Journal of Faculty of Education Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University <p>วารสารเพื่อการตีพิมพ์บทความวิชาการ นำเสนอผลงานทางวิชาการและผลงานวิจัยทางด้านมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ เพื่อพัฒนาท้องถิ่น</p> <p><strong>วารสารครุพิบูล</strong> ได้จัดทำทั้งในรูปแบบตีพิมพ์ และอิเล็กทรอนิกส์</p> <p><strong>วารสารครุพิบูล คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม</strong></p> <p><strong>Journal of Faculty of Education Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University</strong></p> <p>ขอแจ้งเปลี่ยนแปลงเลขมาตรฐานสากลประจำวารสารครุพิบูล ISSN (Print) และ ISSN (Online)</p> <p>เพื่อให้สอดคล้องกับเกณฑ์ของ TCI เกี่ยวกับวารสารมีการจดทะเบียน ISSN ที่ถูกต้องกับชื่อภาษาอังกฤษของวารสาร</p> <p><strong>จากเดิม </strong>ISSN: 2351-0943 (Print) <strong>และ </strong>ISSN: 2586-8969 (Online) ตั้งแต่ปี 2557-2566</p> <p><strong>เปลี่ยนเป็นเลข ISSN (ใหม่) </strong></p> <p><strong><a href="[]=MUST=allissnbis=%223027-7701%22&amp;search_id=37327636">ISSN: 3027-7701 (Print)</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="[]=MUST=allissnbis=%223027-7701%22&amp;search_id=37327636">ISSN: 3027-771X (Online)</a></strong></p> <p><strong>* [Published since Year 11 Vol.1 (January-June 2024) onwards] </strong></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> Faculty of Education ,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University en-US Journal of Faculty of Education Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University 3027-7701 ลิขสิทธิ์เป็นของคณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม THE STUDY OF PROBLEM AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT ON STUDENT TEACHERS’ INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGEMENT IN ANALYTICALLY READING THAI LITERATURE. <p>The purposes of this research were to 1) investigate the problems in instructional management in analytically reading Thai literature among student teachers in the Thai program, and 2) assess the needs for enhancing instructional management in analytically reading Thai literature of these student teachers. The study involved two groups of participants. The first group comprised 5 instructors, 9 mentor teachers, and 60 student teachers who had completed their teaching practicums. The second group consisted of 50 student teachers undertaking their teaching practicums in the 2023 academic year, selected through purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index PNI_Modified The findings revealed that the students' ability to analytically read Thai literature faced moderate problems (M = 3.07, S = 1.01), with urgent needs for improvement (PNI_Modified= 0.51). Three key issues were identified: 1) insufficient knowledge of literary analysis, 2) lack of understanding of theories and principles in analytical reading, and 3) inability to effectively analyze lengthy and complex texts, possibly due to a lack of motivation or clear reading goals. Regarding instructional management in analytically reading Thai literature, the problems were also moderate (M = 3.03, S = 1.07), with urgent needs for improvement PNI_Modified= 0.50. The specific areas requiring development were as follows: 1. Lesson Planning: Moderate problems (M = 3.42, S = 0.98) with urgent development needs PNI_Modified= 0.69, as students struggled to plan and write effective lesson plans. 2. Curriculum Analysis: Moderate problems (M = 3.29, S = 0.90) with urgent development needs PNI_Modified= 0.55, due to students' lack of understanding in analyzing curricula, setting indicators, and determining content. 3. Assessment and Evaluation: Moderate problems (M = 3.10, S = 1.06) with urgent development needs PNI_Modified= 0.52, as students were unable to select appropriate assessment methods aligned with behavioral objectives and indicators. 4. Teaching Techniques and Media Evaluation: Minimal problems (M = 2.30, S = 0.92) with low priority for development PNI_Modified= 0.28, but specific aspects such as using teaching techniques and evaluating instructional media showed higher needs PNI_Modified= 0.54 and 0.50, respectively). The study concluded that while students demonstrated good understanding in creating and selecting media, they lacked proficiency in selecting teaching techniques and evaluating media effectiveness to develop the quality of their instructional media.</p> Jirad Pengdang Omthajit Pansri Prapass PengPoom Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 1 13 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL STANDARD FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE, DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION THAILAND OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION <p> This research aimed to 1) study the management context according to the national standards for early childhood care of child development centers, and 2) develop management strategies based on these standards for the child development centers under the local government organization. The sample group consisted of child development centers under the local government in the upper northern region, including 96 local administrators, 96 directors of education division, 96 administrators of the centers, 96 teachers/caregivers, and 96 center management committee members, totaling 480 individuals. The research tools used was a questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.992. