Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Khlong Khuean District Chachoengsao Province

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Sakun Onma


This research was a quantitative research design (Quantitative Research) by collecting data by distributing some questionnaires and interviews, and using the concept of administration according to the good governance principles as the research framework. The research area is the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Khlong Khuean District. Chachoengsao Province. The target group was employees of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization; Khlong Khuean District, with the number of 115 people, including the purposive selection method. There are two types of tools used in the research: questionnaire. The used statistics in data analysis are frequency (Frequency), percentage (Percentage), and mean and standard deviation t-test value and f-Test value (One Way Analysis of variance). The research results found that:

  1. For an administration according to the principles of good governance of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Khlong Khuean District. Chachoengsao Province, in the overview and each aspect was at a moderate level.

  2. For a comparison of the opinions of employees in the Subdistrict Administrative Organization of Khlong Khuean District towards administration according to the principles of good governance, classified by gender, its result was found that the employees' opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance was not significantly different at the .05 level. When had been classified by age, it was found that the employees had the different opinions with statistically significance at the .05 level on some management according to the good governance principles.

  3. Suggestions regarding the administration according to the principles of good governance of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Khlong Khuean District. Chachoengsao Province were found that there should be clear guidelines for using regulations with the standards for the quality enforcement. Moreover, the consciousness should be raised in everyone to apply Dhamma principles in their work and they can be able to apply them in everyday life. They should promote the moral activities based on the nine types of basic virtues used to direct behavior appropriately.

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How to Cite
Onma, S. (2023). Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Khlong Khuean District Chachoengsao Province. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(2), 94–107. Retrieved from
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