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PhramahaApichat Jhanasubho (Chaiha)
Rawing Ruangsanka
Intha Siriwan


The objective of this research paper was to propose the training model for Buddhist newly ordained monks in Thailand. Mixed methods research was designed consisting 3 steps which were 1) study the current condition and problems of training Buddhist newly ordained monks by using documentary study and interview with 5 key informants. 2) Developed the model by using focus group discussion of 9 experts. 3) Proposed the model using the model evaluation model with 397 samples. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean and standard deviation. Research results found that training model for Buddhist newly ordained monks in Thailand consisted of 3 parts: part 1, the introduction part consists of principles, objectives and context of the temple for training Buddhist newly ordained monks. Part 2 guideline for training management of Buddhist newly ordained monks which were 1) Five aspects of training composition, namely (1) personnel aspects: the master teacher / lecturer, mentor and trainee, (2) resources aspect: place and time, (3) courses and activities, (4) budget, (5) management and management of training programs. 2) Stages of training activities which were preparation, implementation and evaluation. Part 3, the conditions for the implementation of the model. In summary, the research knowledge is POE-PRCBM.

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How to Cite
Jhanasubho (Chaiha), P., Ruangsanka, R., & Siriwan, I. (2021). THE TRAINING MODEL FOR BUDDHIST NEWLY ORDAINED MONKS IN THAILAND. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(1), 26–39. Retrieved from
Research Article


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