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and focus group discussions through content analysis.The research findings were as follows:1.The current management context according to the national standards for early childhood care of child development centers under local government showed that the overall current state of management is high, and the desired state of management is very high. Enhancing the quality of early childhood development and political and state policy factors had the highest average scores. The needs assessment results indicated a high level of need for systematic monitoring and evaluation of the centers' management, enhancing personnel capacity, and economic factors.Conversely, the promotion of participation and networking, improving the quality of early childhood development, technology factors, social factors, and political and state policy factors were found to have a low level of need. The SWOT analysis results revealed that systematic management and promoting participation and networking are corrective strategies, monitoring and evaluation are defensive strategies, enhancing personnel capacity is a preventive strategy, and improving the quality of early childhood development is an active strategy.2. The results of developing management strategies according to the national standards for early childhood care of child development centers under local government included the EPAMEP strategies: Strategy 1: Enhance the Management Quality (E), Strategy 2: Promote Early Childhood (P), Strategy 3: Accelerate Teachers and Educational Personnel Development (A), Strategy 4: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Center's Operations (M&amp;E), and Strategy 5: Promote Participation of Network Partners (P). Overall, all strategies were found to be accurate and appropriate.</p> Sujira Phutthawiwan Sirimas Kosanpipar Pannee Suwatthee Thanat Boonchai Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 14 28 THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE LESSON ON THE TOPIC OF SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT AND SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN THE HEALTH EDUCATION SUBJECT FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA 1 STUDENTS <p>The purpose of this research was to 1) create and find the quality of the online lesson, 2) compare learning achievements before and after of students in the experimental group who learned by using the online lesson, 3) compare the learning achievements before and after of the control group students who studied in a normal classroom, 4) compare their learning achievement after learning between the experimental group and the control group, and 5) study student satisfaction towards the online lesson. The sample group was Mathayomsuksa 1 students at Janokrong school, Phitsanulok Province, in academic year 2022. <br />The classrooms were selected by simple random method, drawing lots. The total number of the students wasd 79, including 40 students from Mathayomsuksa 1.3 classroom as an experimental group, and 39 students from Mathayomsuksa 1.1 classroom as a control group. The tools used were an online lesson, its lesson plan, a student achievement test, and a satisfaction questionnaire verified by experts for its reliability. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results were as follows. 1) the quality of online lesson on the content was at a very good level (M= 4.73, S= 0.12) and the technical quality on online lesson was at a very good level (M= 4.46, S= 0.08). 2) The pre-study and post- study learning achievements of the experimental group after learning was higher than before learning at statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) There was no statistically significant difference between before and after learning achievement in the control group studying in a normal classroom at the .05 level. 4) The learning achievement of the students in the experimental group studying with the online lesson had a significantly higher average than the students in the The average post-learning achievements of the experimental group was higher than those of the students in a normal classroom, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 5) The students' satisfaction toward the online lessons was at a good level <br />(M= 4.41, S= 0.51).</p> Sirinada Charoenchob Kingkaew Samruayruen Buncha Samruayruen Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 29 41 THE ENHANCEMENT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS IN THAILAND TO WORLD-CLASS LEVEL <p>The purpose is to enhance the artificial intelligence (AI) courses in Thailand to the world-class level by using qualitative research methodology, which divided the researchmethods into2phases: 1) Documentary Research, studied information about AI in world-class universities in USA and national universities in Thailand. 