Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University 2024-06-14T22:43:32+07:00 รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วาริธ ราศรี Open Journal Systems <div> <div> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Announce</strong></p> <p> with the Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Currently in the process of requesting to cancel the old ISSN (Print) and ISSN (Online) numbers and requesting to use the new ISSN (Print) and ISSN (Online) numbers with the National Library Office. In order to meet the main criteria of the announcement, item 2 states that “Journals must have an International Standard Journal Number (ISSN) registered under the English name that is correct according to international principles.”</p> <p> Therefore, if the National Library Office The old number has been canceled and the new ISSN (Print) and ISSN (Online) numbers are used. Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Will take urgent action to fix it. and will inform everyone in the future.</p> <p> </p> <p>Best regards</p> <p>Dr.Warit Rasri</p> <p>Editor</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University</strong></p> <p><strong>The Purpose</strong> <br /> 1. To receive and publish articles covering the social sciences, including general social science , law , political science , public administration , humanities (music , dance , art) , linguistics , education , business administration , development , religion, philosophy, and all. to other interdisciplinary subjects for local development</p> <ol start="2"> <li>To receive publication of 2 types of articles: research articles, academic articles . This will bring benefits in terms of knowledge, thoughts, concepts, theories, as well as new research techniques for the development of communities, localities, society, and the nation. </li> </ol> <p><strong>Journal schedule</strong> </p> <p> Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University Created for publication of articles covering the social sciences, including general social sciences, law, political science, public administration, humanities (music, dance, art), linguistics, education, business administration, development, religion, philosophy, and including other interdisciplinary studies for local development By the nature of the published articles, there are two types: research articles and academic articles. The journal is scheduled to be issued quarterly, 4 issues per year, as follows: </p> <p> Issue 1 between January – March</p> <p> Issue 2 between April – June</p> <p> Issue 3 between July - September</p> <p> Issue 4 between October - December</p> <p><strong>Journal regulations</strong> </p> <ol> <li>It is an article that covers the scope of social sciences, including general social sciences, law, political science, public administration, humanities (music, dance, art), linguistics, education, business administration, development, religion, philosophy, and other interdisciplinary subjects. for local development</li> <li>It is an article according to the specified type, divided into 2 types: research article and academic article. Each type of article must be written according to the form of the Journal of Social Science for Local Development. Rajabhat Mahasarakham University that are specified only, such as having the complete name and address of the author, and having an abstract in Thai and English, the reference documents are in the same format, using the APA citation system, etc.</li> <li>It is an article that has never been published in any other journal before. If the author uses work that has been previously published in any other journals Come and request to be published again. Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University There will be strict punishment measures, namely the cancellation of that article. and the right to not be published by that author forever.</li> <li>It is an article. that must be sent through the Taijo system link (thaijo) Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University <a href=""></a> only</li> <li>It is an article that must be considered by no less than 2 experts (Peer Review) as selected by the editorial team according to the field of study. or have expertise or has a related field of relationship and has no conflict of interest with the owner of the article or the author. It is double blinded, meaning the name of the owner of the article is concealed from the expert and the owner of the article does not know the name of the expert.</li> <li>If any article work Passed the consideration of experts (Peer Review). The owner of the article or the author must complete the revision of the article according to the recommendations of the experts (Peer Review) and must submit a completely edited version of the article (Revise). Go back through the link to the Taijo system (thaijo) Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University<a href=""></a> only</li> <li>And when the author submits the complete edited article into the system, the editorial team will screen it. Check the correctness of the article work for completeness again If it is complete and complete, the journal will accept publication of the article. But if it is not completely complete, the journal will reply/bounce back the article in the system. Allow the author to edit and improve the article until it is completely complete.</li> <li>Article works will have expenses for publication, divided into 2 types: 1) Thai version articles, 3,500 baht per article, and 2) English version articles, 4,000 baht per article. The journal will collect the cost. Pay only when the article is produced. Passed the check for redundancy by the Taijo system (copy catch), which must not exceed 10% only (the journal will notify you of the results through 2 channels, namely through the system and via email (there will be no charge Additional expenses other than those announced here in every case)</li> <li>Article submitter or author Journal regulations must be strictly followed. Especially if any article It has not been considered by experts (Peer Review) and the article has not been edited according to their suggestions.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Instructions for submitters (authors)</strong> <br />1. The person submitting the article or the author. Must study the processes, regulations, procedures, and requirements of the Social Science Journal for Local Development. Rajabhat Mahasarakham University as specified by the journal The process will be organized online on the website of the Taijo system (thaijo), the Journal of Social Science for Local Development. Rajabhat Mahasarakham University only <a href=""></a></p> <ol start="2"> <li>The person who submitted the article or the author Must follow the specified journal format only.</li> <li>Article submitter or author You must check that the submitted article must cover social sciences, including general social sciences, law, political science, public administration, humanities (music, dance, art), linguistics, education, business administration, development, religion, philosophy, and so on. Other interdisciplinary studies for local development</li> <li>Article submitter or author You must check that the submitted article must fall into 3 categories: research article, academic article. Book review chapter or review article</li> <li>Article submitter or author an article submission fee of 3,500 baht must be paid after the author’s article has been checked for duplication by the Taijo system (copy catch), which must not exceed 10%.</li> <li>Article submitter or author the regulations and recommendations of the journal must be strictly followed, especially if any article has not been considered by experts (Peer Review) and the article has not been completely edited according to the suggestions. The journal reserves the right to not issue an acknowledgment letter in all cases.</li> </ol> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Publication Ethics</strong> </p> <ol> <li><strong>Duties of Editors</strong></li> </ol> <p> 1.1 The editor is responsible for checking every article submitted for publication. that the articles are submitted according to the procedures specified by the journal.</p> <p>1.2 The editor is responsible for screening every article to be neat and appropriate according to the composition format or in accordance with the regulations of the specified field of study of the journal.</p> <p>1.3 The editor is responsible for checking and screen all articles submitted for publication that it must not have been or has been published anywhere before;</p> <p>1.4 If the editor checks and scrutinizes it and finds that the article has ever been or has been published anywhere</p> <p>How will the editor contact the author for clarification? If it is found that this is the case, the editor will request to end the process and notify the result of the rejection and send it back to the author immediately.</p> <p>1.5 The editor is responsible for screening and selecting qualified experts to consider the article to meet the qualifications or expertise of that field of science.</p> <p>1.6 The editor must There is no conflict of interest or conflict of interest with the authors. Article evaluator and other people involved in that article.</p> <p>1.7 Editors must not disclose information about those involved.</p> <ol start="2"> <li><strong>Duties of Reviewers </strong> </li> </ol> <p> 2.1 Experts must consider articles without personal bias. They must have an attitude, concept, and point of view that is neutral or must be considered according to academic principles that are cause and effect.</p> <p> 2.2 Experts must have qualifications and have good knowledge, understanding, or expertise in considering articles on that topic.</p> <p> 2.3 Experts must be mindful of the importance of time or time frame for evaluating articles. Using appropriate time should not take too long.</p> <p> 2.4 Experts must not demand benefits from those involved or in any case that does not It is in accordance with the conditions of the journal as specified.</p> <p> 2.5 Experts must maintain confidentiality and not reveal any information regarding the consideration of articles to others.