Human Resource Development According to The Trisikha Principle of Personnel of Bangpakong Subdistrict, Phromtheprangsan Subdistrict, Bangpakong Disirict Chachoengsao Human Resource Development According to The Trisikha Principle of Personnel of Bangpakong Subdistrict, Phromtheprangsan Subdistrict, Bangpakong Disirict Chachoengsao
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This article has the objectives (1) to study the level of human resource development according to the threefold principle of Bangpakong Phromtheprangsan Subdistrict Municipality, Bangpakong District, Chachoengsao Province; (2) to study the obstacles and 3) to present the suggestions for human resource development according to the threefold study principle of Buddhism in Bangpakong Phromtheprangsan Subdistrict Municipality, Bangpakong District, Chachoengsao Province. This is a quantitative research. We take a sample (Target group) that is 100 personnel by using random method from the sampling. The tools were used to collect data by questionnaires. Therefore, the used statistics for data analysis were the frequency, the percentage, the mean and the standard deviation. The results of this study are as follows:
- In the overview, it was at a moderate level with an average ( =3.37, S.D.=.408). When have been considered in each issue, it was found that the moderate level was in all aspects. They were ranked in descending order as follows: in the first matter, the precepts (sila) had the mean values ( =3.44, S.D.=0.415), on the next one, the wisdom (panna) had the mean values ( =3.36, S.D.=.403) and on the final one, the concentration (samadhi) had the mean values ( =3.30, S.D.=.495)
- With the problems, obstacles and fund limitations, because the human resource development may require a large budget, such as on the training, support for continuing an education or some organization development projects. This may be a hindrance in a case of the limited financial resources, some difficulty in changing to learn and develop the human resources according to the threefold study principle of Buddhism. With these causes, there should be appropriate the planning and management of human resources, including to create the attention in the personnel development, promotion the learning and skill development of personnel and manage an environment to support the people’s development and growth in the organization.
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