Enhancing the local community's immunity To sustainable development

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ณัฐชัย นิ่มนวล, สมญา อินทรเกษตร,คุณากร กรสิงห์


This research aims to: 1) to study and synthesize knowledge about the local community's immunity to develop into a sustainable quality society. 2) to find the factors that affect the immunity of local communities to develop into a sustainable quality society using local sociological factors. Predictor 3) to study the comparative immunity of the local  community in order to develop a sustainable quality society. 4) to develop the local community's immune system to develop into a sustainable quality society. The research was mixed.

  1. The local community's immunity is in the way of daily life, meaning that it does not underestimate and prepare for the situation with the knowledge and skills required by the social base.

  2. Factors affecting the immunity of local communities include the social process. Community Participatory Intelligence Process Leadership Structural factors in rural society; Community strength, social capital, community learning process. 58.6% of the local population predicted immunity.

  3. Immunity of local communities with vocational education, regional and socio-economic status. There was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level.

  4. Appropriate and feasible approaches to strengthening the local community's immunity include cultivating readiness for change Development of participatory intellectual processes. Development Leadership Development. And the use of the geographic database

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)