</p> <p> 2.6 Experts must have ethics and code of ethics. You must not plagiarize or adapt the work into your own work.</p> <p> 2.7 If the expert is unable to consider or evaluate the article, please contact the editor immediately to request that the article be returned. By explaining the reasons and necessity. </p> <ol start="3"> <li><strong>Duties of Authors</strong></li> </ol> <p> 3.1 Authors must study and understand the regulations, processes, procedures, methods, etc. of the journal to understand them correctly and truly.</p> <p> 3.2 Authors must check the neatness of their own articles first. Whether the article has been written according to the format and elements specified by the journal or not.</p> <p> 3.3 The author must submit the article through or into the online system only.</p> <p> 3.4 The author must have ethics in himself by not falsely claiming to use the article or the work of Other persons who are not authorized Send it for publication.</p> <p> 3.5 Authors must have ethics in themselves. They must not use their own articles or works that have been previously published from other sources.</p> <p> 3.6 Authors must strictly follow the procedures, rules, and regulations set by the journal.</p> <p> 3.7 If the author has been informed of the results or is aware of the evaluation results. If it is considered with conditions, the article will be amended. Authors must make corrections quickly and must make corrections according to the recommendations of experts in their entirety.</p> <p><strong> Editor</strong></p> <p><strong>Dr. Warit Rasri</strong></p> </div> </div> The Development of Learning Activities that Promote the Skills of Performing Arts Isaan Long Drum Dance According to Davies' Concept for Students in Grade 4 2023-10-23T21:48:19+07:00 Pittayanuwat Tomchob <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to determine the efficiency of the learning activities for dancing arts practice skills on the long Isaan drum dance; For grade 4 students with performance criteria of 80/80 2. to Comparison of dance performance skills on the Isaan Yao Klong dance of grade 4 students who have improved after school with the criteria of 80 percent of all students and 3. to study the satisfaction of the students towards the activities of learning the practical skills of dancing, Isaan long drum dance. according to Davies' concept It is quantitative research. There are research tools: (1) a lesson plan for performing dance practice skills (2) a dance practice skill assessment form (3) Questionnaire on student satisfaction with learning The sample group is Mathayom 4/11 students, semester 2, academic year 2022, Sarakham Pittayakhom School. Maha Sarakham Province, 35 people obtained from random sampling. The data collected from the research tools were then analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentages, means, and standard deviations. and test the hypothesis using t-test (Dependet Sample). The research results found that 1) The development of learning activities that promote skills in performing arts Isaan long drum dance according to Davies' concept For students in grade 4 efficient equal to 83.07/84.52 which meets the specified criteria 2) Comparison of dance practice skills on the subject of Isaan long drum dance. of Mathayom 4 students compared to the criteria of 80 percent after studying, calculated as 84.52 percent, higher than the criteria of 80 percent, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level and 3) The students had the satisfaction of the students towards the learning activities for the practical skills of dancing arts. Isaan long drum dance story according to Davies' concept with the overall average at the highest level (x̅= 4.69, S.D. = 0.61)<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-05-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY A Creation of Kan La Ya Yiam Hong Sam Chan for Ra Nad Thum Solo 2023-10-27T20:48:26+07:00 Jakkrit Wattanakool <p>This research consists purposes were to create a single track Pleng Kan La Ya Yiam Hong Sam Chan for Ra Nad Thum solo. is a Qualitative research The research tools were interviews and observational forms, with the target groups for the research being a group of 4 knowledgeable people, a group of 5 practitioners, and a group of 20 general informants who were selected through a purposive selection. The data collected from the interviews and related documents were then content analysis. The results of the study found that. of Kan La Ya Yiam Hong Sam Chan for Ra Nad Thum Solo that appeared in the creative work. The creator got inspiration and ideas from Thai songs with Chinese accents as he learned from Thai music teachers. with expertise in xylophone Including imagination and experience in Thai music that has gained knowledge in the xylophone from many Thai music teachers. by bringing it through the analysis process. Synthesize and combine them into a single concept. To complete the elements of the characteristics of solo xylophone songs. It also incorporates language melodies to create newness and techniques and styles in playing solo songs. to achieve consistency The melodiousness of a single track of Thai songs with Chinese accents in its entirety. Until it became a body of knowledge in arts and culture in the form of a single track, Ranat Tum. To benefit students, Thai musicians and those interested in creative work.</p> 2024-05-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Development of Guidelines to Enhance Motivation Work Performance of the Teacher at Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 2023-12-01T13:25:35+07:00 Supatpong Boonsad <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the current condition Desirable conditions and needs to enhance teachers' motivation to work. Under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2. to develop guidelines for enhancing teachers work motivation Under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. is a Mixed Methods research. There is a research tool which is Questionnaires interviews and assessments. The sample group consisted of 328 teachers under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 using the Crejcie and Morgan formulas and stratified random sampling. Classified by educational institution size and the target group is 6 people who come from a specific selection. Then the data collected from the questionnaire and evaluation form were analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and use the information gathered from the interview form Let's analyze it in terms of content. The research results found that 1) The current state of teacher motivation Under the jurisdiction of the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 the overall level was at a low level (x̅= 2.44) As for the desirable conditions of teachers' work motivation Under the jurisdiction of the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 the overall level is at the highest level (x̅= 4.51) and 2) Development of guidelines for enhancing teachers' motivation in their work Under the jurisdiction of the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 the overall level of appropriateness was at the highest level (x̅= 4.90) and when considered in each aspect Arranged from highest to lowest average are: (1) good relationships within the educational institution (x̅= 4.94) (2) success in work (x̅= 4.93) (3) nature of work performed (x̅= 4.89) (4) Recognition and respect (x̅= 4.88) and (5) Rewards from work performance (x̅= 4.86).</p> 2024-05-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Development of Thai Language Learning Achievement on Thai Idioms Using Game Based Learning with Skill Practice for Primary 4 Students 2023-12-05T20:09:20+07:00 Chomphunut Makemuengthong <p>The purposes of this study were 1. to develop the Thai language learning management according to the games based learning with skill practice to be effective in accordance with the criteria of 75/75 2. to compare the Thai language on Thai idioms of primary 4 student before and after using the games based learning with skill practice and the criterion score of 60% and 3. to study the students’s satisfaction toward learning management according to the games based learning with skill practice. This research was a quasi-experimental research, instruments used for gathering data consisted of: (1) lesson plan, games, Thai idioms skill practice (2) test and (3) the satisfaction assessment questionnaire. The samples were 14 Prathomsuksa 4 Students in the first semester of 2023 academic year at Wiang Setthi Wittaya School. Data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean and standard deviation and the test statistic (t-test) The result found that, 1) the learning management method according to the games based learning with skill practice had efficacy 83.33/74.29, meeting the established criteria 2) after learning through the games based learning with skill practice, students had statistically higher learning achievement than before learning (p&lt; .01) and students had statistically higher than the defined criteria of 60 percentage (p&lt; .01) and 3) the students' satisfaction about learning investigated at the end of the games based learning with skill practice was at the high level ( =2.66, =0.23).