Chinese Language and Culture Journal <p>วารสารวิชาการภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ เป็นวารสารที่ออกรายครึ่งปี คือระหว่าง มกราคม – มิถุนายน และกรกฎาคม – ธันวาคม โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเผยแพร่ผลงานทางวิชาการ และเป็นสื่อกลางในการเผยแพร่ความรู้และเปลี่ยนแนวคิดทางด้านภาษาจีน วัฒนธรรมจีน จีนศึกษา และเรื่องราวของชาวจีนในด้านสังคมศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ ครุศาสตร์ วิทยาศาสตร์เทคโนโลยี ตลอดจนสาขาอื่นๆ มีวิทยาลัยจีนศึกษาเป็นเจ้าของ และอธิการบดีเป็นที่ปรึกษา บทความที่รับมีทั้งภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ และภาษาจีน และเป็นเรื่องที่เกี่ยวกับวัตถุประสงค์ที่กล่าวมาข้างต้น</p> College of Chinese Studies en-US Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2821-9805 <p>บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสารภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ</p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">บทความใน “วารสารวิชาการภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน” เป็นทรรศนะของผู้เขียนโดยเฉพาะ กองบรรณาธิการไม่มีส่วนในความคิดเห็นในข้อเขียนเหล่านั้น</span> </p> The Strategy of Task-based Teaching in Business Chinese Teaching Design of Thailand University <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study focuses on the design of business Chinese teaching in Thai universities and explores the application strategies of task-based teaching methods in teaching. Through a detailed analysis of the current situation of business Chinese teaching in Thailand, the problems existing in the practical application of teaching design and the practical needs of task-based teaching method are summarized. This paper systematically expounds the theoretical basis of task-based teaching and its strategic classification in business Chinese teaching, and further proposes targeted teaching design schemes, including the design of business situational tasks, the development of curriculum structure and teaching materials, and the innovation of teaching activities and assessment methods. The conclusions of this study have important reference value for optimizing the design of business Chinese courses in Thai universities and provide feasible reform directions and practical guidelines for business Chinese teaching. This study aims to deeply analyze the current situation of business Chinese teaching design in Thai universities and explore the specific application strategies of task-based teaching method in this field. Through a detailed analysis of the current situation of business Chinese teaching in Thailand, this study identifies the challenges faced by the current teaching design in practical application and the practical needs of task-based teaching method<strong>. </strong></p> Anukul Kanchanasook Hathai Sae-jia Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 15 32 The Protection and Inheritance of Manuscript Documents of Yao Ethnic Group in Northeast Guangxi <p>In the long-term historical and cultural development process, Yao people created a lot of folk manuscript literature with national characteristics, these manuscripts literature is an important carrier of Yao history and culture in a specific period, but also the core of Yao spiritual culture. With the development of economy, the original ecological living environment of Yao people has changed greatly, and the environment they depend on for survival has also changed. Many Yao manuscripts of folk literature is facing the crisis of loss, so the protection and inheritance of Yao folk manuscripts of folk literature has become an important task of cultural protection of ethnic minorities. This paper selects Guangxi and Guangxi Northeast Yao manuscripts literature as the research object, the current Yao manuscripts literature protection difficulties and development strategies are summarized and found that: (1) Yao manuscripts of folk literature in the protection and inheritance of protection consciousness is not strong, There is a collision between new culture and ancient culture, the disappearance of language and the lack of traditional culture and so on. (2) In view of the manuscript literature protection and inheritance and other issues, we propose to improve the protection mechanism of Yao archives, special funding support, strengthen the digitization process of Yao documents and other manuscript literature protection and inheritance strategies and methods. This study has some implications for the protection and inheritance of Yao manuscripts.</p> Li Gan Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 33 44 Imagining Thailand in Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture: A Case Study of “ Lost in Thailand ” and “ Detective Chinatown ” <p>Under the background of global consumerism, popular literature and art with film and television as the main form has shaped the exotic imagination in popular culture to a great extent. "Embarrassed Thailand" and "Tang Tan" have jointly created two dimensions of Thai imagination in contemporary Chinese popular culture: the wonder world and the healing place. These Thai imaginations also reflect a lot of popular mentality worthy of attention.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><strong>:</strong>Popular Culture;Thailand;Imagination;the Wonder World;the Healing Place</p> HUANG BIN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 045 054 RESEARCH ON INTERACTIVE STRATEGIES FOR ONLINE LIVE COMPREHENSIVE CHINESE COURSE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THAILAND: A CASE STUDY OF JAROENWIT SCHOOL, NAKONSRITHAMMARAT <p>In the context of the Internet information age, online education has become the trend of development, especially during the global epidemic, online teaching has become the main method of international Chinese teaching. Online teaching will not disappear after the COVID-19 pandemic. It will become normal and widely accepted by the public. Online teaching faces many problems that are worthy of discussion and research, among which the major problem is difficulty of interaction, and quality of classroom interaction affecting teaching quality. This paper takes online live Chinese comprehensive course in primary schools in Thailand as the main research object, combines my practical teaching experience, and adopts several methods including literature research topic, classroom observation method, interview method, and questionnaire method. From the perspectives of teachers, students, platforms, and other aspects, this paper studies the interactive strategies of online Chinese comprehensive courses in Thailand, analyzes the problems, explores effective interactive strategies, and puts forward reasonable suggestions for better interaction between teachers and students, students and human computers. All these efforts are intended to ensure the teaching effect of online Chinese teachers and improve students' interest and enthusiasm in learning Chinese. It is expected that, on one hand, the study of this paper can provide a feasible reference basis and supplement for the study of interactive strategies for online teaching of comprehensive Chinese courses, and play a role in attracting more experts and scholars' attentions and explorations. More specific and in-depth research on online teaching can be carried out in future. On the other hand, it provides reference for the teaching practice of the majority of international Chinese teachers, especially for novice Chinese teachers in the teaching strategy exploration. It has a certain role of inspiration and practical guidance, so as to better carry out online Chinese interactive teaching and improve the efficiency of online Chinese teaching.</p> XIZI HUANG YINGQI HAN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 055 072 A Study of Cultural Factors in "Thai People Learning Chinese" Textbook from the Cross Cultural Communication Perspective <p>"Thai People Learning Chinese" is a collaborative textbook of China-Thailand. The textbook utilizes the Chinese-Thai culture factors to launch the teaching of language and culture. Through literature research and comparative analysis, the author analyzes the pictures, vocabulary, character images, texts, notes and exercises in the textbook from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. The textbook fully acknowledges the position of learners' native culture in language and culture teaching, guiding learners to use their native culture to communicate with the target language culture implicitly, and to truly achieve "cultural dialogue". According to the analysis of cultural factors in the textbook, targeted suggestions were raised for the compilation of cultural foreign language textbooks, hoping to provide reference for foreign language teachers in textbook selection and help the development of Chinese language textbooks.