The Problem of Gender Equality Among Diverse Individualssex in Thailand.


  • Banjong Muangsuwan Master Student of Laws SukhothaiThammathirat Open University


The Right, Freedom, Equality of Persons with Gender Diversity


This research consists purposes were 1. To study general concepts and theories concerning the rights, freedoms and equality of LGBTI people 2. To study and compare the rights of marriage registration, change of noun and enlisting in the military for LGBT people under the law of Thailand. United States and the Argentine Republic 3. to study and analyze the problem of LGBTQ people's rights in marriage registration change of noun and the military service of LGBTQ people. According to the law of Thailand and 4. As a legal suggestion on the right to register a marriage, change the name of the name. and the military service of LGBTQ people in Thailand. is a qualitative research will study from various related documents such as books, textbooks, thesis, academic articles, research papers, legal texts, and judgments of foreign countries. Supreme Court verdict and information on the Internet both in Thailand and abroad, etc., and then use the information gathered from various related documents to content analysis. The results of the study found that 1) the rights, liberties and equality of LGBTQ people It is a fundamental right recognized by the world society under international law 2) The rights of LGBTQ people in the United States. and the Argentine Republic It is clear on all issues 3) International law places an emphasis on protecting the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ people. But there is no legal provision in Thailand to guarantee the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ people in this regard and 4) It is expedient to amend the law relating to the rights of LGBTQ persons. In the marriage registration, the right to change the name including amending the law of the Ministry of Defense on the occasion of enlisting in the military according to their gender identity and sexual orientation for the equality of persons according to human rights principles


Author Biography

Banjong Muangsuwan, Master Student of Laws SukhothaiThammathirat Open University

Master Student of Laws SukhothaiThammathirat Open University


