Fostering Good Qualities of Political Leaders for Local Development.


  • Sompong Suwannaphuma Lecturer from the Faculty of Social Sciences Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Political Leader, Good Leadership Qualities, Local Development


This academic paper describes the importance of enhancing the good qualities of political leaders.  which counts Political leaders are key to the development of local communities.  due to the political leaders in each locality who live in the area Understanding the community context both physically, geographically, community way, local customs and culture He believed that local leaders would be able to determine the direction of local development and understand the problem. and the needs of the people in the area at the village and community level, and can drive the community to develop the locality in various fields Attributes of local leaders would be knowledgeable competence is fundamental as well as leadership being able to develop local  the author therefore considers  Promotion of the good qualities of political leaders  Therefore, it will be very useful for jointly formulating local development policies. participation in development and motivating people to jointly develop local by enhancing the good qualities of political leaders, including strengthening them to be knowledgeable and competent; enhance personal personality and enhancing morality and ethics which if promoted as a leader with good attributes would cause the faith of the people causing respect from the people and bring benefits to the local development further.

Author Biography

Sompong Suwannaphuma, Lecturer from the Faculty of Social Sciences Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University

Lecturer from the Faculty of Social Sciences  Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


