Language and Culture Journal2024-12-24T07:15:39+07:00ผศ. ดร.นริศ วศินานนท์chinesehcu@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>วารสารวิชาการภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ เป็นวารสารที่ออกรายครึ่งปี คือระหว่าง มกราคม – มิถุนายน และกรกฎาคม – ธันวาคม โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเผยแพร่ผลงานทางวิชาการ และเป็นสื่อกลางในการเผยแพร่ความรู้และเปลี่ยนแนวคิดทางด้านภาษาจีน วัฒนธรรมจีน จีนศึกษา และเรื่องราวของชาวจีนในด้านสังคมศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ ครุศาสตร์ วิทยาศาสตร์เทคโนโลยี ตลอดจนสาขาอื่นๆ มีวิทยาลัยจีนศึกษาเป็นเจ้าของ และอธิการบดีเป็นที่ปรึกษา บทความที่รับมีทั้งภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ และภาษาจีน และเป็นเรื่องที่เกี่ยวกับวัตถุประสงค์ที่กล่าวมาข้างต้น</p> Comparison of the Conceptual Elements of the Speech Verb “jiang” in Chinese and Its French Corresponding Words2023-11-09T10:25:08+07:00Jian Dong569292171@qq.comYu<p>The verb “jiang” in the Chinese language is a commonly used word that plays an indispensable role in interpersonal communication. While there have been numerous studies focusing on its semantic and grammatical processes, research on cross-linguistic comparisons is relatively limited. The use of the Conceptual Element Analysis method to compare and analyze the Chinese verb “jiang” and its French counterparts provides a specific tool for a deeper exploration of the subtleties within word meanings. This approach breaks away from traditional research paradigms on the semantics of verbs of speech and offers a new avenue for cross-linguistic studies on speech verbs. In the future, the findings of such comparative research are expected to be applied to the teaching of French and Chinese, offering theoretical support and practical insights.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Chinese-French; Verbs of Speech; “jiang”; Conceptual Elements</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Study of Chinese Translation Strategy on Chinese Online Games’ User Interface Vocabulary 2024-10-02T09:54:19+07:00DUTRAWEE KAMMATHANDutrawee.kk@gmail.comWASIN TRAKOOLPHITAKKITdjinlong@hotmail.comXINCHENG<p>This qualitative research aims to investigate the translation strategies for User Interface (UI) terminology across two interaction models: 1) Menu Interaction 2) Object-Based Interaction. The study categorizes the terminology into two groups: 1) Vocabulary for action commands (Action Function) and 2) Vocabulary for system settings (Setting Function). The study collects data on terminology from 3 Chinese online games: 王者荣耀 (Honor of Kings/HOK), 和平精英 (PUBG Mobile), and 原神 (Genshin Impact). The research references the translation strategy concepts from Thawatchai Chaiyanakitpong and Jatuwit Kaewsuwan (2022), who identified four main translation strategies. The results are reported in terms of percentage values and descriptive statistics.</p> <p>The findings reveal a total of 460 words for both Action Function and Setting Function across the three games, with 115 terms from 王者荣耀, 139 from 和平精英, and 206 from 原神. The study identifies five translation strategies: 1) Translation free translation (162 terms, 35.22%), 2) Translation literal translation (152 terms, 33.04%), 3) English literal translation (30 terms, 6.52%)., 4) Translation using multiple strategies (86 terms, 18.70%), and 5) Paraphrase from English and then transliterating to Thai (30 terms, 6.52%)</p> <p>The findings of this research can be utilized in the field of Chinese language education, particularly in the translation of terminology found in online games, which often does not appear in textbooks. This study may serve as a source of motivation for learners interested in studying Chinese by providing relevant and practical language usage examples.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal of Acquisition Errors of Thai Students' Chinese "Soft" Tactile Adjectives2023-12-04T15:55:52+07:00FU YAOfy636119@gmail.comYu<p>Tactile adjectives are used to describe the texture and tactile characteristics of objects, playing a crucial role in linguistic systems. However, due to the differences in language and culture between Chinese and Thai, Thai students may encounter comprehension biases when trying to match the tactile concepts in Thai with their corresponding concepts in Chinese. This article aims to explore the error patterns that Thai students exhibit when acquiring Chinese 'soft' sensory adjectives and categorize these errors. Research methods such as corpus analysis and questionnaires are employed to analyze the issues Thai students face when using 'soft' sensory adjectives in Chinese. Based on this analysis, targeted teaching recommendations and strategies are proposed to assist Thai students in mastering this category of words and enhancing their Chinese language proficiency.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal classification and description of the meaning of the word “PAO” in modern Chinese from the perspective of corpus2023-10-16T11:50:22+07:00DANDAN GE323211032@qq.comSHICHUN<p>This paper attempts to combine the theory of physical structure with corpus technology to divide and analyze the meaning of "PAO" in craftsmen's vocabulary, it enriches and perfects the division and description of the meaning of "PAO", which has a certain reference value in improving the accuracy and completeness of craftsmen's definitions. This paper takes 1739 items from the CCL modern Chinese corpus of Peking University and 10000 items from other corpora in proportion, totaling about 11739 items with 1.3 million characters, A balanced corpus of modern Chinese "PAO" was established, annotated and analyzed, and new meanings were discovered. The application of "PAO" in actual scenes has continuously enriched the combination of nouns and verbs. Especially with the emergence of new craftsman technology, "PAO" has been given more modern meanings.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal analysis of Chinese visual verbs used by Thai learners2023-11-09T10:25:51+07:00HUAGN HAI YU1010572100@qq.comYu<p>By collecting the corpus of 13 Chinese visual verbs and analyzing the errors of these corpus one by one,we finally found 7 Chinese visual verbs that are prone to errors, including "kan", "kan jian", "jian mian", "du", "jian" ,“wang”and "can guan". From the five aspects of misrepresentation, misuse, omission, mixing and misordering, classifies the biased corpus that Thai learners have when using these verbs. The results show that the verb "kan" has the highest proportion of errors. At the same time, it is also found that Thai learners often use the Chinese verb "jian mian" in the wrong order. In response to these findings, this paper seeks to identify the causes of biases to address the common biases of Thai learners when using these verbs.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Error Analysis of Chinese State Complement using for Thai Learners 2024-10-13T16:05:58+07:00KWANDAW MAYOUpops_eyes123@hotmail.comCHIDCHANOK<p>The state complement in Chinese is a complex and diverse grammatical structure, one for which Thai lacks an exact structural counterpart. In order to convey similar meanings, Thai relies on alternative expressions, which, however, fall short of fully replicating the functions of Chinese state complements. Such linguistic differences frequently pose learning challenges for Thai students, resulting in a range of error types throughout their acquisition process. In this study, language test results from 74 intermediate and advanced Thai learners were examined to assess their proficiency in using state complements. The results revealed six types of biases in using state complements among Thai learners, including misuse of substitution, omission, mis addition, mis ordering, avoidance, and others. Notably, the highest bias rate recorded was 41.98%. The causes of Thai learners' bias in the use of state complements are mainly influenced by Thai learners is primarily influenced by native language transfer, the complexity of state complements, avoidance tendencies, as well as instructional practices and materials. Chinese language teachers should leverage both the similarities and differences between Chinese and Thai, particularly focusing on elucidating these distinctions. Additionally, they should provide contextual frameworks and specific occasions to encourage students to use state complements, offering ample opportunities for practice in and outside the classroom to facilitate students' comprehensive understanding of the structure, semantics, and pragmatics of state complements.