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Nuntiya Noichun


This research aimed to study (1) To study the level of educating parents in enhancing early childhood development in early childhood development centers. (2) Develop educational guidelines for parents in enhancing early childhood development in early childhood development centers. This research is a mixed methodology research using quantitative and qualitative research. The sample was 200 teachers at Kindergarten 1 and 2, academic year 2018, under a local government organization. Selection of sample group from the trainees. The instruments for collecting data were Parent education level questionnaire, Group discussion form. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

The level of educating parents in enhancing early childhood development is at very high level (  = 3.51, S.D. =.768) When considered individually, it was found that the level of educating parents in enhancing early childhood development was in parenting is at very high level (  = 4.33, S.D. =.819), Followed by the cooperation with communities at the high level (  = 4.00, S.D. =.822) and level of communication education was at a moderate level (  = 2.98, S.D. =.845). In the department of home learning Lowest level (  = 2.70, S.D. =.654)

Guidelines for educating parents in enhancing early childhood development in early childhood development centers for enhancing early childhood development Parenting knowledge, community cooperation, communication and learning at home. Results were found, there are 4P Model implementation guidelines as follows: P1- Planning, survey of needs, specifying content and methods of educating parents. P2 - communion (Participation) A joint meeting between the school and parents. Participation in various activities of school and community. P3 - Practice of Education, conducting formal and informal education management, preparing knowledge materials, brochures, banners, exhibitions, organizing a joint training program to educate parents. Parenting and education work together between the school and parents. P4- Pay-Attention monitoring, evaluation, education for both group and individual parents.

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