2) In-depth interviews, separated into 3 groups: a group of people working in AI, a group of students and a group of relevant faculty members, overall 35 key informants. Then, analyzed the data and content, written a descriptive narrative. The results showed that there are 6 main elements to enhance artificial intelligence (AI) courses in Thailand to the world level: 1) Qualifications of students 2) Qualifications of instructors 3) Learning resources, tools and equipment used in teaching 4) Cooperation between organizations both inside and outside the university, including the government 5) Budget 6) Environment, values, and ethics. The main differences in artificial intelligence among educational institutions in the United States and Thailand are that AI courses at universities in Thailand are still more theoretical than practical, and still lacks of the integration of other sciences to apply on teaching and learning. While world-class universities in USA offer the instruction that emphasizes the utilization of the innovative technologies in AI, integrated in many aspects, aiming to develop and solve applied problems from many sciences and has collaborated with many parties, such as other faculties in universities, Including the government and private sectors. So, if AI instructors in Thailand apply the 6 key elements that explained in this article, it will help enhance the artificial intelligence curriculum in Thailand to reach a global level, and help develop students into the labor market effectively to achieve Thailand national strategy in the development of people and knowledge institutions to enhance artificial intelligence as a base for driving the country sustainably.</p> Nathawut Suksomanat Poom Moolsilpa Cholvit Jearajit Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 42 53 THE DEVELOPMENT VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES FOR FARMERS TO INCREASE CAPACITY IN THE STANDARD OF CULTIVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SWEET TAMARIND MARKET <p>The objectives of this research were to (1) develop a short-term training course for farmers to increase their competence in cultivation standards and market management for sweet tamarind; and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of this training course. The sample used was a group of 10 sweet tamarind growers at Ban Subchomphu, Moo 8, Rawing Sub-district, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province, who were convenience selected. The employed research instruments comprised (1) the short-term training course for farmers; (2) an evaluation form to assess competence in cultivation standards and market management for sweet tamarind; and (3) a satisfaction assessment form. Data were statistically analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings were as follows: 1. The development of the short-term training course for farmers resulted in a total average score of 4.17, indicating a very appropriate level. 2. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the short-term training course showed: 2.1. Farmers' competency in cultivation standards and sweet tamarind market management was at a high level after training 2.2 The average scores of the farmers who were trained in cultivation and market management standards of sweet tamarind by the short-term training course were higher than the criteria of 80 percent, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level 2.3 The farmers were satisfied with the short-term training courses at a high level.</p> Parama Khaewphuang Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 54 65 A NEEDS STUDY FOR ENHANCING ENGLISH TEACHING COMPETENCY BY USING DIGITAL MEDIA FOR TEACHERS OF SMALL-SIZED PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p>This research aimed to 1) assess the needs for enhancing English teaching competencies using digital media for teachers in small-sized primary schools, and 2) propose guidelines for promoting these competencies for teachers in small-sized primary schools. The sample consisted of 375 English teachers from small-sized primary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, determined by using Krejcie and Morgan's table and simple random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and the PNIModified technique. The findings revealed that: 1. The needs for enhancing English teaching competencies using digital media showed that the most critical need was in skills, followed by knowledge, while attributes had the lowest level of need. 2. Guidelines for promoting English teaching competencies using digital media, categorized by the highest needs in each area, were as follows: - Skills: Administrators should organize training sessions to equip teachers with the ability to design diverse English learning activities using digital media, aligning with learning objectives, and provide continuous supervision and support. - Knowledge: Administrators should arrange training to enhance teachers' understanding and ability to develop lesson plans for English instruction using digital media. - Attributes: Administrators and teachers should collaboratively set goals for successful English instruction using digital media.