</p> 2024-05-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Efficiency in Teaching Experience Training for 4th Year Students at Rattana Bundit University 2023-12-01T13:09:04+07:00 Wattana Suthiphan <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the evaluation of the effectiveness of the teaching professional experience of 4th year students in the field of Physical Education Rattana Bundit University and 2. to compare the evaluation of efficiency in the 4th year professional experience training for teachers in the field of Physical Education Rattana Bundit University 4th year Physical Education major Rattana Bundit University between male and female students. is a quantitative research The research tools include a questionnaire with a sample group. There were 36 physical education students 36 mentor teachers 13 school administrators, 7 supervisors, a total of 92 people, which came from the sample size calculation. Using the Crazy and Morgan (1970) at an error level of 0.05 that comes from selecting a Simple Random Sampling and then using the data collected from the questionnaire to analyze using descriptive statistics, consisting of values Percentage, mean, standard deviation and compared by using a t-test. The results of the research found that 1) the evaluation of the efficiency of the teaching professional experience training of 4th year students was Suitability was at a moderate level (x̅= 42.68, S.D. = 0.03) and 2) Comparing the evaluation of efficiency in the 4th year teaching professional experience training in Physical Education between male and female students, it was found that Overall male students' suitability was at a moderate level (x ̅ = 2.92, S.D. = 0.06). Overall female students' suitability was at a low level (x ̅ = 2.40, S.D. = 0.06). When considering statistics, it was found that Male and female students were evaluated on their effectiveness in teaching professional experience training no different Statistically significant at the .05 level</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Factors Affecting the Performance Efficiency of Chainat Municipality Teachers 2023-12-29T13:38:27+07:00 Jutamas Yongthai <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the level of the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers and 2. to factors affecting the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers. is a survey research The research tools were questionnaires and the research samples were total population of Chainat Town Municipality teachers during the year 2023, 108 people. Then the data collected from questionnaires was analyzed using statistics consisting of the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and step-wise multiple regression. The results showed that 1) the overall rating mean of the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers was at the high level (x̅= 4.46, S.D. = .40) and 2) the factors affecting the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers of restrained love and pride in profession, recognition, and interpersonal relation in workplace positive influenced the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers and could be combined to predict the performance efficiency of Chainat Municipality teachers significantly at the .01 level with the predicting power of 56 percent; the predicting equation was as follows: Z’ = .31Z<sub>2</sub>+ .28Z<sub>4</sub>+ .27Z<sub>3</sub></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Awareness and Preparation of Mothers in Applying for Newborn Child Care Subsidy in the Dara Ang Ethnic Group Ban Huai Mak Liam Fang District Chiang Mai Province 2023-12-15T21:06:17+07:00 Jirachaya Jeawkok <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the awareness and preparation of parents. When submitting a subsidy for raising a newborn child In the Dara Ang ethnic group Huai Mak Liam Village, Fang District, Changwang, Chiang Mai and 2. to develop parents' knowledge in submitting subsidies for raising newborn children in the Dara Ang ethnic group. Huai Mak Liam Village, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province is a quantitative research. The researcher and related persons are involved in the operation and have research tools such as knowledge questionnaires. Knowledge test and preparation for applying for newborn child support There is a sample group. Dara Ang ethnic housewives, totaling 25 people from the Ang Dara National Group of Housewives examined the accuracy of the contents by 3 experts. by computer program The data were analyzed by statistical statistical mean frequency distribution. and find the percentage. The results showed that 1) Awareness and preparation of parents in submitting subsidy for newborn child support in the Ang Dara ethnic group Huai Mak Liam Village, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province Before participating in the activity, there was a total awareness of 28.0 percent, which the perception of the Dara Ang Ethnic Housewives Fund group understood that newborns had the right to access the welfare rights of the state at 60 percent and and 2) knowledge of parents for child support grant in Dara Ang ethnic. They have knowledge and prepare to child support grant before activity result found 30.4 percent. The most of parents register to receive child support grant must be in a households with an average low income do not exceed 100,000 baht per year, the result found 40 percent. and parents who register to receive child support grant will receive money 600 baht/month result found 36 percent.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Use of Mediation in Civil Cases 2023-12-08T22:40:18+07:00 Chaimongkol Khongmee <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the background, concepts, and theories of civil mediation in courts of first instance 2. to study legal measures for mediation of civil cases in courts of first instance according to Thai and foreign laws 3. to analyze problems in mediation of civil cases in courts of first instance, and 4. to suggest solutions to legal measures for mediating civil cases in the Court of First Instance. It is qualitative research. Study from legal textbooks, websites, Thai and foreign legal texts. By analyzing the obtained data in terms of content. The results of the research found that 1) the requirements of the President of the Supreme Court Concerning Mediation 2011 (1) Article 27 states that it is the mediator's discretion to allow the parties to present or exchange facts and proposals for resolving the dispute. To the mediator or to the other party, or not. There is also no legal measure specifying conditions forcing the litigants to comply in any way. (2) Article 51 (2) Specifies the qualifications of the mediator to be a graduate of not less than a bachelor's degree in any field. (3) Article 7 Paragraph two does not specifically specify the nature or type of cases that require pre-trial mediation 2) Laws regarding mediation of civil cases in the courts of first instance in Singapore and the United States. (Federal Court District of Columbia) (1) Requires that, before entering into mediation, parties submit evidence and proposals for resolving the dispute to the mediator and the other party. If this is not complied with, there is a law that stipulates the conditions. (2) The qualifications for mediators in civil cases must be those with legal knowledge. (3) The nature or type of cases that require mediation before trial is specified specifically 3) Requirements of the President of the Supreme Court Regarding mediation 2011, there are still problems in the matter of (1) before mediation, the parties do not propose or exchange facts and proposals for resolving the dispute with the mediator or the other party. There is also no legal measure specifying the conditions that the parties must comply with in any way. (2) There is no prescribing the qualifications of a mediator to be someone with legal knowledge. (3) There is no specifying the nature or type of case that requires mediation first and 4) the researcher therefore suggests amendments and additions. Requirements of the President of the Supreme Court Concerning mediation, B.E. 2011, to: (1) allow the parties to present or exchange facts and proposals for resolving the dispute to the mediator or the other party; and to have legal measures to establish conditions forcing parties to present or exchange facts and proposals for resolving disputes to the conciliator and the other party (2) to specify the qualifications of the conciliator to be a person with legal knowledge (3) ) Specify the nature or type of case that requires pre-trial mediation. This will allow the parties to be able to resolve disputes. and cases in court proceedings can be settled with convenience and speed.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Model Law on Independent Organization for Environmental and Health Impact Assessment 2023-12-01T14:04:14+07:00 Sasiorn Into <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study concepts and regulations of the environment and establishment of independent organizations on “the evaluation of health and environmental impact '' 2. to investigate patterns of independent organizations on “the evaluation of health and environmental impact” and compare international law, foreign law and Thai law 3. to study aims to analyze problems and limitations of organizational management on “the evaluation of health and environmental impact” in Thailand and 4. to establishes model law on independent organization on “the evaluation of health and environmental impact” which contains proper quality with Thai context. is qualitative research. The research tool was an interview form with a target group of 25 people selected through purposive sampling. Then the information gathered from the interviews and related documents were analyzed in terms of content analysis. This research presents that 1) thinking system, behavior, environmental ethnics, philosophy of law, concept, theory, regulation and function of environmental law effect human’s attitude. Human being is a part of nature and their lives depend on nature 2) The establishment and management of independent organization on the evaluation of health and environmental impact in Thailand does not have distinctive law to certify a status and determine structure of independent organizations on the evaluation 3) The structure of organization, committee selection and authority of committee cause problems to independent organization and working transparency and the complication of authority of organizations effecting working management and cannot protect and keep natural resource and environment in accordance with the requirement of Thai Constitution, B.E. 2560, section 57(2) and 4) As a result this research has established the model law of independent organization on the evaluation of health and environmental impact. The law structure includes (1) definition (2) the committee of independent organization on health and environmental impact (3) authority and (4) the Office of the Committee of Health and Environmental Impact. </p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Program to Adaptive