Application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the Daily Life of Monks and Novices, a Case Study of Wat Pitulathirat Rangsarit, Chachoengsao Province

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Phra Suraphon Phonmueang


The objectives in this study were to study the application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in daily life and suggestions regarding the application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the daily life of monks and novices at Wat Pitulathirat Rangsarit in Chachoengsao Province. The population used in this study were the total number of 40 monks and novices at Wat Pitulathirat Rangsarit in Chachoengsao Province. The tool used in the study was a questionnaire with 5-rank rating scale (Rating Scale). The reliability of the entire questionnaire was 0.916. The data was analyzed by using a statistical package. The used statistics in data analysis are frequency, percentage, and mean and standard deviation. The results of the study found that:

1. Application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the daily life of monks and novices at Wat Pitulathirat Rangsarit in Chachoengsao Province, in overall, it was found that it was at a high level. When have been considered in each aspect, there were on the receiving information about the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, on the expense reduction and the consuming and conservation of the natural resources and it was at a high level. As for saving was at a moderate level.

2. Suggestions regarding the application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in daily life were found that there should be a recycling bin, consuming the water from the temple's water plant to increase savings. The temple should organize activities to promote the continuous application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy as well as giving the good advice to the congregation regarding the application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Combined with the principles of Sappurisadhamma 7, that is, the Dhamma makes one a good person or the qualities of a good person.

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How to Cite
Phonmueang, P. S. (2023). Application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the Daily Life of Monks and Novices, a Case Study of Wat Pitulathirat Rangsarit, Chachoengsao Province. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(2), 146–158. Retrieved from
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