</p> Jintana Lao-In Thirasak Uppamaiathichai Tipparat Sittiwong Aumporn Lincharoen Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 66 80 A NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPING ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS TO ENHANCE HUMAN SKILLS IN POST INNOVATION SOCIETY <p>This research was a descriptive study with the objectives of 1) examining the current state and desired state of academic management in private secondary schools that promoted human skills in the post-innovation society, and 2) studying the needs assessment or academic management in private secondary schools that would promote human skills in the post-innovation society. The population consisted of 756 secondary schools affiliated with the Office of the Private Education Commission, and the sample group comprised 262 schools selected through multi-stage random sampling. The data was collected from school principals, deputy directors, or individuals responsible for academic affairs, as well as teachers in secondary education, totaling 1,048 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire on opinions regarding the current and desired state of academic management in private secondary schools that promote human skills in the post-innovation society. Data analysis was performed using basic statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and necessity index.The research findings indicated that 1) the current state of academic management in private secondary schools that promoted human skills in the post-innovation society was generally at a high level (M = 3.71), and the desired state of academic management in these schools was at the highest level (M = 4.66). 2) Regarding the needs assessment for academic management in private secondary schools that would promote human skills in the post-innovation society, when categorized by academic management, the highest need were assessment and evaluation (PNImodified = .267), curriculum development (PNImodified = .263), and learning management (PNImodified = .239) respectively. When categorized by human skills in the post-innovation society, the highest need were critical thinking skills (PNImodified = .285), search and value creation skills (PNImodified = .277), and data analysis skills (PNImodified = .268) respectively.</p> Siramate Sirisakthanakun Sukanya Chamchoy Pruet Siribanpitak Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 81 92 NEEDS FOR DEVELOPING ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY EXPANSION SCHOOLS BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF A VALUABLE LIFE DESIGNER <p>The purposes of this research were to 1) study the current and desired states of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools based on the concept of a Valuable Life Designer, and 2) assess the needs for developing academic management in these schools. The population comprised 6,788 educational opportunity expansion schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. A sample of 378 schools was selected through multi-stage sampling. The informants included three individuals from each school: the school director, the head of academic affairs, and a guidance teacher, totaling 1,134 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding the current and desired states of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools based on the Valuable Life Designer concept. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Priority Needs Index (PNI). The findings revealed that: 1) The current state of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools, based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, was rated as high overall. Regarding academic management, the highest mean score was for teaching and learning management, followed by curriculum development, with assessment and evaluation scoring the lowest. When analyzed based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest mean score was for planning a pathway to professionally excel in what one loves, followed by doing what the world needs and values, and creating value from what one does. The desired state of academic management in these schools was rated as very high overall. Regarding academic management, the highest mean score was for teaching and learning management, followed by curriculum development, with assessment and evaluation scoring the lowest. Based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest mean score was for planning a pathway to professionally excel in what one loves, followed by creating value from what one does, and doing what the world needs and values. 2) The needs for developing academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools, based on academic management, showed that the highest need was for assessment and evaluation, followed by curriculum development and teaching and learning management. Based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest need was for discovering and joyfully engaging in what one loves, followed by creating value from what one does, and responding swiftly to changes.</p> Jaratnun Treeyang Nantarat Charoenkul Sukanya Chaemchoy Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 93 108 THE OPINIONS OF THE TEACHERS TOWARD POSITIVE LEARNING BEHAVIOR AND GROWTH MINDSET AMONG HIGH SCORING STUDENTS <p>This research aims at obtaining the teachers’ opinions toward positive learning behavior and growth mindset among high scoring students throughout Thailand. The subjects were recruited by using purposive random sampling technique. There were 10 teachers who worked with the high scoring students and their peers in high schools from different provinces provided information through in-depth interviews. The research instrument was open-ended questions that were approved its content validity by 3 experts in related fields. Thirteen open-ended questions were tried out with 2 teachers who were not subjects. After data transcribing examination, the data classification was followed. Data analysis process was completed by data classification sorting for searching data relationships and theme emergences. The study found that 1) students’ poverty effected their educational opportunity and future goals, 2) learning management guidelines helped promoting students’ potential and positive attitude, 3) relationship between growth mindset and high scoring students’ qualifications, 4) teachers and schools for students’ growth mindset development, 5) Surrounded community toward students’ growth mindset promoting.