</p> XIAONI LI CHAO LI Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 073 090 A Study of “Ad+‘地’”“อย่าง jaːŋ21+ Ad”Order and Adverbial Modifier Marker Distribution Criteria in Chinese and Thai through a Typological Lens <p>Previous comparative studies on adverbial modifiers in Chinese and Thai have constantly received much attention from scholars. These studies have highlighted noticeable differences in the order of adverbial modifiers between both languages, leading to incorrect usage by Thai learners of Chinese. Nevertheless, most previous studies emphasize providing descriptive results of the comparison and do not offer plausible explanations for such differences. This present study, therefore, aims to analyze two issues in the use of adverbial modifiers in Chinese and Thai through a typological lens. The first issue concerns the causes for differences in the order of “Ad+‘地’”“อย่าง jaːŋ<sup>21</sup><strong>+ </strong>Ad”in Chinese and Thai, while the second issue pertains to the criteria in the distribution of adverbial modifier markers. The results of the study reveal that the causes of the difference in the placement order of “Ad+‘地’”“อย่าง jaːŋ<sup>21</sup><strong>+ </strong>Ad”in Chinese and Thai could be accounted for by the head-dependent theory and the principle of temporal sequence. In addition, the occurrence of the adverbial modifier marker “地” in Chinese and “อย่าง jaːŋ<sup>21</sup>” in Thai could be explained using the Heaviness-marking Correspondence and Distance-marking Correspondence rules. It is hoped that the results of this study would offer in-depth insights into the comparative studies of adverbial modifiers in Chinese and Thai, contributing to the enhancement of Chinese language teaching and learning.</p> SUPIDCHAYA AMKID Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 091 106 THE HISTORY OF MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING CHINESE AT HUACHIEW CHALERMPRAKIET UNIVERSITY IN THAILAND <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thailand and China have been friendly neighbors since ancient times. As far as the 13th century, a large number of Chinese emigrated to Thailand, and Thailand has thus become an important country in which the Chinese live in compact communities. The spread of Chinese language in Thailand began when Chinese immigrants embarked on Thai land. With the increase in the number of Chinese learners, there have been numerous achievements in the research of domestic masters of Chinese language teaching in recent years. However, there are not many studies on master subjects of Chinese teaching in Thai universities. There are fewer ontologies to collate and analyze. The master of Chinese language teaching has been carried out for 6 years at HuachiewChalermprakiet University. The time for setting up related courses is not long, and the training programs and the training mode of each school are not mature. This is a question that requires us to think hard. The study of the training mode is imminent.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Key wods: Master’s degree&nbsp;&nbsp; Chinese teaching&nbsp;&nbsp; Course offered&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Development and construction</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> tanes imsamran CHAIRAT KINGKAEW Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 107 118 泰国餐饮行业的发展、汉语交流使用情况 ——以华侨崇圣大学周边餐馆为例 <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1><a name="_Toc46155008"></a>ABSTRACT</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In recent years, more and more Chinese people travel in Thailand. The huge number of Chinese tourists has not only provided great opportunities to the country and also challenges. Language communication has become an obstacle that needs solving first. Many experts have written various forms of Chinese language textbooks for Thai people to learn Chinese. Chinese language textbooks for food and beverages in Thailand are still in their infancy.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Research has utilized personal experiences and perceptions to gather information to find factors influencing communication with regard to Thai restaurant staff and Chinese customers. The survey was conducted from restaurants around Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. The data was combined with analysis of the current situation and showed what is lacking in Chinese language textbooks, and to summarize the characteristics of the Chinese language textbooks for food and beverages and see which are suitable to solve the above problems.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The researcher sincerely hopes that this research will be one of the reference resources that helps in pioneering, developing, researching, exploring and writing Chinese language textbooks,and enhances the Chinese language proficiency of service staff for food and beverage business in Thailand.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> tanes imsamran Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 119 138 Bias analysis and teaching emphasis in Chinese Tone Acquisition by Thai Students from zero starting point <p>As is well known, Chinese is a tonal language. The acquisition of Chinese phonetics serves as the foundation for learning Chinese as a second language. Tonal distinctions in Chinese carry significant semantic differences, making the acquisition of Chinese tones a focal point and challenge in learning Chinese phonetics. Although Thai, like Chinese, is also a tonal language, the tone values in these two languages are not entirely the same. For Thai students, whose mother tongue is a tonal language, they need to relearn a set of pitch patterns different from their native tone system when acquiring Chinese tones, inevitably leading to pronunciation errors. For Thai students, failure to acquire Chinese tones accurately will result in the issue of "Thai accent in Chinese." This article, based on previous research findings, combines the author's years of experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and research on Thai phonetics. It utilizes methods such as literature analysis, comparative analysis, experiential summary, and experimental research. Taking Thai students at the elementary level as the research subjects, it analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and Thai tones in terms of tone values and tone categories. It applies error analysis theory to identify the main pronunciation errors that Thai students encounter when learning Chinese tones. Finally, based on the identified focal points and challenges, it proposes some key aspects in teaching Chinese tones.</p> QIUWU TANG MING ZHAO Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 139 150 THE ANALYSIS OF HEXAGRAM NUMBER 20 —— KUAN FROM THE I CHING <p>This article delves into an in-depth analysis of hexagram number 20 —— Kuan (Contemplation) from the I Ching, discussing its symbolic meanings, philosophical ideas, and interpretations and applications in different historical periods. Formed by the combination of the Sun (Wind) and Kun (Earth) trigrams, Kuan symbolizes "wind over the earth," metaphorically representing the processes of observation and enlightenment. Through the interpretation of the hexagram (Gua)'s text and horizontal lines (Yao), this study reveals the profound implications of Kuan in education and moral cultivation, emphasizing the significance of observation and cognition in personal development and social governance. The article also compares the definition of Kuan (Contemplation) in contemporary literature from the same period as I Ching, as well as the research of modern scholars, demonstrating the evolution of Kuan's meaning and the diversity of understanding across eras. The recognition and interpretation of Kuan in modern literature, especially in the fields of religion, philosophy, and aesthetics, offer new insights into the contemporary value of Kuan. The findings of this study not only provide a fresh perspective on the academic study of I Ching , but also offer valuable implications for the modern transformation and application of traditional culture.</p> Dr.Chaweewan​ Wongcharoenkul BIN WANG JINDAPORN PINPONGSUB Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 151 164 Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Hepatic Fibrosis via inhibiting pathological angiogenesis <p>Hepatic fibrosis is caused by the formation of scar tissue in the liver, a process that leads to the gradual replacement of healthy liver tissue. Without effective treatment, it may lead to impaired liver function and ultimately to the serious consequences of functional failure. Hepatic fibrosis usually results from the development of chronic liver disease, including, but not limited to, hepatitis B or C, excessive alcohol consumption, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Pathological angiogenesis plays a crucial role in the pathology of hepatic fibrosis by promoting the proliferation of intrahepatic neovessels. The appearance of these neovessels helps to reduce the extent of damaged areas of the liver, thereby inducing the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Hematopoietic stem cells are tasked with the production of excess collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins, a process that promotes the progression of Hepatic fibrosis. Several studies have shown that TCM can exhibit anti-angiogenic effects by inhibiting the production of pro-angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-2, and reducing endothelial cell proliferation. