Guidelines for effective management according to the Iddhipadadhamma

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รวิวรรณ สุ่มมาตย์, สุกิช เขียวพฤกษ์


Efficiency refers to the condition that results in the success or the ability to result in the work performed, regardless of the workload, but when it is applied to the management of the work in the organization, it is effective. The operating system in various areas to achieve the goals, such as an effective agency with good work procedures. Knowledgeable leaders Management follows the principles of both science and art, as well as employees who have knowledge, abilities and efficiency in performing their work and have a good understanding of the workload that they perform or are responsible for. Inevitably results in the work of that organization with quantity and quality as well That is to achieve the objectives set. Working in an organization that can make that work accomplish the stated objectives is called the power of Baht 4, which is the principle of success. That is, when it is put into practice, it can create success in both lifestyles. And the mission or the work that he does, whether it is personal Or including the success that brings to the organization of the 4 main powers consisting of 1) Chanda 2) Viriya 3) Citta  and 4) Vimańsa           

Keywords: Guidelines management, efficiency, Iddhipadadhamma

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)