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal DISTRIBUTION OF THE WORD “WANG” IN MODERN CHINESE BASED ON THE QUALIA STRUCTURE THEORY2023-10-11T16:12:30+07:00jieqiong lininiqiong@126.comhongjuan<p>This article mainly takes Chinese word "net" as an example to compare its sense distribution and interpretation in Chinese-English dictionaries, and finds that the number of senses of the "net" in English dictionaries is more than that in Chinese dictionaries, and the descriptions are clearer. Therefore, this article uses the corpus technology and qualia structure theory to make an exhaustive analysis of 10,000 Chinese words "wang" among more than 1,220,000 characters, and redescribes the semantic distribution of Chinese words "wang" in modern Chinese. Try to achieve the comprehensiveness of meaning collection, the fineness of division, and the systematicness of description, which is expected to provide a reference for the compilation and interpretation of the dictionary in the future.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal study on the cognitive picture and semantic meaning of compound directional verbs in modern Chinese2023-11-24T09:10:30+07:00LI NAli785234356@gmail.comYU<p>Directional verbs are divided into simple directional verbs and compound directional verbs. In this paper, cognitive picture theory is used to describe and observe the directional meaning of compound directional verbs."Coming and going" describes the position of the "speaker" in the cognitive picture.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal and Teaching Research of Individual Quantifiers between Chinese and Thai2024-10-03T12:17:05+07:00小召 李2091805585@qq.comXUMING<p>Quantifiers are a unique word category in the Sino-Tibetan language family, with late identification and special usage. Chinese quantifiers are generally divided into two categories: noun quantifiers and verbal quantifiers. Nominal quantifiers include individual quantifiers and non-individual quantifiers. Impersonal quantifiers are common to all languages in the world, and individual quantifiers are one of the unique linguistic phenomena in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Therefore, in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching individual quantifiers has always been a difficult point. In recent years, with the deepening of research theories such as language typology and cognitive linguistic theory, the unique research value of individual quantifiers has gradually emerged and become a research hotspot. This article reviews the research on Chinese classifiers, Thai classifiers, comparison of Chinese and Thai classifiers and their teaching research. Current research focuses on the ontology research of individual classifiers, but rarely involves teaching practice. The research content lacks a certain degree of systematicity, and the research results are difficult to achieve. It can be directly applied to the teaching of quantifiers in Chinese as a second language. On this basis, this article puts forward some practical teaching suggestions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> individual classifiers; comparative study of Chinese and Thai classifiers; research on the teaching of Chinese and Thai classifiers; teaching suggestions</p> <p> </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal ON ADAPTATED CHAOZHOU GECE "THE JADE NEEDLE" AND FEMALE THOUGHTS2024-11-08T09:00:36+07:00XIUHONG LIxiuhong_li@126.comCHATUWIT<p>Chaozhou Gece, mainly in the spoken Teochew dialect in China, constitute a unique form of folk performing arts, largely disseminated and received by women, thus denoting a distinct form of female literary artistry. Among these Gece, numerous are adapted from ancient literary works (hereinafter referred to as the "adaptated" Chaozhou Gece), the study of which can aid in deciphering the inherent female thoughts prevalent in these Gece. This paper conducts a textual analysis of "The Jade Needle", a Chaozhou Gece adapted from the Qing dynasty's legendary tale "Yu Jia Le". By delineating its adaptive trajectory, we delve into the female thoughts embodied during the adaptive process of Chaozhou Gece creation. Results suggest that the adapted Chaozhou Gece place a heavier emphasis on the portrayal of women navigating life adversity, their cognitive shifts, and their confrontational process, praising their courage and determination when faced with difficulties. However, the overall content of the adaped Chaozhou Gece does not break away from the patriarchal societal norms of male supremacy and the principles of "San Gang Wu Chang". Nevertheless, the essential themes of upholding virtue, denouncing vice, and the courage to love and hate, revered by the Gece, are pertinent in our contemporary societal context.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal STUDY OF THE COMPILATION OF "CHINESE LANGUAGE + AGRICULTURAL SKILLS" GENERATIVE TEXTBOOKS FOR THAI LEARNERS2024-10-16T10:49:18+07:00Jiaming Liu330336777@qq.comWARISA<p>China and Thailand have long maintained close cooperation in various fields such as agriculture and trade. Under the framework of the "Belt and Road Initiative," both nations have signed multiple cooperation agreements, promoting the development of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education. This initiative aims to cultivate technically skilled and multilingual talents, fostering cultural exchange and trade cooperation. However, the field still faces a shortage of specialized training materials for "Chinese + Vocational Skills."</p> <p>This study employs methods including literature review, qualitative and quantitative analysis, corpus-driven research, comparative analysis, and natural language generation to ensure the scientific rigor and practical utility of the educational materials. The findings include: establishing clear educational material guidelines to meet the Chinese language needs of Thai students and agricultural professionals in their academic and practical agricultural work; setting principles for material creation that emphasize practicality, scientific basis, specificity and so on; and constructing both macro and micro systems that center on agricultural professional roles and courses, aligned with actual agricultural skill requirements, ensuring the scientific and practical content of the materials.</p> <p>Compared to previous research, this study systematically innovates the compilation of "Chinese + Agricultural Skills" textbooks, filling a research gap. By optimizing vocabulary selection and dynamically generating personalized learning materials, the adaptability, interactivity, and update capability of the textbooks are enhanced. This study not only provides a set of practical "Chinese + Agricultural Skills" textbooks but also offers innovative strategies for "Chinese + Vocational Skills" textbook compilation, hoping to inspire more research on professional Chinese language educational materials, especially in the development of supporting resources.