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapy targets pathological angiogenesis and offers a potential option for the treatment of Hepatic fibrosis. This review highlights TCM's unique understanding of pathological angiogenesis in the treatment of Hepatic fibrosis and may provide a basis for future research.</p> Aize Xie Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 165 176 A BRIEF DISCUSSION ON CHAOSHAN GONGFU TEA <p>Chaoshan Gongfu tea is a distinctive local tea culture with fascinating attributes. Beyond being a beverage, it possesses detoxifying, fire-clearing, digestive, weight-loss, and phlegm-dispelling effects, contributing positively to health. With a rich history, it is renowned globally for its unique tea art and rituals. This article briefly introduces the impact of Chaoshan Gongfu tea on aspects such as time management, health promotion, and the maintenance of life quality. It explores the role of Chaoshan Gongfu tea culture in contemporary society, detailing its multifaceted influence in modern life, seamlessly blending traditional and modern elements to offer a diverse tea-drinking experience. The perpetuation and evolution of this ancient culture will continue to pique interest, positively influencing the evolution of tea culture. Finally, the article delves into the dissemination and impact of Chaoshan Gongfu tea culture in the global tea landscape. As international tea cultures intermingle, Chaoshan Gongfu tea has sparked widespread interest among overseas Chinese, tea enthusiasts, and global consumers. This tea culture holds a unique position in the global tea market, injecting new vitality into the traditional fabric of Chinese tea culture.</p> MEIMIN XU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 177 188 RESEARCH ON PROTOTYPES OF THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURES OF THE QING MINIATURE NOTES: TAKING MYSTERY NOVELS FROM ZUICHA-TZU BY LI QINGCHEN AS AN EXAMPLE <p>Notes(笔记), a novel style particularly for the classic Chinese(文言) writings of short stories, has peaked in the Qing Dynasty(清代) with two pinnacles: <em>Strange Tales from Liaozhai Studio</em>(聊斋志异) and <em>Yuewei Cottage Notes</em>(阅微草堂笔记), each of which employes disparate narrative paradigms towards to their ghost themed stories. The storytelling manner in <em>Liaozhai</em> is more complicated alike the Tang-Romance(唐代传奇) whereas <em>Yuewei </em>takes a rather straight way parallel to the most classic Supernatural Tales of the Six Dynasties(六朝志怪). Among <em>Liaozhai</em> and <em>Yuewei</em> had <em>Night Chronicles</em>(夜谭随录)&amp; <em>Autumn lantern talks</em>(秋灯丛话), etc., and after <em>Yuewei</em> had <em>Ear Feeding Record</em>(耳食录)&amp; <em>Mystery Novels from Zuicha-tzu</em>(醉茶志怪), all of whose writing-styles and novel-volumes had met the criteria of mini-novels. Especially in the chronologically last<em> Mystery Novels from Zuicha-tzu</em>(醉茶志怪), its shorter Notes only have a dozen words, while the word counts of its longer novels exceeds no more than one thousand as well. Acclaimed by its author Li Qichen(李庆辰), the subtle but profound writing style of the <em>Mystery Novels from Zuicha-tzu</em> is a combination of both <em>Liaozhai</em> and <em>Yuewei</em>, knitting characters, backgrounds and plots of the stories closely together just as one piece. Therefore, this paper, conducting the quantitative-qualitative content-analyzing approach examining the ghostly mini-novels most if not all from <em>Mystery Novels from Zuicha-tzu</em>, aims to deconstruct the prototype categories of the narrative paradigms within the Qing min-novels.</p> 达望 岑 Kanokporn Numtong Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 189 204 The development of learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. <p>The objectives of this research are: 1. to develop learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces; and 2. to assess satisfaction with the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. This research employs quantitative methods. The sample group used in the study was divided into two groups: 1. Five experts in education, learning management, or measurement and evaluation areas, with a minimum of five years of working experience. This sample was selected using purposive sampling. 2. Ten instructors who utilized the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject from ten schools with Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. This group was selected through simple random sampling from Chinese language classrooms that cooperated with Panyapiwat Institute of Management and offered the Business Chinese Conversation subject. The tools used to collect data are divided into two types: 1. a quality assessment form of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject, and 2. a satisfaction assessment form of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation (S.D.). The results are as follows:</p> <p>1. The quality assessment of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning management revealed that the mean overall appropriateness of the book format was 4.88, with a standard deviation of 0.30. The mean overall appropriateness of the content was 4.84, with a standard deviation of 0.28. The mean overall appropriateness of application was 4.80, with a standard deviation of 0.44. All three aspects of appropriateness are at the highest level.</p> <p>2. The satisfaction assessment of those who used the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning found that the mean overall content was 3.72, with a standard deviation of 0.95. The appropriateness of the application was found to be 3.74, with a standard deviation of 1.15. Both aspects were rated at a high level.</p> cherdchom chollada Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 205 216 RESEARCH ON CLASSROOM HUMOR IN CHINESE CLASSES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS LEARNING CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGE TAKING SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY OF THAILAND AS AN EXAMPLE <p><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Humor is an effective method used in a variety of educational settings, but its use in university contexts where Chinese is taught as a second language has not been adequately studied. The purpose of this study is to find out how humor is used in Thai university classrooms of spoken Chinese, to explore what types of humor are used in Thai classrooms of spoken Chinese, and to analyze the mechanisms by which it is generated, and on this basis to identify effective humor strategies that can be used to increase student engagement, motivation, willingness to communicate, and learning outcomes.</p> <p><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>The author used a qualitative research design to collect data through classroom observations and questionnaires and used thematic analysis to analyze the data using a sampling of spoken Chinese classrooms at the University of the Arts in Thailand. The results show that the types of humor in the classroom of college students of Chinese as a second language are mainly verbal humor, body language, and humorous props. The characteristics of the above humor are: 1) mostly related to the course learning content; 2) mostly episodic; 3) context specific; 4) related to the students' language ability level. The mechanisms of classroom humor include the humor of the course content, the teacher's own sense of humor, the creation of classroom atmosphere, the bridge effect, and the students' personal characteristics. The functions of classroom humor are mainly manifested in enlivening the classroom atmosphere, triggering pleasant emotions, reducing learning anxiety and willingness to express it, stimulating the willingness to communicate in class, and contributing to the establishment of good teacher-student relationships. The study also found that humor may be culturally and contextually specific and that teachers need to consider students' cultural backgrounds and language proficiency levels when using humor in the classroom.</p> <p><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>In conclusion, this study contributes to the understanding of the role of humor in second language acquisition and teaching and provides practical guidelines for language teachers to use humor effectively when teaching Chinese as a second language in universities. The findings will also provide information about students' and teachers' attitudes toward humor use, help language teachers and researchers develop more effective methods of teaching Chinese as a second language, and provide guidance for the development of language teaching theories that integrate humor as an effective teaching tool.