Leadership of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sisaket Yasothon 2024-01-16T23:19:38+07:00 Norramon Sritabut <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the current condition. Desired condition and the necessary needs in strengthening transformational leadership of educational institution administrators and 2. to design, create, and evaluate a program to enhance transformational leadership of educational institution administrators under the Sisaket Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Yasothon. is a research type. Merge method Research tools include questionnaires, interviews, and assessments. The sample group was teachers and school administrators. Under the jurisdiction of the Sisaket Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Yasothon, there were 355 students using the Krejcie and Morgan formula and stratified random sampling. Classified by educational institution size and a group of 11 informants who came from purposive selection. Then the data collected from the questionnaire and evaluation form were analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and use the information gathered from the interview form Let's analyze it in terms of content. The results of the research found that 1) The current condition of the leadership changes of educational institution administrators. Overall, it is at a moderate level. Desired conditions of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators. Overall, it is at the highest level. As for the necessary needs of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators Arranged from most to least: 1) cultural competency 2) teamwork and vision 3) knowledge management and 2) a program to strengthen the leadership and change of educational institution administrators. Under the jurisdiction of the Sisaket Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Yasothon, there are 5 elements of the program: 1) principles, 2) objectives 3) content 4) development process 5) measurement and evaluation. The overall evaluation results were appropriate at the highest level. has an average of 4.70</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Development of Reading Chinese by using the CIRC Cooperative Group Teaching Technique with Multimedia for Matthayomsuksa 1 Students 2024-01-25T23:22:02+07:00 Krittiyaporn Kumkorn <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to Develop the learning management of Chinese reading ability through CIRC teaching technique with multimedia of Matthayomsuksa 1 students to achieve the criteria 80/80 of effectiveness 2. to compare the learning achievement in Chinese Reading ability of students before and after learning through CIRC teaching technique with multimedia for Matthayomsuksa 1 students and 3. to study the satisfaction of Matthayomsuksa 1 students on learning management of Chinese reading ability through CIRC teaching technique with multimedia. is quantitative research There are research tools, including (1) a plan for learning to read Chinese; By organizing learning using the CIRC cooperative group teaching technique (2) Chinese reading skills test (3) questionnaire on satisfaction with the CIRC cooperative group learning management together with the use of multimedia that promotes language reading. China The sample group was 31 Mathayomsuksa 1/1 students at Maha Sarakham Kindergarten School, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. which is studying in the 2nd semester of academic year 2022, 1 classroom, which the said sample group was obtained by random sampling method. From every classroom studying Chinese language subjects The data collected from the research tools were then analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations. and used inferential statistics with t-test statistics for related samples. The results were as follows: 1) The efficiency of the learning management of Chinese reading ability through CIRC teaching technique with multimedia of Matthayomsuksa 1 were 88.73/82.74 which was in accordance with the required criterion of 80/80 2) The students who learned management of Chinese reading ability through the CRIRC teaching technique with multimedia were significantly higher than before learning at the level of .01 and 3) Matthayomsuksa 1 students’ satisfaction toward learning through the Chinese reading ability through the CRIRC teaching technique with multimedia technique at the highest level.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Electric Cars of The Generation Y in Pathum Thani Province 2024-01-08T18:20:44+07:00 Kanisorn Wipaspongsakorn <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the 5A marketing factors of Generation Y in Pathum Thani province compare the decision-making process of buying electric cars among Generation Y in Pathum Thani province and 3. to examine the influencing factors in the decision-making process of buying electric cars among Generation Y in Pathum Thani province. This is quantitative research utilizing questionnaires as research tools with a sample group of 400 individuals selected using Taro Yamane's formula (1973) with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. Data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using statistical analysis, including percentages, means, and standard deviations. The research findings indicate: 1) The study of the 5A marketing factors of Generation Y in Pathum Thani province found that the level of opinion on the 5A marketing strategy is high (x̅= 3.53) 2) The study comparing the decision-making process of buying electric cars among Generation Y in Pathum Thani province found that the highest level of decision-making is the interest in purchasing electric cars when there are sufficient battery charging stations available (x̅= 3.77) and 3) The study of the influencing factors in the decision-making process of buying electric cars among Generation Y in Pathum Thani province found that when there are sufficient battery charging stations available to meet the general demand in Pathum Thani province, it significantly affects the decision-making process at the statistical level of .01</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Legend of Naga Asking for Ordination Towards the Creation of Creative Isaan Folk Dance Performances Set: Upasampatanakha Satthadhamma 2024-01-16T23:23:05+07:00 Sunisa Potisansuk <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the legend of Nagas asking for ordination and 2. to Create creative works in the field of Isaan folk dance. is qualitative research. The research tool was an interview form, with the target research group being Phra Than Thatto Khun Phrom Damri Temple (Ban Upparat Temple) Tha Song Khon Subdistrict Mueang District Maha Sarakham Province that comes from specific selection and the data obtained from the interviews were analyzed in a content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) The legend of Naga asking for ordination. There is a legend that is told. It is said that there was a Naga named Mucalinda who believed in Buddhism and therefore secretly transformed into a human being and asked to enter the precepts with the Buddha. During the time Phaya Naga Mucalin sat and meditated. He fell asleep and forgot his body, so he returned to his Naga state. after the Lord Buddha learned that he could not perform the ceremony of farewell to Naga Mucalinda, Phaya Naga Mucalinda requested to leave his name with the Lord Buddha. I would like to ask the Lord Buddha to perform a ceremony to prepare for ordination, which is called “Naga” in order to bring merit to all beings in this world who do not have the opportunity to pledge allegiance to Buddhism Therefore, it is the origin of the tradition of calling the Naga or being ordained as a Naga and 2) creating works in the field of creative Isan folk dance the Upasampathanaka Satthatham series, which consists of composing lyrics. new melody costume design to convey the concreteness Using the media to tell the story of the legend of the Naga asking for ordination.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY School Management Uttaradit Rajabhat University Demonstration School 2024-01-15T20:35:14+07:00 Teerapong Tup-at <p>This research consists purposes were to study the administration of the educational institution at Uttaradit Rajabhat University Demonstration School. is a quantitative research. The research tool is a questionnaire regarding the administration of the educational institution. By adhering to the principles of administration according to the principles of decentralization. The sample consisted of 121 people, consisting of 1 administrator, 71 teachers, and 49 officials from purposive selection. The data collected from the test was then analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results demonstrated that overall, the academic aspects achieved the highest level of implementation (x̅= 4.50, S.D.= 0.62), followed by general management (x̅= 4.43, S.D.= 0.65) and personnel management (x̅= 4.35, S.D.= 0.67) respectively, while budgetary management was rated with the level of implementation (x̅= 4.35, S.D.= 0.64).