</p> <p>Despite significant achievements, the widespread application and effectiveness assessment of the textbooks have not yet been conducted due to resource and time constraints. Future research will focus on practical application evaluation and the development of supporting resources to fully enhance the instructional effectiveness and practical value of the textbooks, supporting the development of international Chinese language education and promoting the cultivation of professional talents in the global agricultural sector.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Analysis and Teaching Suggestions of Perceptual Adjectives Based on HSK Corpus2023-11-09T08:26:50+07:00JIANING LIUgraceljn@163.comSHICHUN<p>Perceptual adjectives play an important role in Chinese language teaching. In this paper, we take the writing errors of 12 monosyllabic perceptual adjectives "bright, dark, soft, hard, salty, light, loud, dumb, fragrant, smelly, cold, hot" as the object of study, and based on the HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus, we use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize and summarize the specific ways of expression and the types of errors. Using the linguistic theoretical frameworks of mediated language theory and bias analysis theory, the study analyzes and discusses the causes of bias and puts forward teaching suggestions and design solutions for teaching perceptual adjective vocabulary.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Study Analysis and Countermeasures of Misunderstandings in Animal Metaphor Comprehension among Thai Chinese Language Learners:A Case Study of A University in Nonthaburi Province2023-12-06T10:08:03+07:00Jiaping liuliujp0534@gmail.comTANES<div> <p>Animal-related terms are not only a vital component of the lexical system but also constitute a significant semantic field. While conveying their literal meanings, they also embody rich cultural information. Thus, animal terms serve as a golden key to unlocking the treasure troves of human cultural heritage and provide an important medium and pathway for exploring the relationship between human cognition and thought. The purpose of this study is to investigate the strategies used by Thai learners of Chinese in understanding animal metaphors, enhance their learning efficiency, and contribute to the cognitive research on Chinese and Thai vocabulary. Based on theories such as cognitive linguistics, cultural semantics, and conceptual metaphor, this research conducts a comparative analysis of the symbolic meanings of animal terms in Chinese and Thai. Building on this analysis, a questionnaire is developed to survey and examine the understanding and common errors of Thai students regarding Chinese animal metaphors during their language-learning process. The findings reveal that Thai learners employ strategies such as utilizing native cultural knowledge, contextual information, psychological associations, and visual intuitive information to comprehend Chinese animal metaphors. In light of these findings, educators should emphasize the integration of native language knowledge, target language knowledge, contextual clues, and associative thinking to cultivate Thai learners' comprehension abilities in Chinese.</p> </div>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal OF THE EFFECT OF FESTIVAL “CULTURE LANGUAGE COMMUNITY” IN INTERNATIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGETEACHING2023-12-01T11:21:37+07:00XIA LUO hqcsdx168@gmail.comRENMIN XIE65163176@qq.comTHANTAKRON SANGKAPIPATTANAKULk_yangguangbao@hotmail.comKHEMARAT<p>This article establishing the“5C”Model of “culture-linguistic Community”, referred to as“5C”MCLC (“5C”Model of Culture-linguistic Community), is the“5C”teaching method of Festival culture of Chinese international education based on“culture-linguistic Community ”. The language route of this model is “corpus -- language scaffold -- language interaction -- language group communication -- language communication in and out of class”, and the cultural route is “cultural information -- cultural identity -- cultural development -- cultural innovation -- cultural communication”. In this way, “5C”model forms a dual-track learning model of festival culture, in which "language" and "culture" are improved together, namely, the construction of a complete“language-culture community”.After constructing the "5C" model, the article concludes with specific empirical studies such as questionnaire surveys, classroom observations, and student interviews in Chapter 6 to verify the classroom teaching effectiveness of the "5C" MCLC model of the "culture language community", and to improve this model to truly improve the level of cultural and language teaching in Chinese as a foreign language.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Business Chinese Target Situation Analysis2024-11-13T08:54:41+07:00nattanon teerapanyawattnattanon.nnt@gmail.comTHIDARAT<div> <p class="Default"><a name="OLE_LINK6"></a><a name="OLE_LINK7"></a><span lang="EN-US">This study conducted a target situation analysis on five positions for Chinese-speaking talents in Thailand: Chinese interpreters, salespersons, purchasers, human resource managers, and assistants to managers. By interviewing 15 working graduates of business Chinese or Chinese majors, we identified their target situations for using Chinese. It was found that the five positions share common responsibilities, including conference interpreting, on-site interpreting, and document translation. The most frequent physical spaces for using Chinese are 1) offices, 2) conference rooms, and 3) restaurants. Analysis of Chinese usage time revealed that tasks such as conference interpreting and document translation require longer periods of using Chinese, whereas on-site interpreting or product sales typically involve shorter durations, except for real estate sales where Chinese is used for a relatively longer time. The primary targets of Chinese usage are, firstly, Chinese department managers and colleagues, followed by senior leaders of Chinese enterprises and Chinese customers. In terms of instrumental aspects, statistics show little variation in Chinese media, modes, and channels among the five positions, except for "Sales 2," which involves retailing and thus limits Chinese usage to offline face-to-face communication. Analysis of the target situations highlighted the importance of translation skills in the workplace, suggesting that Thai Chinese language educators should prioritize cultivating students' responsive abilities.</span></p> </div>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Comparative Study of Chinese-Thai Teochew Vocabulary in Narathiwat, Thailand2024-10-16T09:47:37+07:00NUTTANUN<p>Thai and Teochew languages had the long history in between. This up to date there are plenty of Thai vocabularies have been transliteration from Teochew languages due to the influences in culture and long stayed migrants. Narathiwat is the one province in Thailand where Chinese migrants have been migrated to. In the early day, Teochew language was one of the most important languages to communicate for dealing, living and so on. But later, in the modern years Teochew language have been gradually disappear day by day. In recently, its difficult to discover people who use the Teochew language to communicate due to number of people who origin from Chaozhou province have been decreasing within time. While the numbers of Chaozhou-Thai descents have been increasing gradually, but rarely to find this generation who actually speaks Teochew in present day. This article believes that if no one keeps this saying, it will definitely disappear slowly in the future, and even if you want to find it, you can't find it. This article examines the similarities and differences between the Teochew dialect spoken in China and the Teochew dialect of Narathiwat, Thailand. The analysis focuses on vocabulary, pronunciation, word forms, meanings, and everyday usage to draw meaningful conclusions about the evolution of the language. The analysis focuses on vocabulary, pronunciation, word forms, meanings, and everyday usage to draw meaningful conclusions about the evolution of the language.