</p> YANAN CHU LIHUI PAN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 217 232 The Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Majors' Learning Motivation, Confidence and Attitude at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University of Thailand <p>Since its establishment in 2003, the Chinese language major at the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University in Thailand has achieved brilliant development achievements, and currently has a good momentum of development. In order to promote the adjustment and improvement of learning motivation, confidence, and attitude among students majoring in Chinese language at the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University in Thailand, improve the quality of Chinese language teaching and students' Chinese language proficiency, promote the further development of Chinese language teaching at the university, and provide reference and reference for the overall development of Chinese language teaching in Thailand universities, the author used questionnaire survey, interview methods and literature study to study students' learning motivation, confidence, and attitude. It was found that some students have unclear learning motivation, insufficient learning confidence, and incorrect learning attitudes. The author proposes targeted solutions to enhance students' learning confidence and change their learning attitudes, with internal motivation as the main driving force and external motivation taken into account. Students, teachers, and university work together to enhance students' learning confidence and change students' learning attitudes.</p> LIANG FAN YINSHENG LI Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 233 248 中国科幻小说《三体》三部曲英译本读者接受研究 <div> <p><span lang="EN-US">This study employs sentiment analysis in natural language processing technology to investigate the acceptance of the English translation of the Chinese science fiction trilogy The Three Body by novel readers. The VADER sentiment analysis library in Python is used to conduct qualitative and quantitative research on readers' ratings and evaluations. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the trilogy's acceptance. It is found that the English translation of the trilogy of Chinese science fiction novels The Three Body was highly accepted and deemed acceptable by readers in terms of audience scope and ratings. Based on the analysis of readers' comment scores and quantitative data, it can be concluded that extra-territorial readers have a positive emotional response towards the English translation of the trilogy of Chinese science fiction novels The Three Body. The overall attitude towards the work is positive, with a high degree of acceptance. Additionally, readers' comments on the characteristics of the work are positive, indicating a high degree of acceptance. Based on the analysis of readers' comments on the trilogy of Chinese science fiction novels The Three Body, readers have shown the highest acceptance of the English translation in terms of "storytelling", followed by "plot" and "character". In addition, readers have generally responded positively to the translations of Ken Liu and Joel Martinsen, indicating a high level of acceptance. Readers commented more on Ken Liu's translations and were more satisfied with them compared to others.</span></p> </div> Xing Fu WARISA ASAVARATANA KANOKPORN NUMTONG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 249 266 Application of online platform in the Chinese vocabulary teaching <p>With the continuous development of information technology and mobile network technology, the online platform of gamified learning has been used more and more frequently in Chinese teaching, which not only enriched the teaching form, but also provided new possibilities for improving students' learning enthusiasm and efficiency. Based on the theory of the game teaching method, this paper will explore and analyze the application of the online teaching platform (Quizlet) in Chinese vocabulary teaching by means of literature research, classroom observation, questionnaire survey and other methods. The conclusion is that the application of gamified online teaching platforms in Chinese vocabulary teaching is of great significance in attracting students' attention, improving class participation and improving vocabulary learning results.</p> JING GUO Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 267 296 An analysis of Culture Shock among Chinese Language Volunteers in Thailand :A case study of volunteers in Thailand from 2021 to 2022 <p>The Center for Language Education and Cooperation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Thailand, has been carrying out the International Chinese Language Volunteer Program for over 20 years. With the increasing number of Thai students learning Chinese, the number of international Chinese language volunteers sent to Thailand has also been growing annually. However, culture shock remains a significant issue that affects the volunteers' work and daily lives on a yearly basis.</p> <p>Through a literature review, the author has summarized culture shock as the anxiety, surprise, fear, and even anger experienced by individuals when they lose familiar social symbols from their original social life and communication in a foreign culture. Therefore, this article takes the Chinese language volunteers in Thailand from 2021 to 2022 as an example to analyze and study the phenomenon of culture shock. By analyzing the data, the degree of culture shock experienced by the volunteers in Thailand, their cultural adaptation, and interpersonal communication are examined. Furthermore, some corresponding solutions are proposed.</p> WANXIN HE CHAO LI Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 297 310 ANALYSIS OF OMISSION ERRORS IN CHINESE CONVERSATIONAL SENTENCES AMONG THAI COLLEGE STUDENTS <p>This study utilizes a theoretical framework of second language acquisition and error analysis to investigate 1,500 spoken Chinese sentences from the assignments of 79 Thai sophomore students. The errors can be broadly classified into seven categories: omissions, redundancies, unsuitable vocabulary, inappropriate punctuation, typos, word order, and mixtures. This study focuses on the categorization and examination of errors that occur due to omissions.</p> <p>The omissions referred to in this study are errors caused by the omission of “sentence components” and “sentence expressions” in students’ spoken sentences. The research results show that the former includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, auxiliary words, conjunctions, prepositions, numerals, quantifiers, and affixes, etc., while the latter mainly refers to punctuation, with a total of 12 situations. The study attributes these errors to the students’ proficiency in Chinese grammar, their capacity to adapt to spoken communication, and their shortcomings in comprehending and articulating specific topics. These errors can also be caused by other reasons such as performance anxiety, lack of experience with spoken Chinese, and insufficient understanding of the communication environment. According to the analysis provided, the study presents six instructional suggestions aimed at assisting students in overcoming these prevalent errors and enhancing their skills in spoken Chinese. This paper has significant consequences for comprehending the omissions made by Thai students in their spoken Chinese communication and for offering teachers useful guidance in teaching.</p> Mingwei Huang Pawares Funoi Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 311 328 An analysis of Chinese elements of Chinese Animation “ SCISSOR SEVEN ” <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study focuses on the application of traditional Chinese cultural elements in the animated film “Scissor Seven”, specifically examining how these elements are integrated and presented in episode 14 of the first season. The study employs methods of literature analysis and textual close reading to delve into four main areas where traditional elements are displayed in the animation: culinary culture, architectural art, folk traditions, and literary arts. The research reveals that from the portrayal of food culture with dishes like beef offal and steamed buns, to the architectural aesthetics of Quadrangle, the depiction of folk traditions such as couplets and Qipao, and the presentation of arts like calligraphy and Kung Fu, the animation not only enriches the storyline but also offers audiences an opportunity to deeply understand and experience Chinese traditional culture. The success of "Scissor Seven" provides a new perspective for modern animation on how to combine and display the charm of traditional culture, while also offering valuable references for the international dissemination and cultural inheritance of Chinese animation.