องค์ประกอบภาวะผู้นำเชิงกลยุทธ์ของผู้บริหารที่ส่งผลต่อประสิทธิผลของสถานศึกษาสังกัดสำนักงานการศึกษามัธยมศึกษาเขต 6 จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา
Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) To study the effectiveness level of educational institutions in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6, Chachoengsao Province. 2) To study teacher’s opinions on the strategic leadership component of school administrators in Secondary Educational Service Area Office6, Chachoengsao Province and 3) To study the elements of strategic leadership affecting the effectiveness of educational institutions in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6, Chachoengsao Province. The samples used in the research were teachers in educational institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6, Chachoengsao Province in the academic year of 2018. By using the G*power software package and using a Stratified random sampling method. The results from the operation were 16 sample school. The research sample teachers were 254 people. The instruments used for the data collecting was a checklist questionnaire with five leveled rating scale. The reliabilities of the questionnaires was 0.984. The research statistics were arithmetic percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The research found that: 1) The effectiveness of educational institutions was at a high level. 2) The opinions of teachers about the elements of strategic leadership of school administrators were at a high level and the average values of each aspect were at a high level. 3) Elements of strategic leadership Affecting the effectiveness of educational institutions Grilled moral equivalence Control Organization (X5) and the creation of opportunities for the future (X4) statistically significant level .01 can be predicted 54.30 percent with multiple regression coefficients in the standard score form equal to .414 and 354. The correlation between the effectiveness of the school and the predictive factor (X5, X4,) is .737 and the error value caused by Forecasting is .378. This was brought to construct predicting equations as follows:
The predicting equations of raw scores was; = 1.365 + .353 (X5) + .314 (X4)
The predicting equations of standard score was; y = .414 (Zx5)+ .354 (Zx4)
Article Details
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