Enforced Disappearance by the State in the case of Thailand Between 1987 - 2017.


  • Rattasath Moonmas Master students College of Government Politics Mahasarakham University


enforced disappearance, Thai state violence, Crime by state


The purposes of this study were to study the conditions that resulted in enforced disappearances occurring and existing in Thai society between 1987 and 2017. This is a qualitative research. The research tool was an interview form with a target group of 5 people, consisting of 1 academician studying enforced disappearances, 2 human rights lawyers and the last 2 victims. from a specific selection Then use the information gathered from both documents and interview forms. to analyze the content The results showed that indicated that the conditions affecting the occurrence and existence of enforced disappearance in Thailand during 1987-2017 were divided into 2 aspects. First, individual condition comprises being leaders in social movement, having different political views, movement related to criticizing, inspecting, revealing a secret including filing a lawsuit against State officials, making State officials feel those persons are doing harm to them. Second, structural condition consists of legal and cultural structure. In Thailand, a law on prevention and suppression of torture and enforced disappearance is not available, facilitating the occurrence of enforced disappearance.  The cultural structure in Thai society also supports the facts that people in Thai society get familiar with the way the State uses violence and sometimes view it is normal while State officials most likely claim that such action has something to do with security in order to legitimize State violence. By the way, Thai society has culture of impunity that embraces the occurrence and existence of enforced disappearance.