</p> LI HAOCHANG WAROT SAEKONG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 329 352 Analysis of the teaching strategies of"A Bite of China"applied to Chinese learners in Thailand <p>In recent years, the relationship between China and Thailand has become increasingly close, and a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship has been established with China. The demand for Chinese learning has also increased. In Thailand, the phenomenon of "Chinese fever" has formed, and Chinese has become Thailand's No. 1 language besides English. Two foreign languages. The survey found that Chinese language learners in Thailand like to watch Chinese film and television works, and documentaries are one of them. Among them, the documentary "A Bite of China" was first broadcast in 2012, and was translated into English, Thai, French, etc. and spread at home and abroad, becoming a phenomenon-level food culture documentary in China. At this stage, the demand for learning Chinese in Thailand is increasing day by day. It is an urgent need to provide more suitable and interesting learning methods for Chinese learners.This article mainly provides teaching strategies for utilizing the documentary "A Bite of China" in Chinese language instruction for Thai learners. It examines teaching objectives, target learners, teaching content, and teaching principles to offer insights and recommendations for incorporating this documentary into Chinese language teaching specifically for Thai learners. The aim is to provide valuable references and insights for the application of this documentary in Chinese language instruction for Thai learners.</p> ZHUOLING LI LING LIU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 353 370 Research on the Application and Influence of We-Media Short Videos in International Chinese Teaching <p>Today is an era when everyone can use self-media, and self-media permeates every aspect of life.The term "We Media" is transformed from the English "we media". It is a way for the general public to understand and share their own facts and their own news after they are strengthened by digital technology and connected to the world, the US "Wired" magazine, simplified its concept "We media is the communication of everyone". Short video, also known as "short video", is a way of disseminating Internet video content. It generally refers to the dissemination on the Internet new media platform and is suitable for viewing in a mobile state. The duration ranges from a few seconds to a few minutes, but is generally controlled within three minutes, high-frequency video transmission content. With the continuous development of the Internet information age, self-media is also exerting more and more influence, and its influence in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is also growing. There are also more and more short videos related to Chinese as a foreign language. From the perspective of nationality ,It can be divided into two categories, one is short videos about Chinese language and Chinese culture created by Chinese whose mother tongue is Chinese, and the other is some short videos about Chinese and foreign cultural differences and how to learn Chinese created by non-Chinese native speakers. and other types of short videos. The first one is mainly to teach foreigners to learn Chinese and spread Chinese culture from the perspective of Chinese people. The second one is to look at the cultural differences between China and foreign countries from the perspective of a foreigner who has learned Chinese, and to tell about China in the eyes of foreigners, Chinese and Chinese culture. These two types of short videos have positive effects and influences on teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It also plays a role that cannot be ignored in online classrooms under the epidemic。Therefore, this study takes public primary school teachers under the Phuket government in Thailand as the research object, based on constructivist learning theory, social cognitive theory and emotional cognitive theory, and explores the short video content by using literature research, questionnaire survey and interview methods. The role of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in primary schools in Thailand.</p> XIAOWEN LIU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 371 380 The Tragic Image of Girati in "Love in the Painting" and Anna in "Anna Karenina" Comparative analysis <p>"Love in Painting" and "Anna Karenina" are both masterpieces of tragic literature. In the works, the images of Girardi and Anna are described in detail and vividly. The tragic image exposes the hypocrisy of their times.</p> <p>In the works, both Girati and Anna adhere to the principle and truth of "love first", awaken in love, and die in love. There are both similarities and differences in the expression of their tragic images. The similarities are that they were all born in noble families, but their noble birth did not bring them the happiness they deserve. On the contrary, it is precisely the restraint of noble families under the influence of feudal traditional thinking that makes them have no autonomy in pursuing love and obtaining a happy marriage; secondly, they are affected by foreign ideas in the background of the old and new eras, and their consciousness gradually awakens, full of passion, began to have new requirements in terms of emancipating individuality, pursuing true love and marriage happiness; thirdly, because traditional feudal absolutism still occupies a dominant position in the development of society, it is invisible while pursuing individual liberation and freedom of love. There is another powerful force suppressing them, and their hearts are contradictory and complicated; fourth, in terms of longing for love, pursuing true love and happy marriage, because they insist on the truth of "love first", they cannot court, and finally extinguished in the burning of love. The light of life. The differences are mainly manifested in: first, there are differences in the personalities of the characters portrayed by the authors; second, there are differences in the images of the characters.</p> <p>Both Girati and Anna are in the changing era of the alternation of old and new ideas, and are deeply affected by the conflict between feudal traditional ideas and advanced ideas of social change. It is because of similarities and differences that it is feasible and valuable to analyze and compare the tragic images of the two heroines in these two works. Their experience and destiny are just a microcosm of the background of the times they live in, but what they reflect is the truest life portrayal of thousands of women in this era, and the main root cause of all these tragedies is that A society full of hypocrisy and crime.</p> Yuxuan Luo WEIJIE XU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 381 396 Beliefs and Rituals of paying Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology Beliefs and Rituals of paying Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology <p>A study Beliefs and rituals of paying Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology. the aims of this article were to study the beliefs, to study the beliefs of worshiping the Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology. to study the beliefs of paying homage to Tai Suai Aye god, reflected in the rituals of Thai-Chinese people. using folklore methods&nbsp;The researcher collects data from two sources: interviewing experts.&nbsp;using purposive sampling and inquiring of thai and Chinese Thais from a questionnaire using accidental sampling and collect qualitative data&nbsp;Then take the data that has been summarized and analyzed the data&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Faith study results&nbsp;And the ritual of paying homage to the gods of Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology found that most Thai and Thai people of Chinese descent have beliefs about paying homage to the god Tai Suai Aye. It is a worship to give fortune to the god Tai Suai Aye help fortune.&nbsp;Dispel suffering&nbsp;for the prosperity of themselves and their families, 70 percent of which is at a high level ( =2.70;SD. =0.46)&nbsp;Which is believed to the god Tai Suai Aye god according to Chinese astrology that during the transition of each year&nbsp;There will be a year of the zodiac where the fortune collides with Tai Suai Aye god, or what Thai people believe in the Chinese line as Pichong.&nbsp;Help fortune&nbsp;dispel suffering&nbsp;commercialize&nbsp;money is not needy.