Learning by the policy to reduce time to learn more time in the field of physical education under the management of education in Bang Pa-in primary school under the jurisdiction of the of Ayutthaya Primary Education Area Office 2

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ทรัพย์สถิต วงค์หล้า
สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่
พระครูกิตติญาณวิสิฐ กิตฺติญาโน
จิรเดช หาธะนี


This research aims to To study the state of learning management according to the policy of reducing the time to learn more time in the subject of physical education, according to the Buddhist Administration, Bang Pa-in primary school under the Jurisdiction of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Area 2 to analyze the state of learning management. According to the policy of reducing the time to learn more time in the subject of physical education under the Buddhist Administrative Education Bang Pa-in primary school. This is a great opportunity for students to take part in the education of their parents. Area 2 using quantitative and qualitative research. The instruments used in the study were questionnaires and interviews. The samples were 136 teachers. Standard deviation and content analysis. The research found that

The results of the study showed that:

  1. The state of learning management according to the policy of reducing the time to learn more time in the subject of physical education under the Buddhist Administrative Education, Bang Pa-in primary school under the Office of Primary Education Area Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Region 2 on both sides are appropriate. At the highest level

  2. The results of the analysis of learning management according to the policy of reducing learning time, increasing time for learning about physical education according to the principles of Buddhist administration, Bang Pa-in primary school under the Office of Ayutthaya Primary Education Area 2, teachers must have love in The teacher's profession was found to be prideful in the teaching of satisfaction and love in the profession and compassion towards the disciple. Teach the teacher to meet the knowledge and ability. The moral of the teacher is love and faith in the profession as a teacher, promote morale and reward. Pay attention to the instructional activities, taking into account the maximum benefit of the student.

  3. The guideline for learning management according to the policy of reducing the time to learn more time in the subject of physical education under the Buddhist Administrative Education, Bang Pa-in primary school under the Office of Primary Education Area Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Region 2, teachers have to be happy. Improve the content to suit the individual teacher's knowledge. Love and interest to learn more in content from all types of media and a good example and teach ethical content in the content. To instill a good student. Encourage teaching and learning. Pay attention to the welfare promotion activities to encourage teachers to pay more attention to the management of teaching and learning. Assess the work of students individually by carefully considering. Developing teaching and learning to improve teaching and learning.

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How to Cite
วงค์หล้า ท., บุญปู่ ส., กิตฺติญาโน พ., & หาธะนี จ. (2019). Learning by the policy to reduce time to learn more time in the field of physical education under the management of education in Bang Pa-in primary school under the jurisdiction of the of Ayutthaya Primary Education Area Office 2. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(1), 195–207. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/184283
Research Article


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