Academic Management According to IddhiPada lV

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Sittichai Sannita, Pharajavajiramethee (weera varapañño)


Development of Thailand during the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) is in the period of national reform to solve many fundamental problems, including epidemic A long-running war between nations amid rapidly changing global circumstances. Economic competition will become more intense, the world society will be more closely connected. The development of technology will change rapidly and will greatly affect the lives of society and the conduct of economic activities. While Thailand has limitations on strategic fundamentals in almost every aspect and will become more obvious obstacles to development. This is a very challenging time that Thailand has to adapt to keep up with the need to accelerate the development of science and technology. research and development and innovation as the main driving factor Develop in every aspect to enhance Thailand's capabilities amid increasingly fierce global competition in all its forms. Various challenges are a major obstacle for the country's long-term development. From the many problems mentioned above, it is common knowledge in all sectors that the development of Thailand towards becoming a developed country with stability, prosperity and sustainability in the long run requires the country to accelerate the development of strategic fundamentals in all aspects. Including increasing investment for research and development, development of science, technology and innovation. which must be carried out in tandem with accelerating the skill level of labor Enter the labor market and those in the current labor market in accordance with the production and service sectors, goals and technological changes, including the overall development of people to be complete people of all ages who can manage Changes in the living environment are particularly good for human development from upgrading the quality of education and learning. Quality skill development Providing services and public health in all areas that need to urgently deal with existing problems and epidemics The role of social institutions must also be promoted in fostering good people, discipline, good values ​​and social responsibility and what can help their work to be successful. Therefore, educational institutions should adopt the Buddhist dharma principle, the principle of power 4, for the reason that the principle of power 4 is the principle that leads to sustainable success. If personnel in educational institutions can be integrated into the work in the workload, including Academic work, personnel work, budget work and general administration work will enable the administration of educational institutions to achieve their objectives effectively at both the corporate and national level.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)