&nbsp;Free from all obstacles&nbsp;For the prosperity of themselves and their families, which brings to the belief that is reflected through the rituals of&nbsp;Paying homage <br>to the Tai Suai Aye god through worship or worship that is popular during <br>the Chinese New Year and practice inherited from ancestors</p> นริศ วศินานนท์ Akapol Varchirawatt Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 397 410 Comparative Analysis of Business Chinese Textbooks: A Study of "Business Chinese" and "Business Chinese 1" <p>With the continuous development of economic cooperation between China and Thailand, the total trade volume between the two countries has been increasing steadily. In line with China's "One Belt, One Road" policy and the construction of Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), the number and amount of investment projects by Chinese enterprises in Thailand have been rising, leading to a growing demand for Chinese language professionals in recent years. Business Chinese majors can provide professional Chinese talent to Chinese investment enterprises and Sino-Thai trade companies. This study aims to lay a solid foundation for the development of business Chinese majors in Thailand by conducting research on business Chinese textbooks. Specifically, this research analyzes the Chinese business Chinese textbook "Business Chinese" and the self-compiled Thai business textbook "Business Chinese 1". The scope of teaching in these two textbooks is identified through an analysis of their teaching content. Additionally, the difficulty level and vocabulary coverage of the two textbooks are examined by analyzing their texts and vocabulary. Furthermore, the types of exercises included in the two textbooks are analyzed. Finally, an overall analysis of the two textbooks is conducted, and suggestions for future research directions in Thai business Chinese are proposed.</p> nattanon teerapanyawatt Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 411 424 The Tragic Fate of Chen Bailu in Sunrise <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The drama "Sunrise" is the representative work of Mr. Cao Yu, a famous modern Chinese dramatist. It was created in 1963 and is a classic work in the history of modern Chinese drama. In his writing career, it is also one of the most meaningful works and the most worthwhile. A work of in-depth exploration by scholars. There are many three-dimensional characters created in this novel, and in the author's writing, they all have their own personalities and souls.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Chen Bailu is one of the main characters in this work. She is a bourgeois intellectual woman. On the one hand, she strives to pursue the sun, light, and freedom. On the other hand, she is addicted to material enjoyment and continues to fall. Struggling in self-contradiction, dealing with love and marriage, and finally heading towards death. This article mainly focuses on Chen Bailu's transformation from old to new and love and marriage to analyze her image and tragic fate. She is innocent and kind, yearning for love, but she is also depressed, decadent, extravagant and vain. She is a contradictory struggling body. Due to both subjective and objective reasons in terms of character and time background, she became a woman with double tragedies in life and love, and her tragedy was also a tragic epitome of educated women during the Republic of China.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> "Sunrise"; tragedy of fate; drama</p> Nopparut Khanobthammakun YANQIN WU DARARAT INTARAKUMNERD PRAPAT NOCKLERDPUN NAPAKKANYA TRARUNGRUANG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 425 438 The Study of the Meaning of Characters and Words Consisted of the Radical “Gui” in the “Contemporary Chinese Dictionary” <p>This study is a qualitative and quantitative study regarding the meaning of characters and words in the radical “gui” from the Current Chinese Dictionary (《现代汉语词典》), the objective of this study is to study the meaning of “ghost” that is reflected through the characters and words in the Current Chinese Dictionary. From the study, it is found that the radical"gui" contains a number of characters that have "gui" as their meaning, and currently there are 12 letters used (Excluding the full letter and various written letters) in total. This number of letters can form a total of 103 new words. The meanings can be divided into 8 types: 1. Meanings related to ghosts, ghosts. devil, spirit 2. secretive, mysterious 3. evil 4. used to refer to someone who behaves bad or bad habit, and call someone who has bad or evil behavior. 5. Morale, spirit, mind. 6. Illness or abnormal symptoms in general. 7. Intelligent, sharp, quick-witted, 8. Others. It is found that most of these words still have meanings related to "ghosts" and have developed meanings from "ghosts" as well.</p> PHOOMMARIN PHIROMLERTAMORN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 439 450 A STUDY OF TECHNIQUES FOR TRANSLATING THE NAMES OF RAPID TRANSIT STATIONS NAMES WITHIN THE BANGKOK METROPOLITAN REGION FROM THAI TO CHINESE OF “BANGKOK METRO” APPLICATION <p>This research article aims to study and analyze the techniques of translating the names of rapid transit stations within the Bangkok Metropolitan Region from Thai to Chinese. The data collection involved compiling station names that have been translated from Thai to Chinese for all four types of rapid transit systems: the BTS Skytrain, the MRT Subway, the ARL Airport Rail Link, and the SRT State Railway of Thailand. A total of 132 station names were analyzed from the "Bangkok Metro" application, excluding duplicate names. The study identified four distinct translation techniques employed: (1) Transcription, (2) Meaning-based translation, (3) Hybrid translation (half transcription and half meaning-based translation), and (4) Renaming. Among these techniques, transcription emerged as the most popular technique for translating station names, indicating a preference for preserving the phonetic sound rather than focusing on the physical attributes of the station's location. This research sheds light on the importance of vocal communication for ease of interaction, suggesting that station name translation prioritizes auditory convenience over conveying physical meaning.</p> Prapatsorn Nikornsawat Kanokporn Numtong Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 451 464 A STUDY OF LANGUAGE REGISTER IN BILIBILI USER COMMENTS ON OVERSEAS VIDEO CREATORS’ CONTENT FROM A CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVE <p>Guided by the theory of language register theory, this paper analyzes and discusses the comments of Chinese young internet users on overseas video creators' video works on the Bilibili website, aiming to explore the linguistic characteristics and emotional expressions in cross-cultural communication. The study selects comments from Chinese netizens under high-interaction works by overseas content makers as the main research objects. Through methods such as text analysis, discourse analysis, and specific case analysis, the paper reveals the commonalities and characteristics of comments in terms of “Field” (context), “Tenor” (speech intent), and “Mode”( speech style). The study finds that the existence of virtual space diminishes the differences in identity and cultural backgrounds between people in reality, making the communication between netizens and overseas influencers more equal.</p> <p>The comments exhibit characteristics of colloquialism mixed with written language, with a rich variety of rhetorical devices including metaphor, contrast, personification, and exaggeration, making the comments more vivid and appealing. The research findings preliminarily summarize the language domain of Chinese Bilibili users' comments in a cross-cultural context and their general characteristics, providing new insights and inspirations for future studies on interactive text domains.</p> Kexin Ren WARISA ASAVARATANA KANOKPORN NUMTONG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 465 488 A Comparative Study of Chinese“着”(zhe) and Thai“อยู่”[juː21] <p>"Dynamic particles" are a type of word widely used in modern Chinese. Due to their complex grammatical meanings and features, Thai learners of Chinese are prone to errors when learning these "dynamic particles." In order for Thai students to better learn Chinese, they must truly grasp the grammatical features and usage of these "dynamic particles." Therefore, it is crucial to research and understand their background and usage rules. A comparative study and analysis of the Chinese dynamic particle "着" and the Thai dynamic particle "อยู่" reveal similarities and differences in syntactic position, grammatical features, and functions. During the research process, relevant Thai and Chinese language data were collected, providing examples and explanations to analyze and identify similarities and differences between the two languages, thus offering insights for future Chinese language teaching and development. Despite the many similarities between these two languages, there are also some important differences. One significant difference is that the Chinese dynamic particle "着" generally combines with verbs, especially in the presence of objects, where the dynamic particle "着" should be placed after the verb and before the object; whereas the Thai dynamic particle "อยู่" generally follows the verb, forming a verb-noun phrase.