Legal Problems Concerning Contract Liabilities of Housing Development Business Operators


  • Vichit Lianpanich Doctor Student of Laws School of Law Sripatum University


Contract Liabilities, Housing Development Business Operators


This research consists purposes were 1. to study the concept Principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators 2. to study legal measures regarding contractual liability of foreign and Thai housing business operators 3. to study and analyze problems related to contractual liability of housing business operators. Housing business operators and 4. to study guidelines for amending the law regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. is quality research There is a research process. Using documentary research methods which searches from documents such as textbooks, books, research studies, theses, dissertations, academic articles, websites, journals, publications, related government documents and books and foreign laws. The information related documents were then content analysis. Research results found that 1) Concepts, principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. Must be taken into account as important: trading ideas Liability under the sales contract Government guidelines for consumer protection Principles and theories regarding contractual liability of housing business operators 2) Foreign countries do not dare to allow the private sector to operate its economy fully freely Because they do not want economic integration to the point of creating a monopoly or causing certain groups of people to have too much influence to control the economic life of the country. For this reason, the state comes in to control 3) Purchase contract in order to sell the developed land of the land developer, some of the terms do not conform to the standard form of the contract to buy and sell the developed land. of the Central Land Allocation Committee and 4) legal guidelines regarding contractual liability of housing business operators. There should be a correction. Land Allocation Act, B.E. 2000, amended (No. 2), B.E. 2015, Section 34, Section 29 and the announcement of the Central Land Allocation Committee on determining the standard forms of contracts to buy and sell allocated land, B.E. 2002, amended. (No. 2) B.E. 2003, Clause 11.1.1 and Clause 7 should be added by adding Clause 7.5. The buyer has the right to modify. or adding on to their building after the ownership of the property has been transferred according to the sales contract to the buyer without having to ask for permission from the seller. If you have complied with the building control law.

Author Biography

Vichit Lianpanich, Doctor Student of Laws School of Law Sripatum University

Doctor Student of Laws School of Law Sripatum University