</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Development of Studying KWL Plus Learning Activities with Multimedia on English Reading Comprehension of the Mattayomsuksa 5 Students 2024-01-24T21:29:54+07:00 Mahakit Pangwiphat <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to develop the learning management of English comprehension reading ability through the KWL Plus technique with multimedia of Matthayomsuksa 5 students with the E1/E2 = 75/75 and 2. to compare the learning achievement in English Reading Comprehension of students before and after learning through KWL-Plus technique with multimedia for Mathayomsuksa 5. This research is Experimental Research. There are research tools consisting of (1) learning plans using KWL Plus teaching activities combined with 6 multimedia plans (2) tests to measure English reading comprehension of primary school students. Mathayom 5, 30 questions, with a sample of 40 people, namely Mathayom 5 students, Wapi Pathum School. Maha Sarakham Province Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 which was obtained by random sampling. Then the data collected from the research tools were analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing using t-test (Dependent Samples). The results were as follows: 1) with multimedia of Matthayomsuksa 5 students were 80.13/80.77 which was in accordance with the required criterion of 75/75 and 2) The students who learned management of English comprehension reading ability through the KWL Plus technique with multimedia by the test analysis significantly higher than before learning at the level of .05</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Service Quality that Affects Satisfaction of Service Recipients at Physical Therapy Department of a Private Hospital in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province 2024-01-17T20:26:02+07:00 Sombut Kuytuan <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to examine the service quality and satisfaction level among recipients of physical therapy department services 2. to assess the satisfaction level of recipients based on personal factors and 3. to investigate how service quality influences the satisfaction of recipients at a private hospital's physical therapy department in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. This is a quantitative research utilizing questionnaires with a sample size of 400 service recipients from the physical therapy department of a private hospital in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province, selected using purposive sampling. Data analysis involved statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, LSD for pairwise comparison with a significance level of .05 and multiple regression analysis. The research findings reveal that: 1) Service quality and satisfaction levels are at their highest (x̅= 4.79, S.D.= 0.24) 2) Satisfaction levels vary among recipients of different ages, occupations, and income levels regarding service adequacy and accessibility Fairness in service delivery significantly impacts overall satisfaction, while reliability and responsiveness affect satisfaction with service adequacy, accessibility and 3) customer ability to pay Understanding and familiarity with customers also play a role in satisfaction with service adequacy and convenience.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Feedback From Students on the On-Line Tuition at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Humanities and Social Science Students 2024-02-10T22:41:39+07:00 Yoswadee ์Nirarom <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to examine circumstances happened during online classes and 2. to assess students’ perceptions towards the online learning. is qualitative research The research tool is an interview form, with the target research group being students studying in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Phetchabun Rajabhat University, 20 people, all from purposive selection The information gathered from interview forms and related documents were then content analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) Conditions of online teaching and learning arrangements for students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Phetchabun Rajabhat University consists of 1.1) factors that are obstacles to online learning from instructors, 1.2) factors that are obstacles to online learning from students, and 1.3) conditions for organizing online teaching in practical subjects and 2) opinions of students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Phetchabun Rajabhat University towards online teaching consists of 2.1) opinions of students regarding the advantages and disadvantages of studying online. It was found that the advantages of studying online include reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19 and saving costs. spend As for the disadvantages of studying online, such as not understanding the lesson like studying in a regular classroom. and lack of interaction between the teacher and students, resulting in a poor understanding of the learning content. 2.2) Students' opinions comparing online learning with normal learning, for example, most students like Learning in a normal format and 2.3) Students' opinions about good online learning characteristics come from factors from both teachers and students. As for the teacher, the students had the opinion that, for example, the teacher should have a question-and-answer teaching style. Concise, easy-to-understand speech with activities in the hour And as for the learner, for example, the learner should have responsibility for themselves. And the study location must be quiet and suitable for online learning.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY The Competency of Learning Management for Students Practicing Professional Experience of Teachers Department of Physical Education Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University 2024-01-25T23:09:34+07:00 Nattakarn Khanthong <p>This research consists purposes were to study the competency in learning management, students, professional experience physical education Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University Is a quantitative research There is a research tool, which is a questionnaire, with a sample group in the research, namely students, professional experience, physical education, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University. Of the academic year 2022, consisting of 58 people from all specific selection Then use the data collected from the questionnaire to analyze using Description statistics include percentage, average, standard deviation. The research results show that Comments about the study of the competency in learning management, student experience, teacher experience, physical education Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University The overall picture is at the highest level (X̅ = 4.61, S.D. = 0.45) and when considering the issues, it is found that the problems of the students are at the highest level of 10 items, which are able to apply the knowledge gained from studying in their careers and professional development (X̅ = 4.62, S.D. = 0.52). There are more interesting academic knowledge (X̅ = 4.61, S.D. = 0.49) to use knowledge in their daily lives (X̅ = 4.62, S.D. = 0.52) aiming to promote Cooperation as a network To increase the efficiency and quality of educational quality (x̅ = 4.61, S.D. = 0.053) aiming to promote network cooperation To increase the efficiency and quality of educational quality (x̅ = 4.54, S.D. = 0.48) based on the school to create an school curriculum in accordance with the basic core curriculum and in line with the problem ( x̅ = 4.64, S.D. = 0.49) aims to encourage communities and society to participate in the curriculum of learning processes. As well as being a network and learning source (X̅ = 4.64, S.D. = 0.49) aiming to promote the school to organize learning processes It is considered that the learner is the most important (x̅ = 4.64, S.D. = 0.49). The content is arranged as the content specified in the curriculum in order before appropriate learning (X̅ = 4.59, S.D. = 0.49). The operational guidelines are the procedures that require the development of the curriculum by determining the process from the beginning to success These procedures must specify the exact time (X̅ = 4.57, S.D. = 0.46) respectively.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Development of Physical Activities and Physical Finess of the Elderly in the Area Edge of the City Nam Aom Subdistrict Kantharalak District Sisaket Province 2024-01-25T23:06:54+07:00 Koonlawut Sansak <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the health promotion and performance of the elderly who come to exercise Nam Aom Subdistrict Kantharalak District Sisaket Province and 2. to assess the physical and health of the elderly who come to exercise in Nam Aom Subdistrict Kantharalak District Sisaket Province. is a quantitative research There is a research tool which is a questionnaire, with a sample group of 100 people, the elderly, female, aged 60 years and over, who came to exercise in Nam Om Subdistrict, Kantharalak District, Sisaket Province, using the Taro Mane formula (1973) at the level of Increasing 0.05 from coincidentally randomly, then use the data collected from the questionnaire to analyze by using descriptive statistics, consisting of percentage, average, standard deviation and comparison by T-test. The research shows that 1) Body mass index of the elderly exercise Height weight and body mass index for the elderly who exercise in the area of ​​gender classified by the elderly weighing 64.32 kilograms, height 166 centimeters and BMI (BMI) an average of 23.38 KG/M2. With an average weight of 54.76 kilograms, height 157 centimeters and average body mass (BMI) (BMI) an average 22.26 kg/m2 and when compared to the standard of body mass index for the elderly and found that the elderly exercising in Nam Om Subdistrict, Kantharalak District Sisaket Province Male has a good level of body mass index and 2) physical and health performance of the elderly who come to exercise, Nam Om Subdistrict, Kantharalak District Sisaket Province List of thickness of fat under the skin The back of the arms (Triceps), the elderly, a very good exercise man is 8 millimeters down (score 30.17 down), good level 9 - 11 millimeters (scores from 30.18 - 39.72), medium level 12 - 13 mm ( The score from 39.73 - 49.27) is quite low, 14 - 15 millimeters (score from 49.28 - 58.81), low level 16 mm or more (score 58.82 or more).</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR LOCAL RAJABHAT MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY Social Stigma in the Community under the Recurring Crisis of COVID 19 Maha Sarakham Province 2024-02-26T23:11:33+07:00 Chommanat Plaengmal <p>This research consists purposes were to studied the social stigma in the community of Mahasarakham province under the recurring crisis of COVID-19. This research was qualitative research There is a research tool which is the Interview and Group Discussion. The Purposive Sampling was divided into 3 groups: Individuals who have previously contracted COVID-19, Individuals residing in the same household as those infected with COVID-19 and Community leaders. The sample size consists of 20 data points. The information gathered from interview forms and related documents were then content analysis. This research found that the social stigma consists of 3 patterns as follows: 1) The self-stigmatization among the group of patients reveals high levels of stress, loneliness, isolation, and extreme anxiety due to the lack of treatment and preventive vaccines for COVID-19. They fear being carriers of the virus and transmitting it to family members. Additionally, they perceive themselves as a financial and caregiving burden during the quarantine period. Moreover, they are apprehensive about facing community ostracism and being expelled from the area due to fears of being the source of disease transmission. 