The Performance of The Village Headmen and Sub-District Chief In Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kan The Performance of The Village Headmen and Sub-District Chief In Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kan

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Suphan Namsrithan


These studies were the qualitative research by the in-depth interview and there were the objectives to study (1) working on duty of the headers in the level of village and sub-district, (2) directing on good government and controlling the social safety and peace, and     (3) procedures to manage the safety on life and property of people at the urban district in Khokan province. The data givers were the headers in the villages and sub-districts by selecting the specific random. Then tools of research were interview, descriptive analysis, checking the triangle data, collecting data as document and interview. Therefore, studies were found that 1. the duty performance went on the rule or law of bureaucratic system by administrating the people in the rural area, going on the bureaucratic rule and law rightly, 2. directing the good government and managing the people’s happiness and peace by acting the power of the officers that was defined by rulers, 3. procedures to create the safety in life and property for people. There were (3.1) setting of the security within the villages and providing the responsibility on zone of village, (3.2) assigning to the assistant headers and security men in the villages and sub-districts within the villages and sub-districts, (3.3) performing the activities of relative communities to promote the participation of people in that area, governmental and private organizations in those villages, and (3.4) informing the news to villagers and understanding the policy of government, including the new law changed and concerning with the people.

From studies, the new types of knowledge were found that the roles of headers in the villages and sub-districts on directing the good government and safety and happiness, being usage to them and procedure to create the safety in life and property for people.

Keywords: Performance; Village and Sub-district Header; Administration of Justice; Safety of Life and Property

The findings from this study revealed the roles of the village headman and sub-district Chiefs in the matter of facilitating justice and maintaining public order. This is beneficial to the village headman and and related people to use as a guideline to create safety in life, body and property for people in the village.

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How to Cite
Namsrithan, S. (2022). The Performance of The Village Headmen and Sub-District Chief In Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kan: The Performance of The Village Headmen and Sub-District Chief In Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kan. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 2(2), 90–104. Retrieved from
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