</p> TASSNEE KHAMSAENGTONG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 489 510 A Review of the Theory and Application Research on Communication Strategies <p>Communication strategies, as a crucial theory in the domain of second language acquisition, have garnered widespread attention from researchers. The role and value of communication strategy theory in Chinese language instruction have also been fully recognized. However, as our research deepens, we identify certain gaps in related studies of communication strategy theory, with further potential for exploration. Firstly, theoretical research into communication strategies is continuously evolving, but the definitions and classifications remain insufficiently comprehensive, precise, clear, and refined. Secondly, the application-based research of communication strategies is rather limited, with confined use scenarios. Moreover, the current main research results focus on the research direction of taking learners as the main body of research, and there is a lack of connection with other factors of Chinese language teaching, and there is a lack of comprehensive examination from the aspects of teacher-student interaction and communication, Chinese language teaching mode, and new type of classroom interaction relationship. This study takes the definition and classification of communication strategies as the entry point, further sorts out the communication strategy theory, analyses its application and existing problems, and subsequently explores the role and value of communication strategies in the acquisition and teaching of Chinese in Thailand.</p> LANPENG WANG CHUNLAI TIAN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 511 526 The Research on the Intercultural Communication Ability ofChinese Enterprise’s staff in Thailand ——Taking Example ofChinese Tire Manufacturing Industry in Thailand <p>With the development of economic globalization, more and more enterprises begin to go abroad and take root in countries all over the world. At the same time, more and more Chinese people are sent to work abroad to get in touch with different cultures, and the intercultural phenomenon also arises, and intercultural communication competence gradually gets attention, and more and more people realize that intercultural communication competence has become one of the essential competencies in the 21st century.In this context, the author takes the ICC theoretical model proposed by Byram on behalf of Chinese tire manufacturing enterprises in Thailand as an example and divides intercultural competence into four competence dimensions: cognitive understanding, affective attitude, behavioral skills, and cultural awareness. The intercultural communication competence of employees is investigated and studied by questionnaire survey method, interview method, case study method and literature collection method. Through the investigation and study, it is found that language barrier, cultural difference, working environment and living environment are the main factors affecting the development of intercultural communication competence of employees, and targeted suggestions are made to the three parties of school, enterprise and employees themselves in the cultivation of intercultural communication competence</p> QI WEI Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 527 538 Analysis and teaching countermeasures of Thai student's partial conjunction errors based on HSK corpus <p>This paper aims to study the phenomenon of errors made by Thai students in the HSK corpus, analyze the causes and characteristics of the errors, and propose countermeasures for teachers, teaching, and students. Specifically, this study uses literature analysis and database analysis methods, and through the analysis of the HSK corpus, it is found that the most common error made by Thai students in their language learning is the misuse of the "modifier-head" conjunction. In response to this phenomenon, this paper proposes a variety of countermeasures, including strengthening the teachers' ontological knowledge, optimizing the teaching process, improving teaching methods, selecting appropriate teaching materials, reviewing and consolidating knowledge, enhancing students' learning interest, and effectively utilizing errors. The implementation of these countermeasures can help Thai students effectively correct their errors, improve their Chinese language proficiency and language application ability. The research results and countermeasures of this paper not only have practical significance for Thai students' Chinese language learning but also have certain reference significance for Chinese language learners from other countries.</p> YUANCHAO WU RU LIU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 539 554 An Analysis of the Word "Meng" Lexicality <p>Today, there is a "Meng" trend on the Internet. Various cute cartoon images, cute photos and videos of animals, plants or characters appearing in short videos, online games with the theme of " Meng ", Internet buzzwords with cute attributes, etc. are widely spread on the Internet and are deeply loved by the Internet. Everyone's favorite. "Cute" can refer to any person or thing, from children to the elderly, from pet cats and dogs to deformed anime images, from ancient emperors and generals to Q-version portraits... and so on, can all be considered " Meng ". "Cute", thus reflecting that it is being accepted and liked by the public as a culture, and that it has broadness and universality. This article takes the word " Meng " as the research object to explore the evolution of its ancient and modern meanings, the reasons for its evolution, and the existing controversies. "Meng" has a new part of speech - adverbial part of speech. When the author used the literature research method to collect documents, I found that " Meng " is the most common use as an adjective, meaning " Meng ": "cute" as a verb meaning "like" was more common in the early days, but now it has become marginalized; Another meaning of the verb " Meng " is "to be struck by cute things" which is now very popular. In the early days, " Meng " was often used alone to mean " Meng ". Later, "cute" was often associated with "silly", "dumb", etc. Used together and very popular. But why did previous literature propose the concept of " Meng " as an adverb? Therefore, the author collects corpus based on the corpus, uses semantic comparison to explore the possibility and rationality of the adverbial part of speech of " Meng ", and hopes to provide help and suggestions for future research.<br>Keywords: cute; adverb; semantics; corpus</p> YANG XIAOMAN CHATUWIT KEAWSUWAN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 555 564 Research on Online Teaching for Chinese Language Students in Thai Universities <p>This research focuses on university students studying Chinese in Thailand as the subject of investigation, conducting a questionnaire survey among 230 students with extensive experience using online teaching platforms and employing multiple linear regression analysis to delve deeply into the critical factors influencing students' satisfaction with these platforms and their intention to continue using them. The researchers first meticulously outlined demographic characteristics of the respondents, including gender, school type, geographical distribution, and grade structure.</p> <p>Subsequently, an analysis of satisfaction influence was carried out, revealing that perceived enjoyment and expectation confirmation had a significant and positive impact on satisfaction, with standardized coefficients of 0.2121 and 0.6304, respectively. This suggests that online teaching platforms that offer engaging content and meet students' expectations can significantly enhance student satisfaction levels.</p> <p>Furthermore, through a multiple linear regression model, the study examined the effects of six variables—perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived interactivity, expectation confirmation, and satisfaction—on the intention to continue using the platform. The results showed that satisfaction played a pivotal role in determining whether students would persist in using online teaching platforms, with a determination coefficient of 0.888, indicating that this factor accounts for nearly 90% of the variance explained.</p> <p>This study provides an empirical basis for the online learning behaviour of Chinese language students and their influencing factors in Thai universities, and suggests that Chinese language teaching and learning platforms should focus on perceived fun as well as on the achievement of students' expectation confirmation so as to increase students' satisfaction with their use and their willingness to continue using them.