2) Personal Stigma feel burdened by financial costs, caregiving responsibilities, and reporting requirements. This burden often leads to the concealment of information to alleviate these challenges. 3) Public Stigma has intensified due to a collective lack of knowledge about COVID-19, as it is a newly emerged disease. Additionally, the dissemination of various information through online media has led to conflicts within the community. When people feel afraid of the unknown, they tend to easily project their fear onto others. The impacts resulting from social stigma are significant and can be categorized into three levels: 1) Impact on physical and mental health: Stigmatization affects the overall well-being of individuals, both physically and mentally. 2) Impact on family duties and increased burden: Stigmatization adds to the responsibilities and burdens placed on families. 3) Impact on the community: Community stigma contributes to the perception of individuals as dangerous, leading to conflicts within the community.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Program to Enhance Teachers’ Digital Competency in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Karasin 2024-03-03T22:17:17+07:00 Nongrat Sabaengban <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the current condition. Desired condition and the essential needs of digital capacity building for teachers and 2. to create and evaluate digital capacity building programs for teachers. is a combined method research. Research tools include questionnaires, interviews, and assessments. The sample group consisted of 322 teachers under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office using the Crejcie and Morgan (1970) formulas and stratified random sampling. Classified by educational institution size and a group of 8 informants who came from purposive selection. Then the data collected from the questionnaire and evaluation form were analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentages, averages, and data obtained from the interviews. Let's analyze it in terms of content. The results of the research found that 1) the current state of digital competency building for teachers The overall level was at a moderate level (x̅=2.93, S.D.= 0.61). The overall desirable conditions of digital competency building for teachers were at the highest level (x̅=4.68, S.D.= 0.43), and the necessary needs for development Digital competencies for teachers Arranged from highest to lowest, they are: 1) the aspect of adapting to digital change (x̅=4.51, S.D.= 0.48) and 2) the aspect of solving problems with digital tools (x̅=4.65, S.D.=0.49) 3) the aspect of using digital (x̅ =4.61, S.D.=0.51) and 4) digital literacy (x̅=4.94, S.D.= 0.24) and 2) the digital competency building program for teachers consists of (1) principles (2) objectives (3) content consisting of 4 modules: Module 1 Adapting to digital transformation Module 2 Problem solving with digital tools Module 3 Using digital Module 4 Digital literacy (4) Development activities and tools and (5) Measurement and evaluation The results of evaluating the suitability and feasibility of the program were at the highest level (x̅=4.76, S.D.= 0.33).</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Program to Enhance Academic Leadership for School Administrators under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 2024-03-07T17:58:07+07:00 Chariyaphorn Kamlamool <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the current conditions, desired conditions and necessary needs to strengthen the academic leadership of educational institution administrators and 2. to develop a program to enhance the academic leadership of educational institution administrators. Under the jurisdiction of the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, it is a mixed methods research. research tools Including questionnaires, interviews and assessments. The sample group was educational institution administrators and teachers. Under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, there were a total of 327 people using Crejcie and Morgan's formula to randomly stratify. Classified by educational institution size and a group of 11 informants who came from purposive selection. The data collected from questionnaires and interviews were then analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentages, means, and standard deviations. and use the information collected Let's analyze the content. The results of the research found that 1) The overall current condition is at a moderate level (x̅=2.54, S.D.=0.69). The overall desired condition is at the highest level (x̅=4.81, S.D.=0.44) Necessary needs of leadership Academic aspects of educational institution administrators Arranged from most to least: 1.1) Supervision and evaluation of teaching (x̅=4.84, S.D.=0.43) 1.2) Curriculum management and teaching (x̅=4.81, S.D.=0.44) 1.3) Having a vision (x̅=4.78, S.D.=0.45) and 2) The program to enhance academic leadership of school administrators has 5 components: principles, objectives, content, development methods, measurement and evaluation. Overall, it is appropriate at the highest level (x̅=4.70, S.D.=0.45).</p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Chapter of Literature Review of Civil Politics 2024-02-07T12:03:11+07:00 Wutthiphong Buachoi <p>The purposes of this research were 1. to review the knowledge of civil politics 2. to review the movement model of civil politics 3. to review civil politics in policy processes. and 4) to review the development of civil politics. is qualitative research. The research tool was an interview form with a target group of 20 people selected through purposive sampling. Then use the information gathered from the interviews and various related documents. Let's do a content analysis. the findings of this research were that 1) Most researchers or academics still refer to the work of David Matthew and the “knowledge set on civic politics” is still the same. 2) The movement pattern of civil politics still has the movement pattern that Wutthipong Buachoi has studied. Including fighting through the use of more public communication processes (social media), "which will reduce the fighting process 3) Civic politics in the policy process will bring about an integrated form or solution to solving people's problems with hybrid theories and 4) Civil politics has developed similar to the academic work of Wutthipong Buachoi (2018) finding both the development of civil politics in foreign countries and the development of civil politics in Thailand.</p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Factors Influencing the Decision-Making Process for Clothing Purchases Made Through Live Streams on Mobile Applications Among Students in Supanburi Province 2024-03-06T00:09:09+07:00 Thanakan Chobboon <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the acceptance of live streaming applications and their effect on the decision to purchase clothes online among students in Suphanburi Province and 2. to compare the factors in the decision-making process of purchasing clothes through live streaming channels on applications among student groups in Suphanburi Province categorized by demographic characteristics. This is a quantitative research study utilizing questionnaires as the research tool, with a sample size of 200 individuals derived using Taro Yamane's (1973) formula. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentages, mean values, and standard deviations. The research findings revealed that 1) Acceptance of live streaming applications that affect the decision to buy clothes online of students in Suphan Buri Province, it was found that the acceptance of the live broadcast application The level of opinion is high (x̅= 3.99) when considering the steps. The level of opinions in all 5 stages, arranged in order from highest to lowest, is as follows: Acceptance stage (x̅= 4.09), Awareness or awareness stage (x̅= 4.08), Experimental stage (x̅= 4.02), Interest stage (x̅= 4.01) and evaluation stage (x̅= 3.72) respectively and 2) results of comparing factors in deciding to purchase clothing through live broadcasting on applications among students in Suphan Buri Province. Classified according to demographic characteristics, it was found that the genders were different. Education is different There are factors in deciding to buy clothes through live channels on the application. Not significantly different. Different ages play a factor in deciding to buy clothes through live channels on the application. They are significantly different at the .01 level.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Implementation of Ethics and Transparency Assessment Policy in Operation of the Central Administration of Treasury Department 2024-03-03T22:13:42+07:00 Chaianan Singlod <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to Examine implementing the policy on ethics and transparency assessment 2. to investigate the problems and obstacles in implementing this policy and 3. to explore the guidelines for addressing challenges in implementing the policy on ethics and transparency assessment. