The development of monks through Deming process For development of the minds of inmates according to Buddhism

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พระสมุห์ชาญชัย ญาณชาโต (เพชรดี )


Conducting activities to improve the training on morality and ethics of the inmates to be a good person. Monks have entered into one mechanism of correction activities And develop the minds of the inmates To return good people to society But still not satisfying In the work of propagating Buddhism Should have a monk training program Who has the potential to be good missionaries To be fully qualified as a missionary To increase the efficiency of monks in the development of inmates' minds In addition, the author deems it appropriate to bring modern science to complete the principles of Buddhism. In order to develop the potential of monks to have efficiency and quality of operations, correct, rehabilitate and develop the minds of inmates.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)