Comparison of Learning Outcomes Communication and Mathematical Communication Skills in Linear Inequality with One Variable Using Cooperative Learning Technique TGT and Traditional Teaching for Grade three Students at Nongkungsiwittayakarn School


  • Kritsada Prasotanang Students from the Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Academic Achievement, Mathematical Communication Skills, Cooperative Learning Technique TGT


This research consists purposes were 1. to compare the learning achievement on the topic of one-variable linear inequalities between the students who learned using the TGT cooperative learning technique and those who learned through the conventional method 2. to compare the learning achievement on the topic of one-variable linear inequalities of Grade 9 students before and after the TGT cooperative learning 3. to study the communication and mathematical communication skills of Grade 9 students who learned through the TGT cooperative learning on the topic of one-variable linear inequalities and 4. to study the attitudes of Grade 9 students towards mathematics after learning through the TGT cooperative learning on the topic of one-variable linear inequalities. Experimental Research involves the use of research The research tools include 1) a TGT cooperative learning plan, 2) an achievement test, 3) an observation form for communication skills and mathematical interpretation, and 4) an attitude measurement towards learning activities. Cooperative knowledge of TGT techniques The experimental sample was Mathayom 3 students at Nong Kung Sri Witthayakhan School. Nong Kung Si District Kalasin Province Under the jurisdiction of the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office, semester 1, academic year 2023, a total of 2 rooms, which were obtained by using a simple random sampling method (Simple Random Sampling), totaling 33 people, and then using the data collected from the research tools to analyze. Using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and compared by t-test. The research results found that 1) The learning outcomes regarding linear equation variables of third-year students using the TGT cooperative learning technique (x̅= 17.12, S.D. = 1.431) are significantly higher than those taught conventionally (x̅= 14.33, S.D. = 2.43) at the .05 significance level 2) The learning outcomes regarding linear equation variables of third-year students using the TGT cooperative learning technique post-instruction (x̅= 16.58, S.D. = 2.000) are significantly higher than pre-instruction (x̅= 13.18, S.D. = 3.695) at the .05 significance level 3) The communication and mathematical meaning-making skills acquired through TGT cooperative learning activities regarding linear equation variables of third-year students are at a high level (x̅= 4.32, S.D. = 0.50) and 4) The attitudes of third-year students towards mathematics after participating in TGT cooperative learning activities regarding linear equation variables are at a high level (x̅= 4.24, S.D. = 0.65).

Author Biography

Kritsada Prasotanang, Students from the Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

Students from the Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


