Overcoming drug abuse in schools

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พระครูพิพัฒน์สุตคุณ,พระมหาเมธี จนฺทวํโส, กวีภัทร ฉาวชาวนา


The main agency responsible for solving drug problems is the duty of all parties to cooperate. Parents, guardians, teachers and people have knowledge and understanding about drug problems as well as self-protection and family that affect society, community and themselves. such as the loss of educational opportunities Deteriorating physical and mental health loss of freedom due to wrongdoing Family ties were destroyed. feeling of insecurity in life and property the problem of drug epidemic, whether it is a group of workers or children and youth groups. This is partly due to the environment conducive to the epidemic. As a result, children and youth spend most of their time with their friends. set up a travel group until there is inappropriate behavior from persuading or the influence of their friends to do something wrong or bad. This affects the behavior of drug use and drug distribution that is difficult to control.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)