Piracy in monk’s preaching literature according for propagation การละเมิดวรรณกรรมการเทศน์ของพระสงฆ์เพื่อการเผยแผ่

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พระมหาณัฐพงษ์ ฐิตปญฺโญ
พระเวปุลละ เวปุลฺโล
ทิพากาญจน์ ประภารัตน์


The object of this article is to study : 1) To learn about piracy by plagiarizing monk’s literature preaching as per Copyright act 1994 2) To learn about Buddhist Ethics concerning Adinnadana in Buddhist principles

            The results are as follows: 1) A person violates the piracy by plagiarizing monk’s literature preaching as per Copyright act 1994 is found guilty as per Copyright act 1994. The person would be charge for pirating copyright literature and distribute without permission. 2) For Buddhist Ethics concerning Adinnadana in Buddhist principles, the person who plagiarizing monk’s literature preaching without permission is guilty as per the Five Precepts: Adinnadana because it is about taking others’ belonging without permission. But in the view of Buddhist Ethics, the person is not guilty as per the Five Precepts: Adinnaana because the person is only intend to distribute Buddhist teachings for other people to listen or to see. Also it is a way to support people to do good deeds.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)