in Sorapanya as a results of occasional and ritual applications in Mahasarakham province, lexical selection should be adapted and changed according to objectives in each rituals; foreign words use in composition, as well as epigram which is considered as a strategy to precisely convey of positive thaoughts of Sorapanya Mahasarakham. In term of social reflections, it revealed traditional Esan people ways of life, agricultural occupations, Esan belief, and sacred rituals. In family belief, members were instilled to spread love, harmony and realize what their responsibilities were due to ways of Buddhism relying on fate and gratitude. In doctrine showed that contents vary on application, if purpose involves with Buddhism, content will be composed as a dhamma to teach listeners based on Buddha doctrine while honoring person, paying respect to teacher purposes, contents will be composed for teaching listener becoming good role model in society. 

Author Biography

Kanya Kanya, Lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

Lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


