The teachings about death appear in the Tipitaka

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พระครูนิยมสิริทัต (สงัด ทตฺตสิริ,ตั่วแฮ) , พระศรีสมโพธิ (วรัญญูู วรญฺญู),วรกฤต เถื่อนช้าง


Buddhism has a teaching to consider death by considering it every day to understand that all of us are born and die naturally. should be hurried to do things that should be done early when humans can make up their minds In death, it will allow you to consider life as it really is. When doing more, it will make a person careless in doing good deeds.When death comes, he has the courage to face death with a stable mind, not lost, not afraid, not afraid of death. that person has the hope of happiness When the mind is not miserable, there is hope. When the mind is miserable, there is hope. Understanding death helps us understand life better. When death comes, there is no sorrow, no regret, no regret Why does it happen to us? make the mind happy

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)