รูปแบบการบริหารจัดการบุคลากรสู่ความเป็นสากล สำหรับโรงเรียนเอกชน
Main Article Content
The purposes of this research were to 1) study the compositions of personnel management towards internationalization, 2) to develop personnel management towards internationalization model for private school and 3) to study the results of using personnel management towards internationalization model for private school. The research was used research and development methods. Operated by dividing into 3 phases. The sample that used for study needs to have consisted of school directors, deputy director of the school, personnel department who under The Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC) in the northeastern region. Selected the sample by random sampling. The sample consisted of The sample group consisted of 286 school directors, deputy director of the school, personnel department, 286 persons, a total of 572 people. The research Instruments were 5 rating scale questionnaire and a personnel management towards internationalization model. Statistical methods used for this study are; 1) frequency 2) percentage 3) mean 4) standard deviation 5) t-test and 6) PNI modified. The study yields the following results; The compositions of the model consisted of 1) personnel planning 2) personnel development 3) remuneration 4) performance evaluation. The results of using the model found that the development of all 5 modules are able to develop English language skills for communication and teaching management of personnel at a high level. And the scores increased significantly at the level of .05
Article Details
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