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Phrakrukosolpariyattayanukij (Tharueti Virocano)
Suddhipong Srivichai
Somsak Boonpoo


The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the principles of human relations for primary school administrators, 2) to integrate human relations principles with Buddhism for primary school administrators, and 3) to propose ways to integrate the principles of human relations with the principles of Buddhism for primary school administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Mixed methods research was designed and there were 3 steps of research consisted of step 1 was to study the principles of human relations for primary school administrators by using questionnaires of 390 administrators and teachers. Step 2 was to integrate the principles of human relations with the principles of Buddhism for primary school administrators by interviewing 24 key informants, and step 3 was to propose ways to integrate the principles of human relations with the principles of Buddhism for primary school administrators by discussing the group of 9 experts. Research conclusion showed that 1) the principle of human relations for primary school administrators in 3 aspects consisted of personal characteristics, understanding others, and working with others. The overall and each aspect were at a high level. 2) The integration of human relations with Buddhist principles for primary school administrators consisting of the principles of human relations for school administrators and the Buddhist principles used in school administration were the Buddhist principles that were integrated with the 7 principles of human relations, namely Kalyan Mittata, Yonisomanasikara, Gracing virtues 2, Good conduct 3, virtues for lay people 4, Sangahavatthu 4, and the Sappurist Dharma 7. 3) Guidelines for integrating human relations and Buddhist principles for primary school administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (3 Flowers Model) must have 3 important focus points which consisted of (1) Human relations principles for school administrators that was the expression level of the school administrators to communicate and coordinated between school administrators, teachers, students, and the community, (2) Buddhist principles used in school administration was the Buddhist doctrine which was integrated with the 7 principles of human relations, and (3) the principles of school administration consisting of academic administration, budget management, personnel management, and general administration.

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How to Cite
(Tharueti Virocano), P., Srivichai, S., & Boonpoo, S. (2020). INTEGRATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS AND BUDDHADHAMMA FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATORS UNDER BANGKOK METROPOLITAN ADMINISTRATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(2), 14–27. Retrieved from
Research Article


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