<br /><br /></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal comparative study on Chinese and Thai idioms containing the word "wind"2024-10-13T16:21:45+07:00Onsuda<p>Idioms are one of the expressions of language that represent culture in various countries and regions. Moreover, it’s reflect human history , culture ,thoughts and emotions. China and Thailand are different in terms of geography, environment, education , custom and cultural heritage. The expressions of idioms also reflect country’s culture and customs. This study aim to explore the similarities and differences of idiom between two countries that will be beneficial for both countries in term of cultural exchanges. This study mainly conducts a comparative study in term of language expression, and cultural differences of Chinese and Thai idioms that containing the word “风” (Feng) which mean“wind”.The study believe that the geographical landforms, production methods, lifestyles, religious beliefs and thinking ideas provide valuable reference in the idiom containing the word “Wind”.The range of the selected Chinese idioms is in Chinese Idiom Dictionary, and the range of the selected Thai idioms is in Thai Idioms , align with using of literature research method, observation method, quantitative analysis method and qualitative analysis to explore the Chinese and Thai idioms that influenced by the word “Wind” To conclude, the results of this study found that many Chinese and Thai idioms containing the word "wind" have similar meanings but different origins. The reasons are leading by the differences in language expression habits, natural environment, way of life, commonly used tools, religious beliefs, and customs between two countries. The study is expected to provide corpus help for more Chinese learners and Chinese-Thai idiom teaching. </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Contrastive Analysis Study of Chinese and Thai in Compliment Responses2024-10-02T10:21:49+07:00PAKUL<p>This paper provides a contrastive analysis of the responses to complimentary responses used in Chinese and Thai languages. The questionnaire is formulated based on the four types of compliments, including compliments made on "appearance", "ability", "possession", and "character".</p> <p>Specific to this research, there are two research questions. Firstly, whether there are similarities and differences in the use of expressive functions of the test subjects in response to compliments made in Chinese and Thai culture. Secondly, the research aims to examine whether Thai learners encounter any pragmatic errors caused by cultural differences in their usage of complimentary praises in the Chinese language. The respondents include 27 native Chinese speakers and 40 Thai college students. Chinese native speakers and Thai students have similarities in the use of complimentary responses, namely, they appear to use the "appreciation token" to express more politeness in accepting compliments made by others. However, in comparison to Thai learners, it is evident that Chinese natives use “combination” techniques and place emphasis on factors such as social hierarchy in choosing their respective responses to the compliments made. Additionally, when Thai learners use Chinese complementary responses, most of them naturally use Thai compliment response strategies, which reflects that they are consciously affected by their cultures or mother-tongue languages. Their responses are made based on how they would respond in their Thai native languages. Chinese proficiency, understanding of culture, and context are significant factors that play an equally important role in choosing appropriate responses to receive compliments. </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Justifications for the Naming of the Chinese Word Guā2024-10-25T08:21:16+07:00Sirikhun<p>The term 理据 (lǐjù), translating to ‘reason’ or ‘basis’, is pivotal in comprehending the ‘naming rationale of words’, which denotes the underlying principles guiding the assignment of specific names to words. This study delves into the naming rationale of <em>瓜</em> (guā) ‘melon/squash’, a prominent botanical category, aiming to enrich lexicological research and offer significant educational insights for teaching and learning melon-related vocabulary. The research compiles and analyzes 71 pertinent terms sourced from authoritative references, such as <em>the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary</em> <em>(7<sup>th</sup> Edition)</em> and <em>the Hanyu Da Cidian</em>. These terms are systematically organized and scrutinized under two main categories, further subdivided into seven distinct subcategories based on their naming conventions. The findings illuminate the intriguing phenomena of ‘same entity, different names’ and ‘same name, different entities’ prevalent within melon-related terminology. This exploration deepens understanding of the intricacies and nuances inherent in language and naming conventions. The study also extends its reach by providing pedagogical recommendations for educators. These suggestions are tailored to enhance the teaching of melon-related vocabulary, ultimately aiming to improve vocabulary acquisition among learners. In conclusion, this research not only enriches the academic field of linguistics but also offers practical guidance for educators, rendering it a valuable resource for both theoretical understanding and practical application in language education.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Review of Research on Digital Literacy of International Chinese Teachers2024-10-04T08:10:17+07:00HONGBIN SONG1092182362@qq.comRENMIN XIE<p>With the advancement of globalization, the demand for international Chinese education continues to grow, and how to enhance the digital literacy of international Chinese teachers has become an important issue in educational research. This article summarizes and generalizes research on the digital literacy of international Chinese language teachers both domestically and internationally, and outlines the main achievements and characteristics of related studies. The article points out that although research has provided valuable theoretical basis and practical guidance for improving the digital literacy of international Chinese teachers, there are still problems such as incomplete system and insufficient empirical research in the research. Future research should focus on the combination of localization and internationalization of digital literacy, strengthen practical research, and provide more comprehensive support for the training of international Chinese teachers.