Studying and Developing Achievement Leader Model for Volunteer Groups in Community by Using Social Networking with Coordination between Individuals and Groups

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สมพร พูลพงษ์, กาญจนา สดับธรรม


This research is a qualitative research. The objectives of this research are to study personal factors in leadership of using communication tools in the work aimed at the achievement of the work of public health volunteers, Nong Krot Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nakhon Sawan Province and to develop the Achievement Leader Model. Research work was conducted by group meeting method and was collected data by querying according to the form created. There are 40 research samples and volunteers participating in the research project.

            The result of the development of the Achievement Leader Model for local volunteer groups with tools to coordinate between individuals and groups via social networks is LINE programs. There are a total of 12 steps in the new process that consisted of setting up the line group, dividing the duties, ordering until the summary of the annual performance. The division of roles has 3 groups are the director of the Tambon Health Promotion Hospital, Village president, and volunteer members.

The results of the evaluation of the achievement level of the performance of public health volunteers by the administrators of Nong Krat Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital (Ban Sri Utumporn) and the village president which considers the achievement of the work performance is the achievement of the work according to the intended purpose or target (October 2018 - March 2019) was in a very good level. The general characteristics of the leader, it was found that the level of efficiency of leadership of the public health volunteers of Baan Sri Utumporn was at a good level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)