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research There are research tools, namely questionnaires and interviews. The sample group consisted of 269 civil servants, government employees, permanent employees, and temporary employees within the Treasury Department. The sample size was determined by calculating the sample size using Taro Yamane's (1973) formula at a tolerance level of 0.05 and the group Target: Number of people that come from a specific selection. The data collected from the questionnaire was then analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation and The information gathered from interview forms and related documents were then content analysis. The research results found that 1) The Treasury Department has implemented the morality and transparency assessment policy at the highest level (x̅= 4.37) 2) Problems and obstacles in implementing the morality and transparency assessment policy. It was found that there were problems and obstacles at the least level (x̅= 1.71) and 3) The Treasury Department most strongly agreed (x̅= 4.31) with the guidelines for solving problems and obstacles in implementing the morality and transparency assessment policy.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Development of Law on Class Action 2024-03-03T22:24:15+07:00 Somwang Kongjai <p>This research consists purposes were to develop the Civil Procedure Code Chapter 4 on Class Action Research methodology. is qualitative research The research tool was an interview form with a target group of 16 people selected through purposive sampling. Then the information gathered from the interviews and various related documents were in terms of content analysis. The research found that the Civil Procedure Code Chapter 4 on Class Action has some restrictions that need to be revised in order to cover all parties concerned as well as to be consistent with the context of Thai society The following issues should be amended: definitions, persons entitled to class action, defendant class action, class action permission process, notification of class action permission order to members of the class, attorney’s fee award rights of similarly situated persons without symptom of injury debt payment order in the execution stage and Class Action Fund. The research recommends that the relevant agencies should submit the abovementioned draft law on Class Action to the National Assembly for enactment of legislation.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Legal Problems Concerning Contract Liabilities of Housing Development Business Operators 2024-03-03T22:26:35+07:00 Vichit Lianpanich <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the concept Principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators 2. to study legal measures regarding contractual liability of foreign and Thai housing business operators 3. to study and analyze problems related to contractual liability of housing business operators. Housing business operators and 4. to study guidelines for amending the law regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. is quality research There is a research process. Using documentary research methods which searches from documents such as textbooks, books, research studies, theses, dissertations, academic articles, websites, journals, publications, related government documents and books and foreign laws. The information related documents were then content analysis. Research results found that 1) Concepts, principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. Must be taken into account as important: trading ideas Liability under the sales contract Government guidelines for consumer protection Principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators 2) Foreign countries do not dare to allow the private sector to operate its economy fully freely Because they do not want economic integration to the point of creating a monopoly or causing certain groups of people to have too much influence to control the economic life of the country. For this reason, the state comes in to control 3) Purchase contract in order to sell the developed land of the land developer, some of the terms do not conform to the standard form of the contract to buy and sell the developed land. of the Central Land Allocation Committee and 4) legal guidelines regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. There should be a correction. Land Allocation Act, B.E. 2000, amended (No. 2), B.E. 2015, Section 34, Section 29 and the announcement of the Central Land Allocation Committee on determining the standard forms of contracts to buy and sell allocated land, B.E. 2002, amended. (No. 2) B.E. 2003, Clause 11.1.1 and Clause 7 should be added by adding Clause 7.5. The buyer has the right to modify. or adding on to their building after the ownership of the property has been transferred according to the sales contract to the buyer without having to ask for permission from the seller. If you have complied with the building control law.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Attitude and Behaviors of People in Muang Phetchabun District Phetchabun Province According to Governmental Policy of Prevention and Control Measures for COVID-19 2024-03-12T23:07:04+07:00 Prajuab Iampo <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to investigate the attitudes and behaviors of the residents in Mueang District, Phetchabun Province towards the DMHTT measures which stands for Distancing, Mask wearing, Hand washing, Testing, and ThaiChana 2. to investigate the problems and obstacles in implementing the DMHTT measures by the residents in Mueang District Phetchabun Province and 3. to examine guidelines for solving problems and obstacles in following the DMHTT measures by the residents in Mueang District, Phetchabun quantitative research The research population is people in the Mueang Phetchabun District area. The sample size of 399 people was obtained by calculating the sample size using the formula Taro Yamane (1973) with an error level of 0.05 using mixed sampling. The research tool is a questionnaire. The data collected from the questionnaire is then analyzed using descriptive statistics, consisting of percentages, means, and standard deviations. The research findings revealed that 1) attitudes and behaviors of Mueang Phetchabun residents towards the DMHTT measures were at the highest level (x̅= 4.44, S.D.=0.56) 2)The problems and obstacles to implementing the DMHTT measures were at a high level (x̅= 4.02, S.D.=0.89)and 3) The residents agreed with guidelines for solving problems and obstacles in complying with the DMHTT measures at the highest level (x̅= 4.54, S.D.=0.53) When comparing attitudes and behaviors across age and occupation groups regarding government COVID-19 prevention and control policies and measures, significant differences were found between the groups.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The Developing of Task-Based Learning Activities to Promote Speaking Skills of Grade 11 Students 2024-03-09T13:49:05+07:00 Prasonpon Tonpho <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to develop of task-based learning activities to promote English speaking skills with efficiency at 75/75 2. to compare students’ English-speaking skills before and after studying with task-based learning activities and 3. to study Grade 11 students’ satisfaction toward task-based learning activities to promote speaking skills which is experimental research. There were research instruments included lesson plans of Task-based learning activities, English speaking test, and satisfaction surveys. The sample was Grade 11/17 students of first semester of academic year 2023 of Kaennakhonwittayalai School, Muang, Khon Kaen. Selected by cluster random sampling. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of research were 1) The efficiency of task-based learning activities to promote speaking skills of grade 11 students was 75.34/76.31 which was higher than the standers criteria 75/75 2) Comparison of grade 11 students’ speaking skills studying English though task-based learning. Students’ mean score was 62.31 before studying tasked based learning activities and students mean score was 76.31 after studying tasked based learning activities which means students’ score was higher after studying by using tasked based learning activities at .01 and 3) Satisfaction with the organization of work-based learning activities in the English subject of Mathayom 5 students. The average score of satisfaction with the organization of teaching activities of students was 93 percent. The highest level (x̅= 4.63)</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Study the Level of Social Responsibility of the Business Sector Mueang District Maha Sarakham Province 2024-03-07T18:25:29+07:00 Sirirat Tatiyarat <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to study the level of social responsibility of the business sector Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province 2. to compare the level of social responsibility of the business sector Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province and 3. to study and make recommendations for promoting social responsibility in the business sector Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province. is a quantitative research There is a research tool namely a questionnaire with the sample group being representatives of business operators In Mueang Maha Sarakham District the number of 383 people came from using the formula of Taro Yamane (1973) at the tolerance level of .05 Random sampling The data collected from the questionnaire was then analyzed using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) Social responsibility of the business sector as a whole is at a high level (x̅ = 3.95, S.D.=0.54), which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that is at a moderate level. 2) Results of comparing the level of social responsibility of the business sector Classified by gender group, it was found that the genders were different. Overall, there is no significant difference at the .05 level and 3) Suggestions include: 3.1) Economic aspect: Ways should be found to encourage the business sector to earn more income 3.2) Social aspect: There should be guidelines for business operators to help the community or organizations in the community increased 3.3) Environmental aspect Environmental management concepts should be used to improve public places. Community facilities 3.4) Participation You should find ways for your co-workers to increase their participation in order to create a culture of working together in the organization other aspects are reduced accordingly.