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พิสิฐ รักพรม
Chaloemphon Meechai


The purposes of this research were; 1) To study the competencies development of school administrators’ and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality. 2) To study the relationship factors associated with the competencies development of school administrators’ and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality. 3) To study guidelines for developing the competencies development of school administrators and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality. The sample groups consisted of the 234 respondents in the Northeastern Thailand and the informants are managers, directors, and teachers of the school. The research tool is a questionnaire and the reliability was 0.970. Data were analyzed using factor, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, content and multiple regression analysis.

   The research found that; the situation of the competencies development of school administrators’ and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality has three main components of the competencies development was overall at a high level ( =4.32). Strategies of educational development: overall at a high level ( = 4.29) and teaching quality: overall at a high level ( = 4.33). There are elements that have to perform at a high level on all sides. The relationships of these three variables were found; correlated positively the level of statistical significance .01. Guidelines for the competencies development of school administrators’ and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality: the competencies development and strategies of educational development correlated with the teaching quality to the same direction. The opinions of experts about guidelines for the competencies development of school administrators’ and strategies of educational development affecting teaching quality found that the experts all agree, and that there is a possibility of leading to the actual implementation in schools.

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