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal on Problems and Countermeasures in the Teaching of Chinese Language Education Programs in Thai Universities2024-10-29T09:59:49+07:00WEIHAO SUN616577045s@gmail.comXUMING<p>The global enthusiasm for learning Chinese is closely linked to China's economic development, and this has led to a rapid rise in Chinese education in Thailand. The Thai Ministry of Education has designated Chinese as the primary foreign language and has fully integrated Chinese courses into various educational stages, allowing Chinese education to develop in parallel with English education. Against this backdrop, Thai universities are continually advancing the development of Chinese education programs. However, numerous issues have emerged in practice. This paper employs macro-system analysis, literature research, and comparative research methods to clearly understand the characteristics of Chinese education programs in Thai universities and to deeply analyze the problems in the teaching of these programs. It has been found that the current issues include unscientific curriculum design, a lack of innovation in teaching methods, and a weak faculty in Chinese language education. Based on these findings, the paper proposes practical optimization strategies in three areas: curriculum design, teaching methods, and faculty team building, with the aim of improving the teaching quality and standards of Chinese education programs in Thai universities. This, in turn, will help cultivate more Thai talents proficient in Chinese, serve the development of Thai society, and promote Sino-Thai exchanges.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Study on the Correspondence between the Structure 'Head of the Predicate + Jaːŋ21 + Verb Modifier' in Thai and the Structure 'Head of the Predicate + 得 + Modal Complement' in Chinese2024-10-02T15:14:20+07:00SUPIDCHAYA AMKIDsupidchaya0211@gmail.comNUTTHA<p> The structure "head of the predicate + 得 + modal complement" in Chinese has several equivalent forms in Thai. One of these is the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier." This Thai structure has not been extensively mentioned in previous related works. After surveying nine Chinese literary works and their translations, it was found that the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier" is commonly used. However, the researcher believes that the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier" is not a mandatory linguistic form in Thai. In other words, the standard structure "head of the predicate + verb modifier," along with variations including "daj<sup>41</sup>or tɕon<sup>33</sup>," etc., can effectively replace the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier." The researcher posits that translators may choose the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier" due to factors related to deeper meanings and linguistic nuances. The fact that the structure "head of the predicate + jaːŋ<sup>21</sup> + verb modifier" is deemed equivalent to the structure “adverbs + 地 + head of the predicate" and the structure "head of the predicate + 得 + modal complement" in Chinese necessitates consideration of related issues, such as translation and teaching.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Literature Review on the Chinese Cultural Communication Ability and Cultivation of International Chinese Teachers in ASEAN2024-10-04T09:56:47+07:00XINGRUI WANG330769487@qq.comXUMING<p>On August 26, 2022, after being approved by the Group Standards Committee of the<br />World Chinese Language Teaching Association, the Professional Competence Standards for<br />International Chinese Teachers were released by the World Chinese Language Teaching<br />Association. Once released, the Standards have guiding significance for the professional<br />competence of international Chinese teachers. However, based on the Standards, there are<br />currently few concrete studies on the competence of international Chinese teachers facing<br />ASEAN. Therefore, this article focuses on using the literature analysis method to review the<br />relevant research on the construction of the ability of international Chinese teachers. It traces<br />back the research on the cultural communication and ability of international Chinese teachers<br />from four aspects: the development of professional standards and norms, the research on the<br />cultural communication of international Chinese education teaching, the research on the<br />cultural communication oriented towards ASEAN, and the research on the cultural<br />communication ability of teachers. By reviewing and reviewing relevant literature research, it<br />can be found that there is relatively little research on the overall cultural dissemination ability<br />of international Chinese teachers in specific regions such as ASEAN. There is a lack of<br />specific practical guidance and case analysis on how to enhance the cultural dissemination<br />ability of international Chinese teachers, especially when facing specific regions such as<br />ASEAN. In response to the current lack of relevant research, this article attempts to provide<br />some reference research ideas for further enhancing the capacity building of international<br />Chinese teachers towards ASEAN.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal of Novice International Chinese Language Teachers : A Narrative Research Based on Ms.Y in a Chinese University2024-10-03T12:01:48+07:00YITIAN WANG2501086189@qq.comZHENPING<p>The identity recognition of teachers plays a central role in the professional development<br />of teachers. The narrative research method based on narrative texts helps to explore the<br />changes and growth of international Chinese novice teachers in their identity recognition.<br />This study uses interviews and classroom observations to adopt a qualitative narrative<br />research method to showcase the educational, internship, and teaching experiences of a<br />novice international Chinese teacher. Using the theory of human developmental ecology, the<br />study divides the individual development influence system into five dimensions of<br />micro-system, meso-system, macro-system, trans-system, and diachronic system, and<br />explores the factors that influence the construction of international Chinese teachers' identity<br />recognition. Finally, the study proposes strategies to alleviate the identity recognition<br />problems of novice international Chinese teachers.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Complementary Role of Buddhism and Taoism Thought to Confucian Indoctrination in "Xuan Guai Lu"2024-10-22T14:40:40+07:00wei zitongwei.zi@ku.thKANOKPORN<p>Studying the Buddhist and Taoist thought in the book "Xuan Guai Lu" not only helps us<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to understand the Tang Dynasty literature and history but also enables us to explore the changes<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>socially and morally and the religious factors behind them. This paper aims to study the embodiment and integration of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in "Xuan Guai Lu", and<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>how they cooperate in moral education. This paper summarizes and outlines previous studies<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>through a literature review, counts the specific forms of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>in the existing 57 articles of 5 volumes of "Xuan Guai Lu", and analyzes some chapters in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>detail through text analysis. This paper believes that "Xuan Guai Lu" embodies rich Confucian,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Buddhist, and Taoist thoughts, and the three are integrated. It judges good and evil with the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Confucian criteria of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>gentleness, kindness, respectfulness, thriftiness, complaisance, loyalty, filial piety, integrity,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>shame, courage ". It guides people to be good with supernatural means and the transcendental<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>realm of Taoist immortals and alerts people with the Buddhist concepts of reincarnation and<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>hellish suffering. It also criticizes the privileges of the ruling class. In the late Tang Dynasty,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>when Confucianism was declining, the intervention of immortals and ghosts ensured the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>mystery and dignity of moral education, providing great assistance to the implementation of<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Confucian moral education.