Data Administration by Promoting the Use of Media for Training the Dhammaduta Missionary Monks

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พระมหาวีรวัฒน์ วีรวฑฺฒโน จอมเกาะ
สุทธิพงษ์ ศรีวิชัย
ยุทธวีร์ แก้วทองใหญ่


This research contains objectives : 1) to study the state of data administration
by promoting the use of media for training the dhammaduta missionary monks. 2) To
study the solution about data administration by promoting the use of the media for
training the dhammaduta missionary monks. The research is combination between
quantitative and qualitative research. The population used in this research are 96
dhammaduta missionary monks from nationwide, receiving dhammaduta overseas
missionary training in 2560 B.E. the tools used in this research were questionnaires,
average mean, percentage and opinions of dhammaduta missionary monks towards
data administration by promoting the use of media for training.
The research results showed that:
1. The dhammaduta missionary monks have opinions towards data
administration by promoting the use of media for the dhammaduta missionary monks
training. Whereas, the overall was high in all the aspects: in the aspects of content,
the content of the lecture is consistent with present situation, has point of view and
the dharma principles for living. In the aspects of format, the devices are used for
lectures, know the rhythm and flexibility in giving lectures. In the aspects of technical
methods, has used the psychology to convince and persuade the listeners to have
interest and pay attention and in the aspects of procedure, have frequently been
improved and developed, apply the assessment to use in operations or prepare
action plans for next time.
2. The result of the study for solving the problems, obstacles about the data
administration by promoting the use of media for training dhammaduta missionary
monks found out that the dhammaduta monks listen to lectures more doing
practical. The trainees has less time to practice speaking which makes them nervous
while speaking. Also, the process of performing missions of dhammaduta monks are
not able to perform as scheduled because majority of dhammduta monks are
ecclesiastical official monks, who already has many duties to practice. Therefore,
they are unable to fully perform the mission as dhammaduta monks.
The solution to this problem are dhammaduta monks should determine the
content which is easy to understand for the lectures and be able to use it practically,
should reduce lecture hours in order to have time to give trainees an opportunity to
try more. The media and information should not use too complicated formats but to
use formats which is easy to understand and to provide trainings for monks to have
knowledge about being a dhammaduta missionary monks and recruit sufficient
numbers of applicants to work in the area.

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How to Cite
จอมเกาะ พ. ว., ศรีวิชัย ส., & แก้วทองใหญ่ ย. (2018). Data Administration by Promoting the Use of Media for Training the Dhammaduta Missionary Monks. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 5(3), 107–118. Retrieved from
Research Article


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