The Economic Impact of Entrepreneurs in The Situation of The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak: A Case Study of Opposite Markets Sothorn Wararam Worawihan Temple, Chachoengsao Province

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Sitaphat Sirichatdaycha
Pitchapa Aungprasert
Jiraphon Phaiboonsap


This research The objective is to study the economic impact and to study the approach to solving the economic impact problem of entrepreneurs opposite Sothorn Wararam Worawihan temple in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. It is a descriptive research using the concept of economic impact. As a research framework, research area is the market opposite Sothorn Wararam Worawihan Temple, Chachoengsao Province. The sample group was a group of entrepreneurs of 50 shops using the method of selecting a specific sample group (Purposive Sampling) which was a group of entrepreneurs in agriculture, a group of entrepreneurs in food, a group of a handicraft entrepreneur, a group of entrepreneurs. Retail trade, and service providers There are 2 types of research instruments which are (1) questionnaire (2) interview form. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. And analyze the content and present it as a table with subtitles the results showed that (1) the economic impact Overall, it is at a high level. (2) Approaches to solving economic impact problems There is an additional income, such as going out to sell goods, etc. Increase online distribution channels such as Facebook Line, etc. Reduce expenses from unnecessary things such as cosmetics, clothes, etc. There is a plan to save money and income and expenses of each. Month to balance including stopping all forms of new debt.

The knowledge from the research will be useful to Chachoengsao province, educational institutions and those who want to study about the economic impact. And guidelines for solving problems of entrepreneurs opposite Wat Sothorn Wararam Worawihan in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in order to be used as a guideline for further studies.

The knowledge from the research will be useful to Chachoengsao province, educational institutions and those who want to study about the economic impact. and solutions to problems of the traders in the area opposite Wat Sothon Wararam Worawihan in the situation of the epidemic of COVID- 19 to be used as a guideline for further studies

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How to Cite
Sirichatdaycha, S., Aungprasert , P. ., & Phaiboonsap , J. . (2022). The Economic Impact of Entrepreneurs in The Situation of The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak: A Case Study of Opposite Markets Sothorn Wararam Worawihan Temple, Chachoengsao Province. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 2(1), 75–89. Retrieved from
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