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal study of Chinese language learning behavior through social media by students in the Chinese language education program at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University2024-10-21T14:14:32+07:00Wipawee<p> This research aims to study the Chinese language learning behavior through social media of students in the Chinese language education program at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. The researcher divided the research process into two parts: 1) Quantitative data was collected using a multiple-choice questionnaire from 80 Chinese language students. The questionnaire included questions about general information, Chinese language learning behavior through social media, and the benefits of learning Chinese through social media. The data was then gathered for analysis and used to select key informants. 2) Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with 16 key informants, focusing on methods of learning Chinese through social media, the benefits of learning through social media, and the application of Chinese language knowledge in both classrooms learning and daily life. The interview data was then analyzed descriptively.</p> <p> The research found that 93.75% of students had learned Chinese through social media, with TikTok being the most popular platform at 31.25%. TikTok, a social media platform for short videos, aligns with the most preferred learning method, which is video clips, favored by 57.50% of the students. The benefits of learning Chinese through social media include the ability to choose both the content and the learning style according to individual preferences. The content on social media tends to be concise, focusing on specific topics, which helps to condense knowledge and avoid overwhelming the learner. The content most sought after by learners is general knowledge about China, at 31.25%. Additionally, 47.05% of students who passed the HSK levels 2, 3, and 4 had previously learned Chinese through social media. The research results can be used by instructors to design Chinese language teaching methods, such as creating short instructional clips related to weekly lesson content, allowing students to review after class. This approach enables students to review the material repeatedly, anytime and anywhere, reducing the pressure of classroom learning and offering a way to extend their learning outside of class, while also providing a guide for designing their own learning strategies.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal of Chinese women in the feudal system in the translated novel "The hundred celebrated Chinese women"2024-10-10T09:33:57+07:00WU XIAOYI522504672@qq.comSUPAWADI YADI HANG<p>This independent research aims to study the representations of Chinese women in the feudal system in the translated novel "The hundred celebrated Chinese women". It was found that there are altogether 3 representations, namely 1) The ideal Chinese women representation, with 56 characters in total, characterized as good daughters, good wives, good mothers, with high moral integrity, loyal to their husbands, dressed neatly and properly, with appropriate manners, proficient in handicrafts or arts. Even in the status of deities, they will have the same characteristics, which conform to the characteristics of the "Three Obediences and Four Virtues" within the ideological framework of Confucianism that is related to Chinese women, educating Chinese women to be women with complete qualities both inside and outside. 2) The representation of bargaining with the ideal Chinese women, with 19 characters in total, characterized as women with behaviors beyond the female ethics of Confucianism, that is, disguising as men, being patriotic and courageous heroic women, following the army to fight, having abilities that society does not expect women to have, seeking knowledge from educational institutions, and loving freedom, which is a group of women whose behaviors do not conform to all the characteristics of the ideal Chinese women, and they are also influenced by or still within the ideological framework of Confucianism. 3) The non-ideal Chinese women representation, with 25 characters in total, characterized as women who are the destroyers of the nation by seducing the powerful to be infatuated, immoral women, autocratic women, thinking of stealing things, having an ambitious mind, fond of imitation, being lewd women, and being women who have fallen into prostitution. This group of women has characteristics that are opposite to the characteristics of good women, which is the ideal Chinese women representation.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal WAY OF CULTURAL BRAND BUILDING OF YUNNAN ETHNIC MINORITIES - A CASE STUDY OF THE " MOH-NIN-HEI CARNIVAL" OF THE WA NATIONALITY IN CANGYUAN WA AUTONOMOUS COUNTY2024-10-10T09:32:33+07:00Shanshan Xiaoxiaoshanshan310@gmail.comKANOKPORN<p>The "Moh-Nin-Hei Carnival" organized by the Wa Autonomous County in Cangyuan,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Lincang City, Yunnan Province, is regarded as a successful example of grassroots<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>government's efforts in the ethnic festival industry. The purpose of this paper is to study the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>content and impact of the " Moh-Nin-Hei Carnival" so as to explore how local governments<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>can build ethnic minority cultural brands. In the course of this research, the author utilized the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>observation method and the literature research method. The research found that: 1. The annual<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>program of " Moh-Nin-Hei Carnival" is rich and diverse in content, and the festival organizers<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>will make adjustments and changes to the content of the activities according to the trend of the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>times and the preferences of the public; in terms of the form of the program, it fully embodies<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>the intermingling of ethnicity and fashion, and commercialized items are interspersed in the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>display of traditional Wa culture, which transforms the ancient festival into a festival industry<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>that can bring huge economic benefits. 2. The success of the " Moh-Nin-Hei Carnival" has had<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>a positive impact on local tourism, economy and society. 