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วรชัย วิภูอุปรโคตร


The administrators of basic education institutions are appointed by law to act as commanders. Supervised in the school. Administrators must have the ability to persuade the minds of teachers and other personnel to cooperate and work together. Executives must have leadership, especially in the digital technology era and must have creative competencies because they are important components. As an indicator of success, so that all colleagues can use their abilities effectively. Therefore, all basic education institutions Therefore, executives need creative leadership that will help the school to progress and which will directly affect the quality of education of the nation in the educational reform era, subordinates are involved in every step, from planning Defining objectives Operations and Evaluation. Which will create satisfaction for all stakeholder both teachers, learners, parents and the community Effectively From the creativity of the executives systematically Will be an important force in creating people Build society and create nation to continue to prosper.

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