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จงกล แก้วโก
รักษิต สุทธิพงษ์
สมบัติ นพรัก
ฉลอง ชาตรูประชีวิน


          The objective of this research was to study the environment analysis, need, and guidelines for school management of remote highland areas. The samples used in the research were 361 persons; school administrators and teachers by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews. There were the questionnaires with the IOC between 0.80-1.00, and the reliability was 0.97. The SPSS for Windows package was used to measure data analysis. The statistics used consisted of percentage, mean, and standard deviation and content analysis.

The results revealed that;

  1. The environment of the school management of remote highlands areas found that the strength was the precise structure of school management. The weakness is that teachers had heavy workloads, both teaching and supporting affairs. Opportunities were external organizations to promote and support by applying modern digital technology in educational management. The obstacles were that most students were ethnic groups with different beliefs and values. The family was poor. Parents were doing subsistence agriculture.

  2. The need of school management of remote highlands areas had five aspects: academic, personnel, planning and budget, general management and royal projects found that the overall image was at a high level when considering each aspect, it was investigated that the aspect with the highest mean was personnel.

  3. Guidelines of school management of remote highlands areas found that 1) adjust the curriculum structures to be in line with the context of educational institutions 2) opening classroom branches in remote villages 3) adopting information technology media in teaching and learning management 4) building a network of partners for participation in educational development 5) increasing subsidies for individual, and additional expenses for boarding students 6) making an agreement with the higher educational institution to organize student teachers 7) increasing the living expenses, compensation for personnel 8) establishing criteria for the promotion of school teachers to a specific time, and 9) developing a system for helping students.



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