3. The local government has helped<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to promote minority cultures to the world stage in the following aspects: (1) Utilizing the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>cultural characteristics of minority cultures to enhance the attractiveness of tourism; (2) Rich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>and diversified contents of the festival, combining the inheritance of traditional culture with<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>innovation to create a unique and energetic sense of cultural experience; (3) Effective use of<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>multi-channel publicity for the festival; (4) High degree of cooperation between the local<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>government departments and the local residents to help promote the local culture. Jointly<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>helping to promote local culture to the whole country and the world; (5) Creating a unique,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>distinctive, cultural symbol that belongs only to the nation. This paper selects the festival<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>activities of Wa ethnic group in Yunnan, and suggests that researchers can explore the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>strategies of ethnic minority cultural branding from other angles, such as: establishing ethnic<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>cultural communities, using new media technology to establish a cultural branding network<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>platform, etc., and also compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the strategies<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of China's ethnic minorities and those of other countries in the inheritance and building of<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ethnic cultural branding.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal on the construction of international Chinese curriculum teaching mode under the "expression-driven" teaching theory2024-10-13T16:11:18+07:00Wenjuan<p>Skill teaching and knowledge teaching are interdependent and there are contradictions and conflicts. Based on the self-determined motivation theory, the expression-driven teaching theory based on the whole language teaching philosophy and embodied cognition theory establishes a scientific connection between learners and language. Based on the theory of "expression-driven", we built a new teaching model of "expression-driven - input - immersive experience - interactive negotiation - performance adjustment - output - expression evaluation", and carried out practical application and effectiveness test based on intermediate reading class.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Study of Language Rhetoric of Yi Epic Mei-ge2024-04-01T13:44:31+07:00NENG<p>"Mei-ge" is an oral literary work of the Yi ethnic group that has been passed down in the Chuxiong prefecture of Yunnan province. It is one of the four great creation epics of the Yi people. The epic is divided into four parts: creation, creation of things, marriage and love songs, and funeral rites. It narrates events such as the Yi people creating the heavens and earth, building houses, raising livestock, cultivating crops, forming marital bonds, passing on descendants, and conducting memorial ceremonies for elders who have passed away. It reveals the transition of human society from a primitive state to an advanced society, and the transformation from backwardness to civilization. This study selects "Mei-ge" as the research subject, applying rhetorical knowledge to analyze sentences or paragraphs in the text, identifying relevant rhetorical devices, and analyzing how these rhetorical devices contribute to understanding the text. Through the research, it is found that "Mei-ge" text extensively uses metaphor, exaggeration, repetition, questioning, and other rhetorical devices. The use of figurative rhetorical techniques not only enhances the readability of the text and strengthens the emotional impact of the work, immersing readers in a vivid narrative scene but also deepens the understanding of Yi culture. From the perspective of rhetoric, analyzing the text provides a new perspective for interpreting "Mei-ge," broadening the research dimensions and facilitating the inheritance and promotion of minority literary works.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal on the Digital Communication of Maritime Silk Road Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Public Archeology2024-04-19T15:40:01+07:00zhang wenting41780211@qq.comBunchoo Bunlikhitsirib.bunchoo@yahoo.comPoradee<p>This article focuses on the digital protection and dissemination of the cultural heritage of<br />the Maritime Silk Road, and explores the role of digital technology in cultural heritage<br />protection and the connotation and characteristics of the cultural heritage of the Maritime Silk<br />Road. Through a literature review, the research progress in this field at home and abroad is<br />analyzed, including digital recording and protection, display and educational applications,<br />international cooperation, and communication effect evaluation. The research examines in<br />detail the current status, problems and challenges of digitalization of cultural heritage along<br />the Maritime Silk Road. Based on the perspective of public archaeology, it designs a digital<br />communication strategy, evaluates its successes and room for improvement through case<br />analysis, and then proposes and implements innovations. digital communication model.<br />Research results show that digital communication has significantly improved awareness and<br />public participation of cultural heritage, strengthened protection and education functions, and<br />promoted international cultural exchanges. Finally, the paper summarizes existing problems<br />and looks forward to future research directions.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Exploration of Constructing a Teaching Resource Library for Chinese Idioms in the Context of Smart Education2024-11-08T11:38:04+07:00TIANYANG ZHOU69304665@qq.comWARISA<p>As an essential part of the Chinese language system, Chinese idioms pose a significant challenge in teaching Chinese as a foreign language due to their complex semantics, fixed expressions, and rich cultural connotations. This study, by summarizing and analyzing previous research, preliminary explores the principles, methods, and framework design for constructing a smart teaching resource library for Chinese idioms. The goal is to provide flexible and efficient support for teachers in lesson preparation and instruction, as well as for students in self-directed learning, thereby creating favorable conditions for Chinese learners to deeply understand the usage rules and cultural background of idioms, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of idiom teaching. Furthermore, this study offers valuable insights into the integration of smart education with Chinese language teaching, providing a useful reference for future development and application of smart education in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal corpus study on the distribution of the denotational items of the trait class word "lǎo"2023-10-12T08:02:24+07:00MENGQI BO1198728376@qq.comHONGJUAN AI<p>Trait class words are one of the important words to describe the characteristics or states of people and things. As a high frequency trait class word, "lǎo" has many meanings in different contexts. Since the compilation of dictionaries needs to occupy a large amount of corpus as the premise, and the Modern Chinese Dictionary has limited grasp of corpus, there are problems in the division of meanings. This paper uses corpus technology to re-describe and classify the meanings of "lǎo" in modern Chinese in the form of case study, and analyzes the causes and derivations of the meanings of "lǎo" from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Theoretical Evolution from Language Acquisition to Cultural Acquisition2023-10-20T09:09:15+07:00LIQUN DENGliqundeng2@gmail.comRENMIN<p>Foreign language