A Development of Administration Strategies toward Excellence of Graduate Program Educational Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

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ทองดี ศรีตระการ
สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่
อำนาจ บัวศิริ


This research has the objectives to study the recent situations and the satisfied things of the educational administration on the graduation, to develop and to present the strategy of an administration into the excellency in the educational administration on the graduation in Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya university. This was the qualitative research by studying the context of an education for drafting the strategy consisting of the document, the focus group and the surveying studies and the development and checking the strategy which were contemplated in the possible indicator and the in-depth interview and the public hearing from the stakeholders.

Findings were as follows:

             In the instruction, the formation of learning was the block course in many curriculums which were instructed by the permanent lecturers and specialists.  The subjects that were taught by the specialists may find the problems what were TQF ๓, the subjects’ description and TQF ๕ as the report of outcome in performing from each subject. For the thesis, the formation of it has no the same standard besides in each curriculum, the handbook of the formation in thesis doing was done by themselves although it would be depended upon the graduation school. In the learning supported things, the university gave the physical service suitably to manage the instruction and the students’ development and in the classrooms, there were the perfect and enough equipment.  The development and presentation of the strategy to administrate into the excellency of the educational administration in Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya university were provided into seven issues: ๑) in an administration, there were the objectives (๑) an administration in one stop service under the standard rules which consist of the two strategies and the three indicators, (๒) development the cooperative network in administrating the national and international education and doing the activities together consist of the two strategies and the three indicators and (๓) an administration under the principle of the good government which was accepted in of the national and international level consist of the seven strategies and the six indicators. ๒) For the graduators/students, there were objectives (๑) the graduators were the academic excellent person and administration consists of the five strategies and the four indicators.  (๒) the graduators were the leader in the mental development and the administration consists of the two strategies and the two indicators and ๓) the graduators were good and had knowledge, competency and the public mind and the administration consists of the three strategies and the three indicators. ๓) For the lecturers, there were the objectives (๑) the academic personnel were excellent in the taught sciences in the national and international level and the administration consists of the five strategies and the four indicators and (๒) the performing personnel had the specialist and the public mind and the administration consists of the three strategies and the four indicators. ๔) In the curriculum, there was the objective (๑) a curriculum development was the universal dimension for applying it in an educational administration in the national and international level “for an educational administration on Buddhism and application with the modern sciences the mental and social development”. ๕) In the instruction, there was the objective (๑) setting up the instruction system got effective to the educational quality and the development of the education on the graduation school was performed as the success along with the objectives. ๖) For the thesis, there were the objectives (๑) the research and innovation to solve the problems and to develop the social quality consist of the four strategies and the five indicators and (๓) the cooperative network in the national and international level continuously performed the activities and the administration consists of the four strategies and the three indicators and (๒) the innovation in the academic service was applied to develop the stable society and the administration consists of the two strategies and the three indicators.  

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How to Cite
ศรีตระการ ท., บุญปู่ ส., & บัวศิริ อ. (2019). A Development of Administration Strategies toward Excellence of Graduate Program Educational Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/178346
Research Article


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