</p> CHAO ZHANG Nathakarn THAVEEWATANASETH Kanokporn NUMTONG Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 565 582 Modeling and Political power: A Study of the Meaning of Stylization and the Change of system through the Lion's Head and Feet <p style="font-weight: 400;">Lion culture. As the most prominent evolutionary animal in the modern cat family, lions have increasingly interacted with human beings, and this relationship has gradually evolved and carried different meanings at different stages of civilization, in various geographic regions and in different spaces, and in various periods of human history. Through research, we have come up with the following analysis. 1. The historical development of lion culture. 2. The visual and cultural differences of lions with local characteristics in China. 3. the relationship between the meanings assigned to lion culture and the modeling regime.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Keywords.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Lion culture &nbsp;Lion head and foot styling &nbsp;Public Power</strong></p> ZHANG HONGJUN Chusak Suvimolstien Bunchoo Bunlikhitsiri Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 583 600 Analyzing the Artistic Achievements of Du Fu's Poetry <p>Du Fu is one of the great poets of the Tang Dynasty, and his poetry as a whole has developed a predominantly somber and staccato style. "Sombre" refers to the deep and broad content of the poems, the majestic mood, and the deep, sad and angry feelings, which are related to the theme of the works. "Staccato" refers to the expression of poetry, meaning deep curves and tumbling, rhythmic changes in pitch, robust language, and the work of the layout, the skills of phrasing. However, the current domestic research is mainly confined to the interpretation and analysis of certain poetic contents of Du Fu, and there is still relatively little research on the overall artistic achievement of Du Fu's poetry, therefore, this paper will further explore and explore in depth in this aspect.</p> XiaoLi Zhang YING JIN Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 601 614 Research on Chinese Class Management of Private Primary School in Bangkok : A Case Study of Patai Udom Suksa School <p>Chinese language education is becoming increasingly popular in Thailand, but it still faces several challenges. This study aims to explore ways to improve the effectiveness of managing Chinese language classrooms and address the behavioral issues exhibited by Thai students in these classes.</p> <p>To investigate these problems, the study employs classroom observation, questionnaires, and interviews at Patai Udom Suksa School, a private elementary school in Bangkok, Thailand. By understanding the school's background and the current state of Chinese language instruction, we have identified four types of problems affecting classroom management: (1) these problems are widespread and hinder the development of Chinese language teaching.(2) they manifest in various ways, with disruptive behavior being the most prominent issue. The factors that contribute to classroom management problems include teachers, students, and schools. Drawing from the experiences shared by local Thai teachers and Chinese teachers in Thailand, we propose practical strategies for teachers, schools, and families to effectively manage Chinese classrooms in private elementary schools throughout Thailand. These strategies particularly focus on improving students' challenging behaviors in the classroom.</p> YI ZHANG Weijie Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 615 630 Research on Chinese literacy teaching strategies in the transitional stage of primary school in Samut Prakarn Public School PuayHua, Thailand <p>Literacy teaching is an important part of Chinese language teaching at the elementary school stage, and the transitional stage is a critical period for literacy teaching. Due to the influence of the Thai mother tongue, students have different starting points and cognitive levels of Chinese learning, and the literacy teaching in Thailand is facing many problems in the transitional stage. This paper takes Samut Prakarn Public PuayHua School as an example, and analyzes the problems faced by literacy teaching in the transitional stage of Thailand from primary to primary school, and puts forward some measures to improve literacy teaching from the aspects of teaching materials, teaching objectives, teaching methods, and teacher training. A series of suggestions to provide reference for the improvement of literacy teaching in Samut Prakarn PuayHua School, and provide reference for the research and implementation of literacy teaching in Thai Chinese education.</p> ZHIMIN ZHANG RU LIU Copyright (c) 2023 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 631 648 Chinese + Vocational Skills" for Thai Preschool Chinese teachers <p>As the cultural and economic exchanges between China and Thailand have become closer, the upsurge of Chinese learning in Thailand has continued to heat up. In addition to fully offering Chinese courses in primary and secondary schools in Thailand, more and more kindergartens are also offering Chinese courses. Chinese courses. But teaching young children is very different from teaching adults. Chinese teaching in kindergartens in Thailand is still in the early stages of development. Teachers face many problems in teaching, which affect children's interest and effectiveness in learning Chinese.</p> <p>The author took kindergarten Chinese teachers working in Thailand as the survey object, sent 100 questionnaires to kindergarten Chinese teachers of 28 different school systems, and conducted one-on-one survey interviews with ten Chinese teachers among them, sorting out the current teaching methods of kindergarten Chinese teachers. problems encountered in.</p> <p> According to the investigation results, analyze the specific reasons. And it puts forward what qualities a preschool teacher should have to solve these problems. Aiming at the professional talent training of “Chinese + vocational skills”, the author also puts forward two training modes: a long-term comprehensive training mode and a short-term professional training mode, and the responsibilities that Chinese and Thai universities should undertake in these two different training modes and roles played.</p> <p> It is hoped that this research, research can provide a reference for formulating standards for Chinese teachers for young children in Thailand, provide ideas for the cultivation of professional Chinese teachers for young children in Chinese and Thai universities, and contribute to the development of international Chinese language education under the background of "younger learners".</p> Zhouyi Zhang WEIJIE XU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 649 662 A Study of Sino-Thai Object Language from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication <p>With the in-depth implementation of China's "the belt and road initiative" strategy and the formal establishment of China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership, the educational exchanges and cooperation between China and the belt and road initiative countries have become increasingly close. Cross-cultural communication plays an important role in international economy, politics, culture, education and other fields, and the effect of cross-cultural communication directly affects the success or failure of international communication and cooperation. In cross-cultural communication, there are two ways for human beings to establish communication: one is verbal communication, and the other is nonverbal communication. Non-verbal communication refers to the activities of communicating without language in the process of communication, including body posture, gestures, facial expressions, eyes, smiles, costumes, personal items and so on. In the case of language barrier, nonverbal communication is particularly important in cross-cultural communication, which is an important supplement to language expression and is conducive to improving the quality and efficiency of cross-cultural communication. </p> NA ZHOU MING ZHAO Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 663 674 The study on Chinese Name of Thai Christian School Learners <p>This research study takes primary and secondary school Chinese learners in Thai Christian School as the research object, analyzes the characteristics of their Chinese names, summarizes the outstanding problems, and tries to make some suggestions for Chinese teachers who give Chinese names to Thai Chinese learners by combining the questionnaire survey of the learners. </p> Tianhong Zhu WEIJIE XU Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 675 688