teaching, especially second language teaching, flourished in the 20th century. Its methods and theories have evolved from general foreign language teaching to language acquisition, and then to cultural acquisition. Early teaching methods focused on the teaching of language components and structure, such as grammatical translation method, direct method and audio-visual method. From the middle and late 20th century, second language teaching gradually focused on non-linguistic factors, such as learner's emotion and motivation, learning situation, communicative behavior and many other cultural factors, such as Situational Language Teaching, Communicative Language Teaching, Community Language Learning and Suggestopedia. Explore how to create a natural environment like first language acquisition and unconscious atmosphere to enhance the effect of language acquisition. In recent decades, with the increasing cross-cultural communication worldwide, more attention has been paid to the role of cultural factors in language acquisition. For example, Krashen's Natural Approach, Schumann's Acculturation theory and the Sociocultural theory derived from Vygotsky have led language acquisition to a deeper and broader cultural field, and cultural acquisition has become a key force to promote language acquisition.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Role of Prosecutor’s Organization in Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation——A Comparative Study of Thailand and Chinese Legal Systems2024-10-22T13:02:34+07:00sunita<p>The results of the study indicate that, under the "Act on Establishment of Administrative Courts and Administrative Court Procedures (B.E. 2542)" and the "President of the Supreme Administrative Court's Recommendations on Environmental Administrative Litigation" dated June 29, 2011, the status of the Public Prosecutor’s Organization in initiating administrative case remains undefined. In addition, the "Prosecutor and Prosecutor Organization Act (B.E. 2553)" stipulates that the prosecution has the responsibility to help high-ranking government officials or officers who are accused. The organization does not have the authority to sue government agencies to compel them to comply with the law on their own accord. As a result, the public is required to file administrative cases on their own, which may hinder its ability to enforce the law efficiently and effectively. This situation does not align with the prosecutor's mission and duty to protect the rights and freedoms of the people. In comparison, the legal framework in China provides a distinctive model for protecting public interests through the administrative public interest litigation system led by the Public Prosecutor’s Organization. This system embodies unique features of oversight and good governance. The law grants prosecutors the authority to scrutinize the activities of government agencies to ensure they are conducted accurately, appropriately, and in accordance with the law. If an administrative agency fails to fulfill its duties upon receiving a prosecutorial recommendation, the People's Procuratorate is empowered to initiate legal action in the People's Court.</p> <p>Therefore, to strengthen the role of the Thailand Public Prosecutor’s Organization in upholding social justice, promoting legal fairness, and protecting the rights of citizens, the author sees that clear legal provisions should be established to define the prosecutorial standing in litigation. And improve the mechanisms and powers of the Public Prosecutor's Organization in representing citizens in litigation.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal ON THE DEVELOPMENT STATUS AND REFORM STRATEGIES OF CHINESE SCHOOLS UNDER THE CHINESE SCHOOL OF WESTERN THAILAND NETWORKING2023-11-06T09:57:11+07:00TIANTIAN TIAN191378391@qq.comYINSHENG<p>As the enthusiasm for Chinese language in Thailand continues to heat up, the Chinese language education in Chinese schools under The Chinese School of Western Thailand Networking has also achieved some results. There are corresponding problems in the development process of the Chinese schools under the jurisdiction of The Chinese School of Western Thailand Networking, such as the school policy, curriculum, the situation of teachers and students at the school. This thesis conducts in-depth investigation and analysis on the status quo of Chinese schools under the jurisdiction of The Chinese School of Western Thailand Networking, and thus put forward corresponding reform strategies in a targeted manner with the goal of aiding the development of education and teaching of Chinese language in Thailand.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Application of Drama in Education in TCFL2024-04-22T12:07:24+07:00SHOUMENG<p> Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that integrates theories from multiple disciplines. Drama in education is a process-oriented, experiential approach to theatrical education. Positioned as a method of the "post-method era," its uniqueness lies in the necessity and value of integrating educational drama into CFL teaching. A series of domestic application research cases provide references and insights for further exploring the application of drama in education in TCFL.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal, Challenges, and Strategies of Thai Students Studying in Yunnan Under the Context of Higher Education Internationalization2023-10-10T11:59:22+07:00PENG XU405848760@qq.comYINSHENG LI<p>With the rapid development of Sino-Thai relations, Thai students have become an important component of Yunnan province's international higher education landscape, and the scale of Thai students studying in Yunnan is continuously expanding. This research explores the current status, trends, bottlenecks, and issues faced by Thai students studying in Yunnan and proposes corresponding strategic recommendations. By tracing the historical process of Thai students studying in Yunnan, the study reviews China's and Yunnan's policies and implementation of promoting Thai students' education in China, as well as the scale of Thai students studying in Yunnan and the availability of scholarships.</p> <p>However, challenges related to language communication, cultural integration, and social barriers faced by Thai students cannot be ignored. To address these issues, the paper proposes a series of practical and feasible strategic recommendations. Strengthening education policy communication, international educational exchange and cooperation, increasing scholarship support, enhancing the international education level and capabilities of teachers and administrators, and conducting campus cultural exchange activities are expected to further enhance the quality and management level of international higher education in Yunnan. This will be conducive to establishing a specialized international talent cultivation and service innovation center with a regional focus on South and Southeast Asia, making greater contributions to the realization of Thailand's "Thailand 4.0" strategy and the "Belt and Road" initiative.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal Study on the Sense Distribution of "Wind" in Modern Chinese Based on the Theory of Qualia Structure2023-10-18T12:31:36+07:00YI YI ZHANG549206744@qq.comSHICHUN LI546224432@qq.comHONGJUAN<p>This article uses corpus technology to exhaustively analyze 10,000 pieces of character "wind" corpus with a total of over 970,000 words, and redescribes the distribution of the meanings of "wind" in modern Chinese. At the same time, the theory of material structure is used to explain the reasons for the emergence of each meaning of "wind".</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Chinese Language and Culture Journal