Innovation and educational technology usage for school administrations under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1
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The objectives of this research were (1) to explore the innovation and educational technology usage for school administrations under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, and (2) to compare the innovation and educational technology usage for school administrations under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 classified by district and school size. This study employed a quantitative research methodology and used the innovation and educational technology usage concepts as a conceptual framework. The scope of research was the schools under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The sample group consisted of 297 school administrators and teachers under the Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, academic year 2022. Krejcie and Morgan's sample size selection and stratified sampling by district and school size were used. After that, simple random sampling was done. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test, one-way analysis of variance, and pairwise comparison.
The major findings were as follows:
- Innovation and educational technology usage for school administrations under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 aspect was at the high level.
- Comparison of the innovation and educational technology usage for school administrations under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 classified by district and school size aspect, it was significantly different at the 0.05 level.
The knowledge gained from this research was beneficial for school administrators and educational agencies in terms of planning and developing more effective educational innovations and technology usage.
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