Guidelines for Teacher Functional Competencies Development in Schools Under the Chanthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office 17

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นางสาวธฤตมน บุญญานนท์
วรชัย วิภูอุปรโคตร


          The objectives of this research are to study 1) development of career competency of teachers and. 2) propose guidelines for development of career competencies to enhance the performance of teachers in schools. The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 17, Chanthaburi Province. The samples used were teachers working in schools. Under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 17, Chanthaburi Province, for the academic year 2019, by specifying the sample group by using the sample group schedule of Crazy and Morgan of 278 people by using questionnaires and interview forms derived from the application. The questions came from the Teacher Competency Assessment Manual, Office of the Basic Education Commission (2010), and brought them to an expert for examination Improve and correct. And the results were tested to find the confidence and the results were analyzed by using basic statistics in data analysis, such as percentage, mean, standard deviation.

            The research results were found that 1) Development of competency in the work of teachers in schools Under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 17, Chanthaburi Province. Overall and the aspects were at a high level. With the highest mean and teacher leadership competencies 2) The guidelines for the development of career competencies to enhance the performance of teachers are as follows: (1) competencies in curriculum and learning management. Teachers must consider learning outcomes of learners as a key goal. (2) Learner development competency. Teachers must apply teaching principles, teaching methods, teaching styles. To suit the age level of the learners and the content. (3) classroom management competencies Teachers must have effective classroom management. (4) Competency, analysis, synthesis and research for learner development Teachers must regularly conduct classroom research. (5) Teacher leadership competencies Teachers have to develop themselves to be academic leaders and to develop their self-control abilities as a role model. (6) Competency, building relationships and cooperation with communities for learning management. Teachers must have good relationships and cooperation with the community for learning management.

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