The Good Governance Human Resource Management in Thailand 4.0

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วสุกิจจ์ เหล่าอินทร์, พระครูอุทัยสุตกิจ, พระครูสุชัยสุพัชรมงคล


The good governance Effective Human Resource Management The importance of human resources management. In addition to the organization. It also affects the personnel as well as the society as a whole. This explains the importance of human resources, enabling employees to discover their potential. And they have developed themselves to have the ability to perform fully. Have good coziness and job satisfaction. Progress Can work well, perform well, be productive. Qualified staff will implement the action plan in a way that is effectively implemented by senior leaders. The result is excellent performance in both service and production. The organization will flourish. To be stable and expand the work well, the social contribution to strengthen the society and the nation. When an organization is a unit of society, progress and stability. The result is that the society as a whole, when employees have developed their ability to earn money to help the family has a positive impact on the community.

The technology has become more active. Human beings have developed facilities for convenience and speed, so organizations must be prepared to cope with change. By inventing a new organization. To impress the customer always. Many people may have heard that Thailand 4.0 technology is working to replace human ever. And if so. Thailand 4.0 is not scary at all. Because when human beings have creative endless. Human beings have to adapt to adapt when technology Thailand 4.0 era has developed by bringing new innovations to enhance the work of that technology to be convenient and fast. more You need to adjust yourself to keep up and open your mind to learning and searching for new creative ideas, as if the organization brought robots to work with you. Besides, you have to learn to work with robots. You have to think of further development. What can you do to make the work of your co-workers more efficient? Otherwise, you may become the only person who knows how to turn off the robot.

This article presents the The good governance Human Resources Management 4.0 era, where people need to adjust. Get ready to receive the change. Because there are new technologies. Human beings must learn to use it to the maximum benefit.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)