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Developing an Effective English Instructional Package for Non-English Major EFL Learners in Graduate School 2024-02-10T22:51:24+07:00 Suwitchan Un-udom <p>This research consists purposes were 1. to assess the language needs of Non-English Major EFL learners in graduate education, 2. to create a customized English instructional package to address these needs and 3. to evaluate the effectiveness of this instructional package in enhancing the English skills of the participants. The research unfolded in three distinct phases: first, by examining the specific language requirements of the learners; second, by designing and developing an English instructional package tailored to meet these needs; and finally, by assessing the package's impact on the English proficiency of the participants. The study involved 9 Non-English Major EFL learners in graduate education for phase 1, 5 experts who evaluated the instructional package in phase 2, and 30 Non-English Major EFL learners in graduate education for phase 3. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, an instructional package evaluation form, drafts of the English instructional package, and pre-posttests. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean score, standard deviation, and a paired sample t-test. The results indicates that 1) the language needs of Non-English Major EFL learners in graduate education include Vocabulary Knowledge regarding research components and methodology principles, result Interpretation, abstract writing, and oral presentation; 2) the English instructional package for Non-English Major EFL learners in graduate education was developed in a communicative language teaching (CLT) approach with the content regarding the need analysis results, and it was found to have appropriate quality evaluated by exerts (x̄ = 4.52, S.D = 0.51); 3) There was a significant difference between participants’ English proficiency before and after the implementation of the developed instructional package at a statistical level of .05. </p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on English Language Proficiency Among Students at Phetchabun Rajabhat University: A Case Study 2024-02-29T20:39:16+07:00 Jeerapan Phomprasert <p>This research consists purposes were 1. investigate challenges faced by Business English students at Phetchabun Rajabhat University (PRCU) within online learning environments 2. evaluate the impact of these environments on English language proficiency and 3. identify technological obstacles impacting learning outcomes. A mixed-methods approach, grounded in constructivist principles, combined quantitative and qualitative data. A questionnaire administered to 85 students provided quantitative insights, while interviews with 12 students and 5 educators yielded qualitative perspectives. The sample was selected using the Taro Yamane formula (0.05 error level, random sampling). Quantitative data underwent analysis using descriptive statistics (percentages, means, standard deviations) and comparative tests (t-tests, F-statistic tests). Content analysis was applied to qualitative data from interviews and literature reviews, enriching the quantitative findings. Results revealed that 68% of students encountered significant challenges within online learning, primarily due to insufficient opportunities for interaction and feedback, crucial for language acquisition. These issues were compounded by varying levels of self-discipline and motivation, negatively affecting participation. A decline in English proficiency was observed among 28% of students, particularly in practical business contexts. This decline was attributed to reduced opportunities for conversational practice and limited immersion in English-speaking environments, essential for fluency in business communication. Technological barriers, such as unreliable internet access and limited digital literacy, further obstructed the transition to online education. These challenges disproportionately affected remote students, highlighting the digital divide. However, the situation also revealed opportunities for enhancing flexibility and adaptability to online resources, suggesting avenues for curricular improvement.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Editorial and Contents 2024-06-14T22:28:51+07:00 Editorial and Contents <p>Editorial and Contents</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Appendix and Recommendations 2024-06-14T22:43:32+07:00 Appendix and Recommendations <p>Appendix and Recommendations</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Right to Claim for Mental Damages of Indirect Victims 2024-02-26T23:28:21+07:00 Nichapan Pongkhualao <p>This academic consists purposes to present civil and commercial law concerning right to claim for mental damages of indirect victims. By using tort laws in education. Including principles and concepts about mental damage. Comparison of foreign law and Thai law as well as analyze problems about right to claim for mental damages of indirect victims. It was found that in the case of causing damage to the body or health of a person or in the case of causing a person to be deprived of liberty or a woman who is injured by the commission of an immoral. The injured person may also claim mental damages compensation for other damage which is not pecuniary loss. This claim is not transferrable and does not devolve upon heirs unless its acknowledgement has been made by a contract or an action has been instituted in pursuance thereof, the heir can therefore become a litigant in place of the deceased and proceed with the litigation. There are issues that must be considered in the case where the victim has been violated and has died if the heir of the deceased has been mentally harmed it is psychological damage which is damage which is not pecuniary loss. The heirs of the deceased are therefore indirectly injured by that violation the heirs of the deceased are therefore indirect victims by that violation. But the law does not give the heirs who are indirect victims the right to claim mental damages which is not pecuniary loss in cases of that cause damage to life which does not cover actual damages and is inconsistent with foreign legal principles to propose a solution to the problem of the right to claim compensation for the mental damages of victims indirectly to be truly fair and will be useful in academics in the future.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Legal Problems in Enforcing the Cybersecurity Act with the Protection of Rights and Freedoms According to the Constitution 2024-02-26T23:21:09+07:00 Chakrapong Limsuwan <p>This academic article aims to present legal issues arising from the enforcement of the Cyber Security Act B.E. 2562 by studying relevant academic documents, including books, textbooks, research papers, academic articles, and comparative analyses with foreign laws. It was found that: 1) The aforementioned law aims to prevent, suppress, and mitigate cyber threats that may impact critical information infrastructure or the security, peace, and order of society. While necessary, it also has characteristics of controlling and combating crimes, which may sometimes lead to violations of people's rights and freedoms beyond reasonable limits. 2) In a cyber crisis situation, officials under this Act have decisive power to implement necessary measures to achieve the law's objectives without the need for court orders. Furthermore, those subject to the authority of the National Cyber Security Committee's orders cannot appeal these orders. 3) Even though the law requires officials to obtain court orders before exercising power under Article 66, individuals subject to the National Cyber Security Committee's orders cannot appeal them, particularly in severe cyber threat situations. And 4) Provisions like Article 68, granting officials decisive power and prohibiting appeal orders according to Article 69, is contrary to the constitution of Article 26, as they violate the principle of proportionality, which is one of the components of the rule of law.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Legal Problems Related to the Right of Child Participation in Expressing Opinions in the Society 2024-03-03T22:21:11+07:00 Singhanart Pongpinyosak <p>This academic consists purposes study the concept of children's rights to participate in expressing their opinions in society and study the law regulating children's rights to express their opinions. This is because at present, although the right of children to participate in expressing their opinions in society is supported in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2017, including the Child Protection Act. By studying the concept of children, "children" within the meaning of the Child Protection Act 2003, the concept of participation to participate (Participation) is an opportunity for people to participate in the initiative. decision making Participating in the practice and taking responsibility for various matters which affect the people. and ideas about expressing opinions in society Freedom of expression, which is a basic human freedom. From studying legal problems regarding children's rights to participate in expressing their opinions in society, it was found that children still lack participation in expressing their opinions in society. Even though there was thought and awareness in expressing the demands for children's rights but because authoritarianism has existed for a long time and has suppressed children's rights to freedom of expression. This is a problem that has become habitual and is something that children must face in the midst of social change. Therefore, when children begin to have more space to express themselves and reflect on the power that is repressed in various social institutions. Therefore, there should be concrete legal measures to support children's rights to participate in expressing their opinions in society in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Social Science for Local Development Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University