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พรนภา พูนสวัสดิ์


          This research aimed to study the management component towards excellence of private schools in Khon Kaen province. This research is qualitative research. There are methods of conducting research, including 1) documentary research 2) in-depth interview. There are 5 experts in educational management of the private schools in Khon Kaen province, consisting of President of Khon Kaen private school administrators association, Director of Private Education Promotion Group and educational supervisors in Khon Kaen provincial education office. Research tools are the semi-structural interview form. Check the quality of the interview test by checking the validity by experts. The data analysis of content analysis in combined with interpretive analysis and inductive conclusion. The data processing using triangulation method. The information using the method of evaluation according to the expert reference process and adjust according to the recommendations.

           The research conclusion to a study of administrative components towards excellence of private schools in Khon Kaen province consisted of 7 components: 1) The organization found that administrators set the direction, policy, vision, school values. Focus on academics in improving the quality of learners to keep up with the changing situations. Flexible in the context of Thai society by focusing on the participation of personnel. 2) Strategic planning shows that management has a strategic planning process using SWOT analysis by setting in the direction of the school, according to the target group receiving the benefits Systematic operation planning for all parties to participate. 3) Focusing on learner stakeholders found that management has a unique and diverse curriculum that responds to learners' interests. Assess student satisfaction and commitment parents and stakeholders. 4) Measurement, analysis and knowledge management found that management provides sufficient quality information and technology resources to be ready for use. There is a learning exchange with a network of private schools and external agencies to promote and support the development of the educational quality to the excellence of the school. 5) Focusing on personnel, it is found that executives continuously promote the development of human potential. Focus on teamwork, build stability in the profession with a concrete performance appraisal system for personnel. 6) In focusing on practice, it is found that the school has a system and mechanism for achieving objectives supervise, monitor, evaluate the performance, improve, and strive for quality success. 7) Results show that administrators have an efficient educational management system, resulting in students to have quality standards and strive for excellence. All relevant parties are satisfied. Affecting the stability and reputation of the school.

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