</p> Sermsap Vorapanya Passanan Assavarak Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 109 122 IMPLEMENTING CLIL IN A THAI TRADITIONAL DANCE CLASS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARNERS <p>This research is a qualitative study aimed at exploring the implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Thai traditional dance with Grade 4 students during online learning sessions (using the Google Meet platform). The sample group consisted of 23 Grade 4 students. The research tools included lesson plans with quizzes as instructional materials, the researcher’s notes, and video recordings of learning activities. The method used for qualitative analysis in this study was content analysis, with the objective of discussing descriptive data. The lesson plans were used as experimental tools implemented with the sample group to study the effectiveness of the CLIL teaching method gained from the video recordings of learning activities in Thai traditional dance used English as a medium with Grade 4 students over eight periods. The research findings indicated that: The implementation of the CLIL teaching method in Thai traditional dance classes conducted online with Grade 4 students, using English as a medium, resulted in students understanding and acquiring the content of the Thai traditional dance lessons. The content analysis of the video recordings showed that students were able to comprehend and understand the Thai dance content taught in the CLIL online classroom through the use of English as a medium, thereby achieving integrated learning of both content and language.</p> Chayanun Klylumcheck Nattharmma Nam-Fah Punwalai Kewara Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 123 141 TEACHING THAI LITERARY AND LITERATURE WITH THE CONCEPT OF FOLKLORE : LITERARY AND LITERATURE COMPETENCE <p><br />This academic article aims to present methods for teaching Thai literature and literary works by focusing on cultivating students’ quality in three main areas: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It also seeks to develop four key competencies in literature and literary works: the ability to read literature and literary works, the ability to critically analyze and evaluate, the ability to appreciate, and the ability to adapt and apply knowledge. These competencies are supported by core theories in literature teaching, such as aesthetic theory in literature, Marxist theory, historical, mythological, and biographical perspectives, as well as moral and didactic concepts. Additionally, folklore theories such as the functional role theory of folklore, functionalism, and structural functionalism are employed as foundational frameworks for designing literature and literary education within the concept of folklore. The learning management process is structured into six stages: 1) Connecting with literature, 2) Exploring folklore through literature, 3) Analyzing and interpreting folklore, 4) Engaging in creative activities, 5) Reflecting on and summarizing lessons, and 6) Utilizing creative power to impact society. This method of teaching facilitates meaningful learning experiences, making the learning process enjoyable and engaging. It fosters a positive attitude toward studying literature and literary works, helping students feel that literature and literary works are closely connected to their lives. Consequently, this approach enhances literary and literary competencies and fosters an appreciation for the value of literature and literary works. Students become aware of their role in preserving cultural heritage and can effectively connect folklore knowledge and insights with their life experiences, thereby developing literary competencies comprehensively.</p> Mathee Anan Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 142 158 THE LEARNING GUIDELINE FOR PROMOTE THE ABILITY OF ORAL COMMUNICATION FOR MATTHAYOMSUKSA STUDENT <p>This article aims to propose a learning management to promote the oral communication skills for high school students. The process of learning management was divided into three stages: 1) to produce a knowledge and ability in oral communication, 2) to encourage the students to use media or technology for oral communication creatively, and 3) to create the oral communication experiences. The proposed approach emphasizes integrating knowledge, skills and practice, and desirable attitudes developed through learning activities and classroom exercises. Students are guided to apply these elements in simulated scenarios, enabling them to connect theory to practical applications. This framework serves as a guide for teachers to adapt communication skill instruction according to the learners' potential and the expected learning outcomes.</p> Pratumpet Sae Ong Arunothai Inthanid Copyright (c) 2024 คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 11 2 159 170