Development indicator features elementary science teacher in 21st century schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office, Udon Thani

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สุรศักดิ์ สุทธิวรรณ
ทรงศักดิ์ ภูสีอ่อน


The purposes of this research were to: 1) to development indicator features
elementary science teachers in 21st century schools under the Primary Education Service
Area Office, Udon Thani 2) confirmatory factor analysis of elementary science teachers in
21st century schools by the hypothetical model based on empirical data. The samples
used in this study was Primary school science studies teachers in basic education
ministry of education 1,109 multi-use sampling. Used in the Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA
507 people and used in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA 602 people random by Multistage
Random Sampling. Instruments used in research query indicator features elementary science
teachers in 21st century were as follow ; estimation rating scale were 46 items. The content
validity (IOC) is 0.80 to 1.00. The discrimination is the verse from .270 to .720 and the reliability
is 0.915, for data analysis by basic statistical analysis Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using a computer program.
The findings indicated that the analysis model development indicator features
elementary science teachers in 21st century schools under the Primary Education Service
Area Office, Udon Thani composed of 7 in the 46 indicators aspects of Knowledge and
understanding for teaching science, Knowledge of 21st century, Measurement and evaluation
of learners, Nature of science and technology, Process and development Curriculum, Use of
modern technology media and Moral ethics to the learners. The factor loading is sorted
descending by the weight of the sort from high to low is to Use of modern technology media
(0.878) , Knowledge of 21st century (0.844) , Knowledge and understanding for teaching
science (0.835) , Measurement and evaluation of learners (0.830) , Nature of science and
technology (0.827) , Process and development Curriculum (0.811) and Moral ethics to the
learners (0.592).
The second confirmatory factor analysis check the consistency of elementary
science teachers in 21st century schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office,
Udon Thani by the hypothetical model based on empirical data. The chi-square value of
1002.88, df to 954 , The p-values was 0.13229 , which is not statistically significant at the
.05 level of integration index (GFI) of 0.933 ,The index measures the harmonious adjustment
then (AGFI) was 0.924, square root of the average quadratic of waste in the form of
standard score (SRMR) was 0.0166, and the square root the average quadratic deviation
estimated (RMSEA) is 0.00923 , indicating that the model has validity.

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Research Article


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